Sales CRM Software for Art Galleries with Inventory and Contact Database, Accounts and Payments, Sales CRM, Websites and Marketing.

  • The complete sales solution for galleries

    Streamline your sales process, manage client relationships, and drive revenue growth. Get started →
  • Redefining fine art sales

    However you sell art, we help you streamline your sales processes and generate more opportunities. With powerful offer creation and presentation tools, advanced organisation features, sales app and in-depth analytics, you'll be able to optimise your sales strategy, build greater relationships with collectors and grow revenue.

  • UI of Sales Pipeline

    Create more opportunities and stay organised

    Reimagined for the art world, Sales Pipeline, our sales funnel solution provides a structured framework to guide your sales process from initial contact to closing the deal. It provides clear visibility over where deals have come from, like your website or at an art fair, which stage each deal is at and the actions you need to take.

  • Send emails that make an impact

    Compelling and beautiful offer emails are the ultimate conversation starter. Tailor emails to each of your client's needs, selecting specific artworks and details, customising prices and currency, and include high resolution images or attach documents. Offer emails can be sent as highly personalised experience or en masse to save time.
    UI of offer email creation
  • Curate beautiful presentations

    Curate beautiful presentations

    Trusted throughout the art world, Private View links offer a seamless and impactful way to share curated collections of artworks with specific collectors or groups. You have complete control over every aspect, allowing you to customise the layout, artwork details implement password restrictions and set expiry options. It's the perfect solution to effortlessly showcase and engage your clients with a tailored and secure presentation of artworks.
  • Presenting and selling has never been easier

    Whether at an art fair, with clients or presenting in the gallery, our app is the perfect solution to browse and share artworks in a beautifully designed way on your iPhone or iPad. Best of all it works offline so you're never away from your inventory.
    Presenting and selling has never been easier
  • Artlogic Pay, Deliver a better payment experience to collectors and close more sales

    Artlogic Pay

    Deliver a better payment experience to collectors and close more sales
    Receiving payment for an artwork can sometimes be just as difficult as securing the sale itself. Artlogic Pay helps you ensure buyer commitment and gives your collectors a better payment experience with fast, easy, and secure online payments accessed via generated invoice links.
  • Turn insights into actions

    Your sales performance supercharged
    Our tools help you view sales data by month, quarter and yearly for a greater understanding of how sales are performing over time and help you spot trends and set goals. View a breakdown of sales by artist, consultant, and country as well as helping you track conversion time and compare the numbers of artworks sold to the total revenue earned so you know how you are performing and where you can improve.
    Turn insights into actions, Your sales performance supercharged
  • Get in touch