All In One Art Gallery Management Software for Galleries.

  • Everything you need to run your gallery

    Simplify your workflows with powerful inventory, contact, accounting and payment tools.
  • Less admin, more time to focus on art

    Think traditional art database software but reimagined for how galleries operate today, helping enhance and streamline your daily work. Built with over 30 years of experience working with galleries, our world-leading inventory, CRM, operations, invoicing and payments solution helps everyone at a gallery, from Registrars to Gallery Directors, spend less time doing admin and more time focusing on what matters the most: art.

  • Features

    • Inventory Management

      Store unlimited images and information from location to purchase history and shipping.

    • Contact Management

      Store unlimited information about your clients, artists and suppliers.

    • Invoicing and Payments

      Create invoices with ease and take fast, easy, and secure online payments.

    • Workflow Management

      Spend less time navigating admin intricacies and remove data duplication.

    • Documents and Exports

      Easily create custom documents and store important files securely.

    • User Management

      Stay in complete control and maintain a secure environment at all times.

  • Inventory UI

    Powerful artwork management

    Inventory Management

    A detailed, well maintained inventory and strong database management are essential for any gallery, regardless of size. We provide everything you need to effortlessly manage your artworks from consignment to sale, shipping and beyond, streamlining how you organise, share and track artworks.

  • Build lasting relationships

    Contact Management
    Efficiently organise and nurture relationships with your collectors with comprehensive CRM tools. Detailed contact records help you store and access vital client information from artists and artwork interests for future sales opportunities to sales offers and purchase history.
    Contact UI
  • Artlogic Pay UI

    Future-proofing your finances

    Invoicing and Payments
    Our accounting and payment features go beyond basic invoice management by helping you stay on top of your sales and financial perfomance. Artlogic Pay gives your clients a better payment experience with fast, easy, and secure online payments accessed via generated invoice links.
  • Do more with ease

    Workflow Management
    Spend less time navigating admin intricacies and more time running your gallery. Streamlined processes save time, reduce errors, and enable you to operate more efficiently and effectively, from easy ways to update multiple records to enabling team collaboration with exhibtion, loan and consignments deadlines in a shared calendar.
    Workflow UI
  • Tear sheet creation UI

    Store and create what matters

    Documents and Exports

    Store and organise important files securely within the platform, from Certificate of Authenticity documents to high-resolution images and shipping documentation. Easily create custom documents like financial reports or get creative with beautiful Tear Sheets, PDF presentations and labels for exhibitions or art fairs.

    • Documents and images

      Store important files, images and high-resolution images for contacts, artworks and other records.

    • Shipping and insurance

      Store insurance, customs or packing documents with an artwork.

    • Third-party exports

      Export data to other formats or entry to third-party software like Arta or Articheck.

    • Custom documents

      Generate beautiful Tear Sheets, presentations and labels for exhibitions and art fairs.

  • Stay in complete control

    User and Team Management
    Security and data protection is at the heart of everything we do. Our user and team management tools enable you to manage access permissions and maintain a secure environment. As an admin, you can assign specific roles and permissions to users, ensuring that only select individuals have access to the necessary features and data.
    User and team management UI