US prepares for bird flu pandemic with $176M Moderna vaccine deal


Ars Praetorian
Are we going to “prepare” for bird flu the way we “prepared” for COVID?

Will we first pretend it’s not really happening, then quickly declare it’s solved while people continue to die and be injured in long lasting ways?

Forgive me for not having high hopes
One key difference is that we actually have a vaccine in storage for bird flu. COVID-19 was a surprise new thing that we had to develop from scratch during the pandemic.
129 (129 / 0)

Jeff S

Ars Tribunus Angusticlavius
Are we going to “prepare” for bird flu the way we “prepared” for COVID?

Will we first pretend it’s not really happening, then quickly declare it’s solved while people continue to die and be injured in long lasting ways?

Forgive me for not having high hopes
You forgot the step where we find another country to blame for creating it in a lab, and then start posting a bunch of racist memes blaming that country without any actual evidence.

To be fair, China does have blame on it's shoulders for not addressing the outbreak correctly at the start, and suppressing scientists and journalists trying to report on it, but strangely the right-wingers always just ignore the ACTUAL factual thing you can blame China for and jump straight to the unproven hypothesis.
79 (109 / -30)


Smack-Fu Master, in training
But movement within states is governed by states.

Write to your state reps, people!

Edit: Where I grew up, in Western Europe, outbreaks on farms are dealt with swiftly and without leaving anything up to chance. Livestock is -as sad as it is in and of itself- destroyed and surrounding farms in X amount of radius is being quarantined to ensure nothing got out. If it did, that farm is next.

It seems one has to deal with Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy entering the food stream once to really get people to freak out and pay attention.

Sadly, something makes me doubt whether even that would have any impact in some areas around here. If there's no brains for prions to eat, what then?!
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118 (119 / -1)
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real mikeb_60

Ars Tribunus Angusticlavius
Bill Gates wants to upgrade the microchip inside you that came with the COVID vaccine.
Is that your other ARM? Or is it upgrading the ARM with the old flu shot?

Old daddish horrible off-color joke Tuesday. /s of course is mandatory. As an official olde farte I rely on those shots to minimize serious problems.
23 (28 / -5)


Ars Tribunus Angusticlavius
One key difference is that we actually have a vaccine in storage for bird flu. COVID-19 was a surprise new thing that we had to develop from scratch during the pandemic.
I'm sticking with what I know works: hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin washed down with liquid colloidal silver mixed with 25-percent bleach and inserting an ultraviolet light tube in my bunghole twice a day.
79 (96 / -17)


Ars Praetorian
You forgot the step where we find another country to blame for creating it in a lab, and then start posting a bunch of racist memes blaming that country without any actual evidence.

To be fair, China does have blame on it's shoulders for not addressing the outbreak correctly at the start, and suppressing scientists and journalists trying to report on it, but strangely the right-wingers always just ignore the ACTUAL factual thing you can blame China for and jump straight to the unproven hypothesis.
Look, say what you will about the origins of COVID, but I've made up my mind. Having been sick twice in three months after our infant started daycare, COVID was absolutely created in a daycare facility. The crap she's brought home was so much worse than COVID was for me.
80 (89 / -9)
I'm sticking with what I know works: hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin washed down with liquid colloidal silver mixed with 25-percent bleach and inserting an ultraviolet light tube in my bunghole twice a day.
Same, except I keep the light up my arse 24/7, so I can see what I'm doing.
57 (64 / -7)
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Edit: Where I grew up, in Western Europe, outbreaks on farms are dealt with swiftly and without leaving anything up to chance. Livestock is -as sad as it is in and of itself- destroyed and surrounding farms in X amount of radius is being quarantined to ensure nothing got out. If it did, that farm is next.
they've culled tens of millions of chickens to prevent the spread, but cows are too expensive and slow-growing to be culled without massive pushback from agribusiness.
55 (56 / -1)
Fortunately they will only need to produce enough vaccine for 1/2 the US population. The rest will try drinking bleach, eating horse medication or wearing magic bracelets. The best part will come when someone tries to convince Congress that the vaccine makes you magnetic, by attempting to stick non-iron based products to their clothing and watching them drop to the floor.
32 (44 / -12)


Ars Scholae Palatinae
In a presentation in London last month, global health leader Seth Berkley said it was “shocking to watch the ineptitude" of the US response to the H5N1 outbreak. He, like other experts, questioned whether the US public health community has learned or improved from the failures of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Given that many farms are refusing to cooperate, there's a small but very vocal community of raw milk drinking smoothbrains, and the general animosity toward vaccines now present in a sizeable percentage of our population, I feel like the US is fighting this with one hand tied behind our collective back.
77 (84 / -7)


Ars Scholae Palatinae
Are we going to “prepare” for bird flu the way we “prepared” for COVID?

Will we first pretend it’s not really happening, then quickly declare it’s solved while people continue to die and be injured in long lasting ways?

Forgive me for not having high hopes
The U.S. has always reacted this way.

At least as long as I can remember. Which is all the way back to the AIDS epidemic. Plenty of conspiracy theory / it's God plan garbage floating around back then.

Dealing with anti-intellectuals is a constant drain.
96 (102 / -6)


Ars Praefectus
120 (126 / -6)
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Ars Tribunus Militum
Guessing if The Donald gets elected again & the bird flew jumps to humans and becomes an epidemic, The Donald is going to react differently (other than the initial ignoring COVID part) since he now understands "his" voters don't want vaccines - and he essentially got a PR black eye for the vaccines with his faithful.
20 (27 / -7)


Ars Legatus Legionis
He, like other experts, questioned whether the US public health community has learned or improved from the failures of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Sure, they've learned that rural America isn't going to cooperate with them anyway, so their hands are pretty much tied.
Some farms are refusing to test
42 (47 / -5)


Ars Legatus Legionis
Oh man, someone figured out how to do the impossible - turn a bunch of MAGAs into Vegans. . .

Oh wait. Nah, they'll just buy their milk, beef and chicken from Jim Bob who doesn't vaccinate his herd/flock.
“People are seeking raw milk like crazy,” he said, noting that no bird flu has been detected in his herds or in California. “Anything that the FDA tells our customers to do, they do the opposite.”
67 (67 / 0)
One key difference is that we actually have a vaccine in storage for bird flu. COVID-19 was a surprise new thing that we had to develop from scratch during the pandemic.
It's pretty much from scratch for the current strain anyway – the very old vaccines developed around a decade ago (IIRC) have a pretty low efficacy. Hence the need for new ones.

Which makes it a kinda "fucked up if you do, fucked up if you don't" – curb the potential infection soon enough for it not to spread, everybody things it's a nothingburger and objects to any sane CDC policies that actually curbed the last one – during the next pandemic, allowing it to spread beyond all control.

Not curb it soon enough, you know the score...
24 (25 / -1)