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Arctic Council

The leading intergovernmental forum promoting cooperation in the Arctic.

Who we are

Who we are

Expert groups and task forces carry out additional work.

Where we focus

How we work

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Agreements and cooperation

The establishment of the Arctic Council was considered an important milestone enhancing cooperation in the circumpolar North. In the Ottawa Declaration, the eight Arctic States established the Council as a high-level forum to provide means for promoting cooperation, coordination and interaction among the Arctic States – including the full consultation and full involvement of Arctic Indigenous communities and other Arctic inhabitants.

Credit: Freepik/flaticon
Data and knowledge

At any given time the Council’s subsidiary bodies – the Working and Expert Groups – are engaged in close to 100 projects and initiatives.

Arctic monitoring. Icon: Freepik/Flaticon

As the Arctic continues to experience a period of intense and accelerating change it has become increasingly important to have better information on the status and trends of the Arctic environment.

Credit: Freepik/Flaticon

Through the ever-growing body of assessments produced by its six Working Groups, the Arctic Council serves as knowledge broker and global advocate for Arctic topics. The Working Groups’ assessments have been instrumental in bringing Arctic issues to a global arena through policy recommendations and international cooperation.


The strong knowledge base produced by the Arctic Council’s Working Groups and other subsidiary bodies feeds into recommendations for informed decision-making.

News and stories

Status check: The Arctic Council’s work on addressing Arctic wildland fires

A conversation between Morten Høglund and Edward Alexander on the Chairship Wildland Fires Initiative
08 Jul 2024

The changing tides of Arctic shipping: how new fuels impact the Arctic

The Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) ban in Arctic waters comes into effect 1 July 2024.However, new fuels in use because of tightening regulations could have a far worse environment...
01 Jul 2024
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