Daily Report: No. 2 Out at Yahoo


Yahoo’s chief operating officer, Henrique de Castro, has been fired by his boss, Marissa Mayer, a little more than a year after she wooed him away from Google to help her turn around the struggling Internet company, Vindu Goel reports.

Yahoo, which has lost ground in recent years to competitors like Google and Facebook, announced Mr. de Castro’s departure in a terse, two-sentence document filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission after the stock market closed on Wednesday.

There was none of the usual corporate boilerplate that typically sugarcoats such departures — no praise for his service from Yahoo’s chief executive, Ms. Mayer, no mention of a sudden interest that Mr. de Castro had taken in spending more time with his family. A Yahoo spokeswoman said the company had no further comment on the matter.

But Ms. Mayer, who left Google to become Yahoo’s chief executive in mid-2012, was clearly displeased with Mr. de Castro’s performance. Read more »