as long as you love it

you're going to destroy the world. it's written all over your face.
720 Pins
Collection by


96 Pins

if you could see my thoughts you would see our faces

63 Pins

no other shade of blue

65 Pins

maybe i'm afraid of you

24 Pins

katsuragi rinko 葛城 凛子

26 Pins

fujisawa reira 藤沢 玲良

59 Pins

adekunle merina アデクンル 盟里奈

30 Pins

katō mitsuaki 和樹 光彰

7 Pins

anno isamu 阿武 勲

15 Pins

yamamoto etsu 山本 悦

12 Pins

tamai seiji 玉井 聖司

11 Pins

2 a.m. smoke break

5 Pins

i wear a picture of you just to keep you safe

16 Pins

be right back

4 Pins

some things last a long time

15 Pins

pet project

6 Pins

ayanami hitomi 綾波 仁美

5 Pins

fuck you 2014

15 Pins
Petticoats over Broadway: entrancing shots of New York in the 1950s – in pictures

halloween 2018

21 Pins

the dark feels different in november

7 Pins
James Baldwin


4 Pins
an overhead view of people standing in front of escalators with their backs to the camera
Petticoats over Broadway: entrancing shots of New York in the 1950s – in pictures
Petticoats over Broadway: entrancing shots of New York in the 1950s – in pictures