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WHO Regional websites
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Written statements by relevant stakeholders

In the continued effort to promote inclusivity in the work of the INB, relevant stakeholders of the INB (document A/INB/8/5) have been invited to provide written statements of not more than 500 words, on the revised draft of the negotiating text of the WHO Pandemic Agreement (document A/INB/9/3).

Written statements received reflect solely the views of the relevant stakeholder(s) concerned, and do not necessarily reflect the views of, nor are endorsed by, WHO or any WHO Member State. The WHO Secretariat shall in no way be responsible for the accuracy, veracity or completeness of the statements, nor the titles of individuals, organizations and/or specific text contained therein. Written statements may be submitted in any of the official United Nations languages. The WHO Secretariat will not proofread, or translate, any written statements received, and will post them in the language received, only.

Written statements are to focus on the revised draft of the negotiating text of the WHO Pandemic Agreement (document A/INB/9/3), and should not raise issues of a political nature, and should not contain any inappropriate or offensive content. While there should not be reference to any individual Member States, or areas of Member States, it is recalled that nomenclature must follow that of the United Nations.

The WHO Secretariat retains the discretion to refuse to post, or to take down from posting, any written statements which do not follow these terms, or for other compelling reasons.

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