List of Canadian programs certified by the Commission

You can find Canadian certified programs by selecting a certification date period, a title, a certification number, a program category or a combination of these search criteria.

In order to optimize your search by title, using one word instead of the full title is preferable. Note that definite articles (the, a, an) are omitted from the beginning of production titles. It is possible to sort both the alphabetic order of the program titles and the numeric data, in ascending or descending order, by clicking each of the column tiles.

Productions labelled “N/A” under the logging category are those certified by the Canadian Audio-Visual Certification Office (CAVCO), with the CRTC certifying the dubbed version. For these productions, the CRTC does not determine the category and key creative points awarded, as the original version was recognized as Canadian by CAVCO. The broadcaster will select the appropriate category as per the Appendix to Broadcasting Regulatory Policy CRTC 2010-808.

The certified productions data is updated on a daily basis. Please allow 24 hours if your search does not provide any results.

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Program TitleCertification NumberPoints AchievedLogging CategoryEpisodes DurationTime Credit (%)Certification Date
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