Querido Diário

General Information
Solution name
Querido Diário

Solution category
Open Software

Short description
Querido Diário is an open-source toolkit that enables the analysis, manipulation, and centralization of official data extracted from journals published by cities. It also makes this data accessible to everyone in a single platform through a standardized visual interface and a public API.


Alternate Email Address

Where is your solution’s source hosted?

1. SDG Relevance
Which SDG/s is your solution relevant to?
SDG16: Peace¸ Justice and Strong Institutions

How is your solution relevant to each SDG you’ve selected above?
Target - 16.6 - Develop effective, accountable, and transparent institutions at all levels. Querido Diario enables more accessible information about public acts in Brazilian cities, enhancing transparency and providing tools for citizens' oversight of authorities and public policy. By 'freeing' this public information, QD is also building the case for publishing open data by default. Target - 16.7 - Ensure responsive, inclusive, participatory, and representative decision-making at all levels. Querido Diario allows civil society, journalists, and researchers to access critical and reliable data about cities' governments and advocate for human rights in a more informed way. Target - 16.10 - Ensure public access to information and protect fundamental freedoms, in accordance with national legislation and international agreements. Querido Diario helps to monitor potential human rights violations, such as surveillance technology being adopted by cities. It is also a reliable source of information that helps to fight mis- and disinformation by creating a healthier information ecosystem.

2. Open Licensing
Which open license(s) is/are used by your solution?

Provide evidence of use of the selected open license(s).

3. Clear Ownership
Who owns this digital solution?
Open Knowledge Brasil (OKBR)

Provide evidence(s) of ownership.
Project website - https://queridodiario.ok.org.br/en-US/privacidade , OKBR's website - https://ok.org.br/projetos/querido-diario/

4. Platform Independence
Does this solution use any closed components that create proprietary dependency?

5. Documentation
Where is your solution’s documentation?
At Querido Diário's website general information about the project and how it works in these two pages: https://queridodiario.ok.org.br/en-US/sobre and https://queridodiario.ok.org.br/en-US/tecnologia. All repositories have their specific READMEs and CONTRIBUTING guides but also have redirect to this repository directed at the community ( https://github.com/okfn-brasil/querido-diario-comunidade/blob/main/.github/README-en-US.md ) which includes: information which applies to all repositories, the project's Roadmap ( https://github.com/orgs/okfn-brasil/projects/14 ) and a build routine for the project's technical documentation (https://docs.queridodiario.ok.org.br/en/latest/).

6. Non-PII Data Extraction
Does your solution collects or uses non-PII data and/or content?

Describe the mechanism for extracting or importing non-PII data from or into the system in a non-proprietary format.
Data is exposed through an API, and downloadable in TXT format.

7. Privacy & Applicable Laws
Provide a list of relevant privacy, domestic and other applicable international laws your solution complies with.
General Data Protection Law - LGPD (Federal Law 13.709/2018); Access to Information Law (Federal Law 12.527/2011).

Provide evidence(s) of adherence with the laws mentioned above.

8. Open Standards & Best Practices
Provide a list of the open standards your solution adheres to and demonstrate adhrence.
HTTPS, SSL: https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/analyze.html?d=queridodiario.ok.org.br OpenAPI: https://validator.swagger.io/validator/debug?url=https%3A%2F%2Fqueridodiario.ok.org.br%2Fapi%2Fopenapi.json JSON: https://queridodiario.ok.org.br/api/docs JWT: https://github.com/okfn-brasil/querido-diario-backend/blob/main/app/accounts/serializers.py

Provide a list of best practices & principles your solution adheres to and demonstrate adhrence.
Change management using version control: https://github.com/okfn-brasil/querido-diario Continous Integration & Continous Deployment (CI/CD): https://github.com/okfn-brasil/querido-diario/actions Agile development: https://github.com/orgs/okfn-brasil/projects/22 Code review: https://github.com/okfn-brasil/querido-diario/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aclosed

9A. Data Privacy & Security
Does your solution collect / store / distribute PII data?
PII data is collected and stored and distributed.

What are types of data that is collected / stored / distributed?
Names, e-mails, addresses and document IDs that may appear in the official texts or in other official databases which are used to enrich the gazettes content.

How does your solution ensure data privacy & security?
As Querido Diário's privacy policy states, all information disclosed by Brazilian official gazettes, including personal data, is public. This solution only reproduces the same data published by public entities in their official gazettes in a more accessible and friendly format, an activity foreseen and authorized by law. Because of this, OKBR is not responsible for the veracity, integrity, or quality of this information, as well as for any violations resulting from the publication of personal information. We explain this situation in the platform's Terms of Use and recommend that data subjects or other interested parties directly contact the entity responsible for the original publication, through its control bodies (such as ombudsman or controllership) or the person in charge of the processing of data at that institution, in accordance with art. 23, item III, of the General Data Protection Law - LGPD (Federal Law 13.709/2018).

9B. Inappropriate & Illegal Content
Does your solution collect / store / distribute content?
Content is collected stored and distributed.

What are the types of content that is collected / stored / distributed?
Official gazette texts and data from public datasets are used and can be distributed through the platform

How does your solution handle inappropriate and illegal content?
Any inappropriate/illegal content found is made non-available at Querido Diário and the official source is contacted through an LAI request for clarification. Contact information is provided on the platform for an administrator to take action.

9C. Protection from Harassment
Does your solution facilitate interactions with or between users and/or contributors?

How does your solution enables users and contributors to protect themselves from harassment.
As an open source project we mediate a large community of contributors and enforce a Code of Conduct which is described in every repository ( https://github.com/okfn-brasil/querido-diario-comunidade/blob/main/.github/CODE_OF_CONDUCT-en-US.md ).

Scale of Solution
Where was this solution developed?

Where is this solution actively deployed?

Are there any governments departments and/or ministries using your solution?
The Ministry of Finance of Brazil is using as an internal tool to monitor municipal-level publications of interest.

Who else is using your solution?
- Diário do Clima, a consortium of Open Knowledge Brazil and 5 other journalistic organizations. - Independent and professional journalists - Scholars (Querido Diario Universities Program) - Public managers - NGOs - Use cases are documented here: https://queridodiario.ok.org.br/en-US/sobre#cases

Has your solution received any awards and/or recognition in the last one year?
Querido Diario was featured as an open source solutions that can help promote information integrity by DPGA and UNPD: https://digitalpublicgoods.net/information-pollution/

Application Details

Application ID10675
Parent Application IDNA
Date Created06-06-2023 09:52 PM UTC
Date Submitted26-07-2023 06:31 PM UTC
Date Reviewed15-10-2023 09:10 PM UTC
Date of Expiry14-10-2024 09:10 PM UTC

Application Log Details

Timestamp Activity
06-03-2024 10:43 PM UTCAdmin (Admin) edited General Information for Querido Diário (10675)
06-03-2024 10:39 PM UTCAdmin (Admin) edited Scale of Solution for Querido Diário (10675)
06-03-2024 10:38 PM UTCAdmin (Admin) edited 5. Documentation for Querido Diário (10675)
06-03-2024 10:36 PM UTCAdmin (Admin) edited 3. Clear Ownership for Querido Diário (10675)
06-03-2024 10:33 PM UTCAdmin (Admin) edited General Information for Querido Diário (10675)
15-10-2023 09:10 PM UTCRicardo Torres (L2 Reviewer) submitted their review of Querido Diário (152) and found it to be a DPG
15-10-2023 09:10 PM UTCSystem unmarked Querido Diário (10675) as a nominee
15-10-2023 09:10 PM UTCRicardo Torres (L2 Reviewer) passed 7. Privacy & Applicable Laws for Querido Diário (10675)
15-10-2023 09:10 PM UTCRicardo Torres (L2 Reviewer) edited 7. Privacy & Applicable Laws for Querido Diário (10675)
15-10-2023 09:10 PM UTCRicardo Torres (L2 Reviewer) edited 5. Documentation for Querido Diário (10675)
15-10-2023 09:09 PM UTCRicardo Torres (L2 Reviewer) passed 5. Documentation for Querido Diário (10675)
15-10-2023 09:07 PM UTCRicardo Torres (L2 Reviewer) pulled Querido Diário (10675) under review
12-10-2023 08:01 AM UTCL1 Reviewer (L1 Reviewer) submitted their review of Querido Diário (10675)
12-10-2023 08:00 AM UTCL1 Reviewer (L1 Reviewer) passed 7. Privacy & Applicable Laws for Querido Diário (10675)
12-10-2023 08:00 AM UTCL1 Reviewer (L1 Reviewer) edited 7. Privacy & Applicable Laws for Querido Diário (10675)
12-10-2023 07:59 AM UTCL1 Reviewer (L1 Reviewer) passed 5. Documentation for Querido Diário (10675)
12-10-2023 07:58 AM UTCL1 Reviewer (L1 Reviewer) edited 5. Documentation for Querido Diário (10675)
12-10-2023 07:55 AM UTCL1 Reviewer (L1 Reviewer) pulled Querido Diário (10675) under review
11-10-2023 06:58 PM UTCNew tag (Clarifications) added to application
11-10-2023 06:58 PM UTCApplication clarifications submitted, Application move to L1 for review again
18-09-2023 02:48 AM UTCRicardo Torres (L2 Reviewer) requested clarifications for Querido Diário (10675)
18-09-2023 02:48 AM UTCSystem marked Querido Diário (10675) as a nominee
18-09-2023 02:48 AM UTCRicardo Torres (L2 Reviewer) passed Scale of Solution for Querido Diário (10675)
18-09-2023 02:48 AM UTCRicardo Torres (L2 Reviewer) passed 9C. Protection from Harassment for Querido Diário (10675)
18-09-2023 02:48 AM UTCRicardo Torres (L2 Reviewer) passed 9B. Inappropriate & Illegal Content for Querido Diário (10675)
18-09-2023 02:48 AM UTCRicardo Torres (L2 Reviewer) edited 9B. Inappropriate & Illegal Content for Querido Diário (10675)
18-09-2023 02:45 AM UTCRicardo Torres (L2 Reviewer) passed 9A. Data Privacy & Security for Querido Diário (10675)
18-09-2023 02:45 AM UTCRicardo Torres (L2 Reviewer) edited 9A. Data Privacy & Security for Querido Diário (10675)
18-09-2023 02:44 AM UTCRicardo Torres (L2 Reviewer) passed 8. Open Standards & Best Practices for Querido Diário (10675)
18-09-2023 02:44 AM UTCRicardo Torres (L2 Reviewer) require clarification on 5. Documentation for Querido Diário (10675)
18-09-2023 02:43 AM UTCRicardo Torres (L2 Reviewer) require clarification on 7. Privacy & Applicable Laws for Querido Diário (10675)
18-09-2023 02:43 AM UTCRicardo Torres (L2 Reviewer) passed 6. Non-PII Data Extraction for Querido Diário (10675)
18-09-2023 02:41 AM UTCRicardo Torres (L2 Reviewer) passed 4. Platform Independence for Querido Diário (10675)
18-09-2023 02:41 AM UTCRicardo Torres (L2 Reviewer) passed 3. Clear Ownership for Querido Diário (10675)
18-09-2023 02:41 AM UTCRicardo Torres (L2 Reviewer) edited 3. Clear Ownership for Querido Diário (10675)
18-09-2023 02:40 AM UTCRicardo Torres (L2 Reviewer) passed 2. Open Licensing for Querido Diário (10675)
18-09-2023 02:40 AM UTCRicardo Torres (L2 Reviewer) edited 2. Open Licensing for Querido Diário (10675)
18-09-2023 02:39 AM UTCRicardo Torres (L2 Reviewer) passed 1. SDG Relevance for Querido Diário (10675)
18-09-2023 02:39 AM UTCRicardo Torres (L2 Reviewer) edited 1. SDG Relevance for Querido Diário (10675)
18-09-2023 02:39 AM UTCRicardo Torres (L2 Reviewer) passed General Information for Querido Diário (10675)
18-09-2023 02:39 AM UTCRicardo Torres (L2 Reviewer) edited General Information for Querido Diário (10675)
18-09-2023 02:26 AM UTCRicardo Torres (L2 Reviewer) moved Querido Diário (10675) to under review
18-09-2023 02:26 AM UTCRicardo Torres (L2 Reviewer) finished consultation on 4. Platform Independence for Querido Diário (10675)
11-09-2023 02:26 AM UTCAdmin (Admin) update Tags for Querido Diário (10675)
04-09-2023 02:50 PM UTCRicardo Torres (L2 Reviewer) requested consultation on 4. Platform Independence for Querido Diário (10675)
04-09-2023 02:50 PM UTCRicardo Torres (L2 Reviewer) moved Querido Diário (10675) to under consultation
04-09-2023 02:49 PM UTCRicardo Torres (L2 Reviewer) pulled Querido Diário (10675) under review
10-08-2023 01:07 PM UTCL1 Reviewer (L1 Reviewer) submitted their review of Querido Diário (10675)
10-08-2023 01:07 PM UTCSystem remove tag Late from Querido Diário (10675)
10-08-2023 01:06 PM UTCL1 Reviewer (L1 Reviewer) passed 4. Platform Independence for Querido Diário (10675)
09-08-2023 04:00 AM UTCSystem add new tag Late to Querido Diário (10675)
08-08-2023 08:56 PM UTCL1 Reviewer (L1 Reviewer) passed Scale of Solution for Querido Diário (10675)
08-08-2023 08:56 PM UTCL1 Reviewer (L1 Reviewer) passed 9C. Protection from Harassment for Querido Diário (10675)
08-08-2023 08:55 PM UTCL1 Reviewer (L1 Reviewer) edited 9C. Protection from Harassment for Querido Diário (10675)
08-08-2023 08:55 PM UTCL1 Reviewer (L1 Reviewer) passed 9B. Inappropriate & Illegal Content for Querido Diário (10675)
08-08-2023 08:54 PM UTCL1 Reviewer (L1 Reviewer) passed 9A. Data Privacy & Security for Querido Diário (10675)
08-08-2023 08:53 PM UTCL1 Reviewer (L1 Reviewer) passed 8. Open Standards & Best Practices for Querido Diário (10675)
08-08-2023 08:51 PM UTCL1 Reviewer (L1 Reviewer) failed 7. Privacy & Applicable Laws for Querido Diário (10675)
08-08-2023 08:49 PM UTCL1 Reviewer (L1 Reviewer) passed 6. Non-PII Data Extraction for Querido Diário (10675)
08-08-2023 08:48 PM UTCL1 Reviewer (L1 Reviewer) edited 6. Non-PII Data Extraction for Querido Diário (10675)
08-08-2023 08:44 PM UTCL1 Reviewer (L1 Reviewer) passed 5. Documentation for Querido Diário (10675)
08-08-2023 08:41 PM UTCL1 Reviewer (L1 Reviewer) edited 5. Documentation for Querido Diário (10675)
08-08-2023 08:35 PM UTCL1 Reviewer (L1 Reviewer) edited 5. Documentation for Querido Diário (10675)
08-08-2023 08:31 PM UTCL1 Reviewer (L1 Reviewer) passed General Information for Querido Diário (10675)
08-08-2023 08:31 PM UTCL1 Reviewer (L1 Reviewer) passed 2. Open Licensing for Querido Diário (10675)
08-08-2023 08:14 PM UTCL1 Reviewer (L1 Reviewer) passed 3. Clear Ownership for Querido Diário (10675)
08-08-2023 08:09 PM UTCL1 Reviewer (L1 Reviewer) passed 1. SDG Relevance for Querido Diário (10675)
08-08-2023 07:26 PM UTCL1 Reviewer (L1 Reviewer) pulled Querido Diário (10675) under review
26-07-2023 06:31 PM UTCOpen Knowledge Brasil (Applicant) submitted application for Querido Diário (10675)