French President Emmanuel Macron cast his vote on Sunday in a pivotal runoff election that could hand a historic victory to Marine Le Pen’s far-right National Rally and its inward-looking, anti-immigrant vision — or produce a hung parliament and years of political deadlock. Macron voted with his wife Brigitte in the northern seaside town of Le Touquet. ========================================================= Subscribers should ensure their broadcasters on any medium on Sunday July 7 until 1800GMT comply with the French electoral code, notably Article L49 Electoral Code, which prohibits the broadcast or publication by any means of communication, to the French public, messages that have the character of “electoral propaganda”.

French President Macron votes in pivotal run-off that could see far-right win or hung parliament

French President Emmanuel Macron cast his vote on Sunday in a pivotal runoff election that could hand a historic victory to Marine Le Pen’s far-right National Rally and its inward-looking, anti-immigrant vision — or produce a hung parliament and years of political deadlock. Macron voted with his wife Brigitte in the northern seaside town of Le Touquet. ========================================================= Subscribers should ensure their broadcasters on any medium on Sunday July 7 until 1800GMT comply with the French electoral code, notably Article L49 Electoral Code, which prohibits the broadcast or publication by any means of communication, to the French public, messages that have the character of “electoral propaganda”.
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