Setting the diamond standard for ASPM

  • Deep code-to-runtime application visibility and risk prioritization
  • 100% open platform, extended by native security solutions 
  • Continuous risk assessment and developer-centric policy engine

Supporting the world’s brightest application security and development teams

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Not every vulnerability is a risk to your business

Application risk is multifaceted and constantly evolving with every code change. But siloed tools and manual processes cloud what’s important and overwhelm security and engineering teams. Apiiro creates clarity out of the complexity, cutting through the noise of endless backlogs and providing the context you need to ship secure software faster.

  • Build a complete inventory of your codebases to meet regulatory requirements and enforce risk-based security controls.
  • Optimize your application security tools, streamline your manual processes, and take the guesswork out of software attestation.
  • Align your application security, risk management, and development teams with a common language without slowing them down.
  • Stop wasting time manually triaging security findings, optimize your most valuable resources, and slash your remediation times.
Screenshot of Apiiro's ASPM platform showing the application risk prioritization funnel and automated workflow builder
“Our overarching goal is to keep Shell safe. The way we do that is by providing a comprehensive view of how we build secure software while giving enough guidance to be able to understand risk and tie it to our controls…”
Adam Jordan
Adam Jordan
Distinguished Engineer & Head of Secure,
Sustainable Software, Shell

Deep context with an open platform ethos

Our depth of app visibility and breadth of integrations make us a cut above the rest.

Screenshot of Apiiro's ASPM platform showing the application inventory overview and Risk Graph Explorer
  • With a seamless API-based SCM integration, Apiiro builds a complete and continuous inventory of your codebases and extracts context for prioritization.
  • Apiiro aggregates security signals from anywhere for a unified view of risks, normalized, correlated, deduplicated, and tied to their root cause and code owner.
  • Apiiro’s risk-based policy engine and automated workflows enable you to embed guardrails into PRs and builds and trigger remediations and processes.

Force-multiply your AppSec program

See for yourself how Apiiro can give you the visibility and context you need to optimize your manual processes and make the most out of your current investments.