Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Being preoccupied with thoughts of impending war, you might (conveniently?) miss this: Bush one vote away from Arctic drilling OK or this: Bush calls for ban on judicial filibusters or this: Ex-Judges and Prosecutors Fight Milestone Execution in Texas or this: Senate Blocks an Amendment to Alter an Abortion Measure or this: 2 Enron Executives […]

The Iraq Post As I wrote before, Unlearned Hand is collecting Bloggers’ opinions for a series called “Where Do We Go From Here?” Mr. Hand is looking for posts on “fleshed-out alternatives to war” and “what would you do in Bush’s place?” Here’s the post I submitted, edited very slightly for style. Ideally, Bush would […]

Talking Dog I’ve often thought it would make life easier if only someone would compile a master list of blogs, complete with descriptions. As it turns out, The Talking Dog has done it and it’s available here. I’ve even made the list: Angry Bear is the work of a real, live slightly left leaning economist. […]

Let Freedom Ring Get Oily Hot in a Deep Frier or be dipped in beaten eggs, placed on a griddle, and cooked until crispy on the outside and tender one the inside; sprinkle with powdered sugar or use syrup, as you prefer: WASHINGTON (CNN) — The cafeteria menus in the three House office buildings changed […]

Where do we go from here? Unlearned Hand is collecting Bloggers’ opinions for a series called “Where Do We Go From Here?” Mr. Hand is gathering posts on “fleshed-out alternatives to war” and “what would you do in Bush’s place?” For what it’s worth, I was asked to put in my two cents, which are […]

For the curious but unwilling or unable to watch… Kerry Lauerman watches and reports on MSNBC’s newest jackass, so you don’t have to. Here’s the show in a nutshell: On Saturday’s show, the only callers allowed to talk to Savage were his most exuberant fans. According to Pellegrino, “I told the screener that I was […]

You Really Should Read This Ok, so the author is an Objectivist, but that doesn’t make him wrong–at least, not in this instance. AB Update: link fixed.

Income Inequality and Growth Vaguely Right, who I belive is an Economics Ph.D. student (and should probably be working on his/her dissertation instead of blogging) has a good (long) post on income inequality in the US, and it’s based on Census data. The abbreviated version contains these nuggets: Income Inequality in the US has increased […]

Better Late than Never I just caught this from a 2/27 NYT piece: The [Bush tax] plan’s centerpiece would slash taxes on corporate dividends at a cost to the Treasury of $335 billion through 2012. It also calls for immediately implementing income tax cuts that are scheduled for a gradual phase-in, as well as accelerating […]