Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Stealth CEO Compensation and Stock Options

Via Dean Baker comes Eric Dash of the New York Times writing about one aspect of the compensation package for Denny’s CEO: For leading the turnaround of the Denny’s restaurant chain, Nelson J. Marchioli was all but given an extra $500,000 last year, slightly more than his reported bonus for 2005. For leading the turnaround […]

Strong Economic Growth for 2006QI

The Advance Estimate for the first quarter of 2006 is out reporting 4.8% real GDP growth on an annualized basis, which basically makes up for the weak 1.7% figure for the last quarter of 2005. Investment growth remains strong and consumption grew relative to GDP. Andrew Samwick is worried that private savings remains low. Rubinomics […]

Exxon’s Profit Report

Kevin Drum watches the stock price of Exxon decline even though they reported $8 billion in quarterly profits. CNN’s American Morning was on the story explaining the decline in the stock price by noting that analysts had expected $9.2 billion (not trillion). At one point – Andy Serwer hinted that the difference between reported earnings […]

PlameGate Update: Karl “Not a Target” Rove

Jim VandeHei reports: White House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove sought to convince a federal grand jury yesterday that he did not provide false statements in the CIA leak case, testifying for more than three hours before leaving a federal courthouse unsure whether he would be indicted, according to a source close to the […]

Higher Gasoline Prices: Shift Along Versus Shift of the Demand Curve

Jonah Goldberg poses an Upward Mystery after reading one of his emails: Gas prices go up, driving stays the same. Interest rates go up, the economy keeps on chugging along … If things are so bad, how come they’re so good? This post came after he linked to an interesting article from Nick Schulz: But […]

Tony Snow’s Criticism of George W. Bush

Think Progress, Christy Hardin Smith, and the DSCC congratulate Tony Snow on his being appointed as President Bush’s chief excuse maker with a few quotes from the past. Byron York provides us with one of his reader’s views on all of this: Of course, these (Center for American Progress) are among the same people who […]

Sean Hannity Explains the Rise in Gasoline Prices – Liberals!

NewHounds watch Fox so we don’t have to: Hannity’s face was in the bullyboy squint and he jabbed his finger as he spoke to “Democratic strategist” Bob Beckel. “I want YOU to know, Bob Beckel, I give blame for high gas prices. 30 years of the Democrats beholden to the extreme environmental movement, we haven’t […]

Did Rand Beers Leak to Dana Priest?

High comedy from NRO’s The Corner as JPod accuses Rand Beers of leaking: So Newsweek is reporting that Mary McCarthy denies being the leaker. This despite stories in the press saying that she failed a lie detector test and admitted to it. McCarthy’s not the the one who told Newsweek. Do you know who did? […]

Our Fiscal Future – as Portrayed by the OMB

AB reader ilsm points us to a set of White House graphs on employment, GDP growth, and the budget. More on this after thanking Brad DeLong for commenting on a comment from Greg Mankiw on our fiscal future. Greg reminds us that we have to choose between reducing entitlement growth versus imposing taxes even higher […]

We’ll Be Watching You

Mark Thoma finds this gem from the Columbia Business School Follies about Ben Bernanke … enjoy! Check this out: “Every Breath You Take,” by Dean Glenn Hubbard. It’s worth it (music video about Bernanke to the tune of “Every Breath You Take” – wmv file). Update: iTunes link (mp4).