Angama Mara

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Alison Mitchell
Annemarie Meintjes
Azei Lago
Duncan Butchart
Ian Dommisse
James Fitzgerald
Jeffrey Thige
Kate Fitzgerald Boyd
Lesley Fox
Michael Boyd
Mwikali Ndambo
Nicky Fitzgerald
Ryan Brown
Shannon Davis
Steve Fitzgerald
Steve Mitchell
Stratton Hatfield
Sue van Winsen
Tyler Davis

Featured Story

Kwaheri and Asante to the Family Chef 7 June 2024 After nine years of keeping the Angama Mara family full, and nearly 40 thousand kilograms of flour later, we say goodbye to canteen chef Musa Jacob Ezekiel By Evans Ondara
This Week at Angama #311 26 January 2024 A leopard, a warthog and some weavers all find themselves in the same tree, while a saddle-billed stork makes itself at home By The Photographic Studios
The Full Picture 20 October 2023 One of Book Bunk's literary knights, Marion Anvango, comes to Angama Mara to help set the stories straight By Guest Author
This Week at Angama #286 28 July 2023 Despite the commotion of the Great Migration, delicate moments of beauty shine through and the Angama lioness finds herself with yet another suitor By Andrew Andrawes
A Reunion in the Wild 29 June 2023 Five years after their first visit, a special group reunites at Angama Mara to pay tribute to the late safari photographer Klaus Tiedge By Guest Author
This Week at Angama #280 17 June 2023 Two cheetah hunts, two of the Bila Shaka boys and hopefully two expecting mothers — the excitement of this week has us seeing double By Andrew Andrawes
This Week at Angama #268 24 March 2023 Water is the dominant theme of the week as hippos, fish and frogs fall victim to the Mara's prowling predators By Andrew Andrawes
This Week at Angama #245 14 October 2022 From legends in the making to current kings getting humbled, we're closely following the predator dynamics of the Triangle By Andrew Andrawes
A Mara Elopement 16 September 2022 Casper and Lil, a couple from Amsterdam, were planning a big wedding in Italy — and then threw it all out the window By Guest Author
This Week at Angama #239 2 September 2022 The rain has brought many familiar favourites out in the Triangle — perhaps none more exciting than Shujaa By Andrew Andrawes
The Mara and the Meaning of Be/Longing 12 August 2022 In a special essay for the blog, celebrated author Alexandra Fuller recalls her family connection to Kenya and fulfils her mother’s dream By Alexandra Fuller
When a ‘Laaitie’ Came to Stay 5 August 2022 After years of working behind the screens of the safari industry, Iwan heads to the Mara to experience it for himself By Iwan Lategan
This Week at Angama #234 29 July 2022 The lion drama has reached a boiling point with the recent death of Slit Lip — but the sighting of four other youngsters brings new hope By Robert Sayialel
Cape Town to the Mara 22 July 2022 In a once-in-a-lifetime 60th birthday trip, Christine and her husband Louis drove 10 000km from the tip of Africa all the way to Kenya By Christine Daron
Seeds of Change 15 July 2022 Can you teach conservation? With a new educational programme rolling out in 13 nearby schools, the Angama Foundation aims to find out By Charlotte Ross Stewart
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