The Photographic Studios

The team in both Angama Mara's and Angama Amboseli's Photographic Studio spend their days capturing our guests' memories and reporting on the fantastic sightings seen out on safari.
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Alison Mitchell
Annemarie Meintjes
Azei Lago
Duncan Butchart
Ian Dommisse
James Fitzgerald
Jeffrey Thige
Kate Fitzgerald Boyd
Lesley Fox
Michael Boyd
Mwikali Ndambo
Nicky Fitzgerald
Ryan Brown
Shannon Davis
Steve Fitzgerald
Steve Mitchell
Stratton Hatfield
Sue van Winsen
Tyler Davis

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This Week at Angama #335 12 July 2024 The first zebras of this migration season take the plunge in the Mara, while at Amboseli, we celebrate the arrival of three new cheetahs By The Photographic Studios
This Week at Angama #334 5 July 2024 While Japheth is delighted by the spotted cats in the Mara, Andrew turns his gaze upwards in Amboseli By The Photographic Studios
This Week at Angama #333 28 June 2024 We are formally introduced to the lionesses of Kimana Sanctuary this week, and there to welcome a baby Tommy to the world By The Photographic Studios
This Week at Angama #332 21 June 2024 Elephants are the stars of the show this week, but the return of the Bila Shaka boys in the Mara promises plenty of drama to come By The Photographic Studios
This Week at Angama #331 14 June 2024 Sammy discovers the thrills of the dark in Amboseli, including lions on a kill, while Robert prefers the dawn chorus highlighted by leopard cubs and bat-eared foxes By The Photographic Studios
This Week at Angama #330 7 June 2024 Safaris from the sky in both Amboseli and the Mara leave us spellbound this week, and we welcome Emoroo back to the Sanctuary By The Photographic Studios
This Week at Angama #329 31 May 2024 It's all about the cats this week, with the promise of a lion pride in Amboseli and a new female leopard on the scene in the Mara — with two cubs stashed away By The Photographic Studios
This Week at Angama #328 24 May 2024 A full moon leads to big opportunities for predators, and one of the cheetah brothers makes a foreboding cross of the Mara River By The Photographic Studios
This Week at Angama #327 17 May 2024 Excitingly, Kimana Sanctuary is currently jam-packed with lions, and the saddle-billed stork chicks have flown the nest, meanwhile, the displaced hippos of the Mara River return home By The Photographic Studios
This Week at Angama #326 10 May 2024 Everybody's in the trees this week, from the saddle-billed stork family in Amboseli to the Angama lioness in the Mara By The Photographic Studios
This Week at Angama #325 3 May 2024 As the fury of the Mara River disrupts hippo life in the Triangle, we meet a rather unusual but much-loved giraffe in Amboseli By The Photographic Studios
This Week at Angama #324 26 April 2024 Patience pays off in the Mara as Joseph encounters Africa's largest snake and while the warthogs of Amboseli squabble over love, we meet the impressive Tusker Emoroo By The Photographic Studios
This Week at Angama #323 19 April 2024 The abundant rains mean terrapin-filled puddles in Amboseli while rising river levels in the Mara have left the River Pride open to conquest By The Photographic Studios
This Week at Angama #322 12 April 2024 While looking out for lions, Andrew clocks a wildlife first and in the Mara, Robert spots an endangered species in the treetops By The Photographic Studios
This Week at Angama #321 5 April 2024 The Angama lioness picks the wrong battle, while the green grasses of Amboseli entice the biggest (and smallest) of herbivores By The Photographic Studios
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