While Whoopi’s all good with ‘poop in his pants Joe,’ Gutfeld declares Biden has ‘sh*t for brains’

Greg Gutfeld, cohost of Fox News Channel’s The Five, said what many Americans must be thinking at this stage of the game, which is that President Joe Biden has “sh*t for brains.”

“Poop” was flying on Monday after The View’s Whoopi Goldberg came out in support of the 81-year-old cognitively challenged president, saying she didn’t care if Biden “pooped his pants.” She also admitted that she has had her share of “poopy days.”

(Video Credit: Fox News)

“The liberal media is sounding more unhinged as they try to shield Joe Biden from the fallout of his growing debate disaster,” cohost Jeanine Pirro said in setting up the segment.

She then played a clip of Goldberg’s remarks along with a clip of MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough, a reliable Biden mouthpiece who recently said today’s version of Joe Biden is “the best Biden ever.”

Whoopi said in the clip, “I don’t care if he’s pooped his pants. I don’t care if he can’t put a sentence together… I’d rather all his teeth fell out and he pooped his pants and had to roll across the street than choose a man who I know is out to destroy the country.”

“When we’re talking about poop, Greg, there is only one person to go to on this table,” Pirro said in a handoff to Gutfeld.

“I am an expert. I produce a lot of it,” he joked. “Literally, figuratively, metaphorically.”

“Well, you know what? We’re not worried about what’s in his pants. It’s up here. He’s got sh*t for brains,” Gutfeld observed. “The thing is with Whoopi is that that is an example of pure selfishness. She’s saying that because of her emotional disturbance over Trump is so deep, that she is willing to let that take control over logic and reason. She would put the country at risk with a man who is not there because she doesn’t like that guy.”

As for Scarborough, Gutfeld would go on to suggest that the Morning Joe host may need a new filter on how he assesses reality.

On Monday’s episode of The View, Whoopi was fixated on poop while declaring she’d abandon Biden if he falls short in the second scheduled debate with Trump.

“I have poopy days all the time. All the time,” she admitted. “I step in so much poo, you can’t even imagine. Now, I’m not running the world, but I don’t know anybody who doesn’t step in stuff at some point, so I’m just simply saying there are two debates, and if he can’t do what he needs to do for the second debate, I’ll join any crew that says get rid of him.”

Tom Tillison


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