Top Democrats’ fierce defense of Biden could be breaking along racial lines

DEI and the Democratic Party’s own race-based inclinations saw a segregated schism on a Sunday leadership call about the president’s candidacy.

(Video Credit: MSNBC)

As damage control efforts have spectacularly failed to contain the fallout from President Joe Biden’s disastrous debate against former President Donald Trump, ongoing calls for an altered ticket became the topic of conversation for leaders among House Democrats.

Sunday, NBC News congressional correspondent Julie Tsirkin provided details of the call led by House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (NY) that saw members of the Congressional Black Caucus mounting a “fierce defense” of the incumbent’s candidacy as other Democrats counted themselves among the growing number ready to move on.

Joining MSNBC’s Katie Phang, Tsirkin said of Biden, “he did have a large defense, a fierce defense from members of the Congressional Black Caucus that were on the call,” and singled out California Reps. Maxine Waters and Barbara Lee.

Though not on the call, the correspondent indicated that Florida Rep. Frederica Wilson “criticized some of her fellow Democratic colleagues who are taking this moment to call on Biden to step aside…”

Other CBC members backing Biden included Virginia Rep. Bobby Scott, who spoke in favor of the president on the call, and Ohio Rep. Joyce Batty, former chair of the caucus, who said in a separate statement the party “shouldn’t be going rogue against our own president,” according to CNN.

Meanwhile, four Democratic congressmen on the call — Joe Morelle (NY), Jerry Nadler (NY), Adam Smith (WA), and Mark Takano (CA) — added their names to those in favor of dropping Biden, with some on the call even putting their support behind Vice President Kamala Harris.

Elsewhere, a headline from the New York Post declaring, “America may soon be subjected to the country’s first DEI president: Kamala Harris,” drew ire from leftists unable to cope with their peers race-based decision-making.

The piece itself was penned by Charles Gasparino who reminded, “Following the 2020 death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police, the pressure on Biden to pick a woman of color as his running mate was intense. (And he boxed himself in by publicly saying his running mate would be a woman.) Harris checked all the boxes…Yet if you delved, you would see a weak record of accomplishment, and weird personal tics (that aforementioned laugh), and an intense desire for power.”

He concluded, “Yet the country might just be stuck with Harris as president if Sleepy Joe wins and stumbles his way to resignation while in his second term, or if Biden drops out in the coming days and she becomes the nominee. All because DEI is the Democratic Party’s touchstone, no matter how much evidence amasses that it’s a failed ideology.”

In her report, Tsirkin went on to make note of Pennsylvania Rep. Susan Wild’s apprehension of Biden, noted as opposition by CNN, and Minnesota Rep. Angie Craig’s alignment in the camp for a new candidate over how it would impact their own races.

“Also importantly,” said the correspondent, “we heard, according to sources, Susan Wild, for example, who was the Democratic ranking member on the ethics committee, she is a frontline Democrat, a vulnerable Democrat in Pennsylvania. She did not, according to my sources, call on Biden to step aside, but she expressed significant concern, Katie, with being able to run with Biden at the top of the ticket, with being able to campaign with him and her own re-election prospects, as we learned.”

“Of course, Angie Craig, one of the faces on that screen coming out yesterday,” she added, “also frontline Democrat expressing the same concern.”

Those who had already come out against Biden’s candidacy included Democratic Reps. Lloyd Doggett of Texas, Raúl Grijalva of Arizona, Seth Moulton of Massachusetts, and Mike Quigley of Illinois.

Kevin Haggerty


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