Media reportedly pushed 25th Amd. to be invoked 600+ times against Trump. What about Biden?

While media bias favorable to the left is a foregone conclusion in journalism today, no matter how much the media jackals protest, the level of prejudice against Donald Trump remains a marvel to behold.

Nowhere is this more evident than in the ongoing saga about whether President Biden has the mental acuity to carry out his duties as president — if stringing together a series of coherent sentences is the guideline, then the answer is a resounding no.

The 25th Amendment is tailor-made for the occasion when a president is “unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office,” but with the country facing that very real possibility, there hasn’t been much talk about it. Which is astounding when looking back on the Trump presidency.

NewsBusters video editor Bill D’Agostino created a montage of various media personalities calling on government officials to invoke the 25th Amendment against former President Donald Trump, based on little more than their opinion that he was mentally unstable.

The 25th Amendment narrative was pushed over 600 times during Trump’s time in the White House, with MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell suggesting less than a month after his inauguration that Trump should be declared unfit for office.

With Trump in office just under a year, “Morning Joe” host Joe Scarborough cited a close associate claiming Trump had “pre-dementia” while running for president.

The following year, Bill Maher said, “Now the 25th Amendment, the one about removing a president who’s incapacitated, keeps popping up in the news, someone has to explain to me if it was not written specifically for this guy, then who is it for? I know that everyone knows by now that Trump is a narcissist, but we have to stop treating that like it’s an unfortunate personality tick and start treating it like what it is: a serious, dangerous, mental illness.”

To be fair, Forbes reporter Brian Bushard filed a piece this week titled, “25th Amendment Talk Grows To Replace Biden As President Digs In His Heels.”

Outside of a few Republicans, who may want to be careful what they wish for, Bushard named The New Yorker’s Jeannie Suk Gersen and “The Daily Show” host Jon Stewart as two people who have mentioned the 25th Amendment.

Interestingly, one social media user had a suggestion concerning why there may not be more calls to invoke the 25th Amendment on Biden: “Have you met Kamala?”

Here’s a quick sampling of responses to the story, including that one, as seen on X:

Tom Tillison


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