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dimin. is focused on helping reduce the level of caffeine consumed by expectant mothers in daily coffee to avoid the associated dangers for mother and baby. This exclusive, delicious and easy 10-day caffeine detox program gradually diminishes the intake of caffeine, and replaces it with 100% Swiss Water Process decaffeinated coffee — all without any painful headaches usually associated with caffeine withdrawal.

dimin. ethically sources their organic beans from the Indonesian region of Sumatra, and small batch roasts every order to perfection. Throughout the program, the coffee is pre-measured and clearly marked, making the program simple to follow.   After 10 days, when the transition to decaffeinated coffee is complete, dimin. 100% Swiss Water Process decaf can continue to be enjoyed throughout pregnancy and even throughout breastfeeding – all delivered using a reliable subscription program with selected frequency.

Why We Partner

The health of each mother, and the long-term health of every baby is important to us. Caffeine during pregnancy can increase the risk of miscarriage, constrict blood vessels in the uterus and placenta, and disrupt fetal stress hormones; as well as increase the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and obesity for a baby later in life. dimin. uses coffee beans sourced only from organic farms since conventional coffee production uses extremely dangerous chemicals such as fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides that are toxic to humans and fetuses. The goal is to help create the purest coffee drinking experience, so each baby can grow and develop as safely as possible.

What We Are Doing Together

dimin. strives not only to provide a resource for a transition to decaffeinated coffee, but also helps disadvantaged pregnant women as well!  dimin. donates 10 Day Caffeine Detox boxes to pregnancy centers in order to help as many moms and babies as possible. With every order purchased using the APA20 code, a 20% discount is automatic applied, and a mom in need will benefit as well.  In addition, there’s more to learn more about caffeine and pregnancy through the dimin. blog posts and informative articles links below.  Together the American Pregnancy Association and dimin. aim to help as many moms and babies as we can reach, promoting pregnancy wellness through caffeine detox.

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dimin. offers two options for their caffeine detox program both of which come in beautiful, gift-like packaging. The first option is 10 pouches of pre-measured organic coffee with gradually diminishing caffeine levels that help with a painless transition to 100% decaffeinated coffee. The second option includes the 10 pouches of pre-measured organic coffee, as well as a 1lb bag of ground Swiss Water Process decaffeinated coffee so that mom can continue to drink decaf once she has completed the 10-day transition from caffeinated to decaffeinated coffee. The second
option also includes a bonus book for baby with lovely watercolor illustrations. dimin. also separately offers 1lb bags of their organic Swiss Water Process decaffeinated coffee for sale by subscription, so that mom never runs out of delicious decaf coffee and has one less item on the grocery list.

Use Code APA20 to Get 20% Off

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Here’s what the Bonus Kit includes:

  • Ten 2 oz pouches of single-origin Sumatran coffee, each with progressively decreasing caffeine content, pre-measured for ease of use. Each pouch brews an 8-cup pot of ethically sourced organic coffee.
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Here’s what you’ll find in the Bonus Kit:

  • Ten 2 oz pouches of organic Sumatran coffee, each with gradually reducing caffeine levels, pre-measured for your convenience. Every pouch is sufficient to brew an eight-cup pot.
  • 1 lb of diminished caffeine decaf coffee to enjoy at the conclusion of the 10-day detox program.

Bonus: A beautiful watercolor illustrated ABC to Z book that you can read to your baby during pregnancy and continue enjoying together up to the age of five.

Get Started on Your 10 Day Caffeine Detox!

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