AEP Statement on State of the Union Address

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The American Edge Project (AEP), a coalition of two dozen domestic organizations, released the following statement in response to President Biden’s State of the Union address. “Tonight, President Biden covered a lot of ground, but missed the opportunity to highlight the serious threat posed by China as they mobilize national efforts to […]

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Who Will Build the Tech Future—America or China?

We are in the midst of a generative artificial intelligence (AI) revolution, with this technology poised to add up to $4.4 trillion to the global economy annually, according to McKinsey. But the race to lead in AI is about more than economic gain; it’s about which country’s values will shape our future, influencing freedom and openness versus control and surveillance. […]

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The digital crossroads: US leadership at stake in the global trade arena

Just a few months ago, the U.S. trade representative (USTR) sparked widespread concern—both at home and abroad—by unexpectedly stepping away from digital trade principles that have been the bedrock of American innovation and economic progress. Now, as the World Trade Organization (WTO) convenes for its upcoming session, the USTR has a critical opportunity to articulate America’s vision for the future of digital commerce. Failing to seize this moment would not only muddle the U.S.’s stance on a key global issue but also hand China an enduring strategic edge. This is more than a chance for clarification; it’s a crucial test of the U.S.’s ability to lead in the digital era. […]

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Blindly Following the EU Will Undercut U.S. Innovation

In an unusual mission, American officials recently flew to Brussels to collaborate with foreign dignitaries at the “Antitrust, Regulation and the Next World Order” forum. Their goal was to devise strategies to undermine America’s leading tech companies through a coordinated regulatory plan that unfortunately will undermine our domestic engines of innovation. […]

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