Frisch raises over $2.6M in Q2 in race against Boebert

Shatters national records for U.S. House races


ALAMOSA — In a press release from the Adam Frisch Campaign for Colorado’s 3rd Congressional District, it was announced that the campaign has raised more than $2.6 million in the second quarter FEC filing, “shattering the record for the largest quarterly fundraising for a U.S. House challenger in the year before an election, excluding special elections and self-funded campaigns.”

According to Madeleine Schmidt with the Frisch campaign, the statement that the fundraising record was shattered was based on “numbers (compiled) by the campaign’s researchers.”  

As of Thursday morning, the Boebert campaign had not posted the amount of donations received during the second quarter of 2023. Figures posted from the first quarter of the year showed that Frisch raised $1,749,353 to Boebert’s $763,726. Frisch’s $1.7 million had been raised in just six weeks, starting from mid-February to the end of March when first quarter filings were closed.

“I want to extend my deepest gratitude to every single person who has donated to this campaign to give the people of Southern and Western Colorado a representative who will take the job seriously and work across the aisle to find solutions to the problems facing this district,” Frisch was quoted as saying. “Boebert continues to vote against the interests of her constituents while devoting her time to ‘angertainment’ antics that do nothing to help CO-3. We can do better than Boebert, and thanks to our generous supporters, we will defeat her in 2024.”

The average donation to Frisch’s campaign this quarter was just over $32 coming from over 81,000 individual donations. Frisch, who is not accepting donations from corporate PACs, had $2.5 million cash on hand as of the Q2 filing deadline on June 30.

Since launching his campaign in February, Frisch has raised a total of $4.4 million from nearly 85,000 different individuals, “exceeding expectations for a congressional candidate this early in the 2024 election cycle.”

The campaign reports having received donations from all 27 counties in the district and all 50 states in addition to military donors and feels this is an indication of widespread support and enthusiasm for Frisch, not just in the 3rd district but across the country.