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Psychological journals are peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journals that publish original work in some areas of psychology. The most common publications include cognitive, health and clinical psychology, applied, developmental, biological, social, experimental, and educational psychology, and psychoanalysis.

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Previous international clinical trials have indicated that mystical experiences resulting from the consumption of classic psychedelic drugs, such as psilocybin, may represent a subjective psychological mechanism of action associated with therapeutic effects for various mental disorders. The revised 30-item Mystical Experience Questionnaire is one of several psychometric scales designed to evaluate such subjective experiences induced by psychedelic drugs. The field of psychedelic research is growing in Scandinavian countries, yet there is currently a lack of translated and culturally adapted Norwegian versions of rating scales for assessing psychedelic drug-induced states of consciousness. With planned and upcoming psychedelic research projects in Norway, there is a need for a Norwegian version of the MEQ30.


We aimed to translate and adapt the Revised Mystical Experiences Questionnaire (MEQ30) from English to Norwegian.


We used rigorous translation methods, including two independent forward translations, one back-translation, pilot testing on a small psychedelic user group (n = 6) and cognitive debriefing in an expert-panel (n = 6) to ensure a culturally adapted Norwegian translation.


Our translation and adaptation procedure resulted in a final Norwegian version of the MEQ30.


The Norwegian MEQ30 is ready to be implemented in future Norwegian trials. Its psychometric properties have not yet been assessed.

Open access

Az újrakezdés bája: a Magyar Pszichológiai Társaság első konferenciái az újjáalakulás után

The charm of a new start: the first conferences of the Hungarian psychological society after the restarting of modern psychology

Magyar Pszichológiai Szemle
Csaba Pléh

Az 1960-as évek fordulója a magyar pszichológia újjáalakulásának és újrafazonozásának izgalmas korszaka volt. A dolgozat a közvetlen háttér bemutatásával indul. Hogyan lett az 1952 novemberében alakult és 1958-ban megszűnt Pavlov Bizottságnak utóda az MTA elnökségi Pszichológiai Bizottsága? Ez az MTA elnökségi maxi bizottság azután kiravaszkodta a pszichológiai társaság és a Szemle újraindulását. Milyen szerepe volt ebben az átalakulásban a nagyhatalmú orvosok és a kisszámú pszichológus rafináltságának és karrierkeresésének?

A Társaság első nagygyűlései seregszemlék voltak, nagy identitásformáló szereppel. Ennek egy különleges vonása volt a nemzetközi pszichológiai élet vezető szereplőinek, például Paul Fraisse és Henri Tajfel a kötelező szovjetek melletti megjelenése az MPT nagygyűlésein. Nyílt és rejtett üzeneteket hoztak. Ismét közénk tartoztok, a pszichológusok nagy nemzetközi családjába, és csináljatok nyugatosabb tudományt, olyat, amilyet régen tudtatok.

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Engaging in practices of intimacy meant to develop and sustain intimacy can be beneficial for couples. Psychoactive substances such as 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) have shown to facilitate bonding within couples and it is hypothesised that classic psychedelics, due to their property to increase prosocial behaviours, can similarly promote interactional intimacy. This study explores shared experiences of altered states of consciousness within romantic couples and their impact on intimacy in relationships.


Twelve participants (six couples) between 19 and 29 years of age who had used psychedelics with their current partner were recruited.


Qualitative data was gathered via simultaneous interviews with both members of a couple. The semi-structured interviews featured an in-depth exploration of multiple shared psychedelic experiences. Reflexive thematic analysis was employed to analyse the resulting transcripts.


Three themes with subsequent subthemes were identified, portraying couples' experiences during psychedelic-induced altered states of consciousness: navigating anxiety (subthemes: novelty, preparation, shifting environment, and calming presence), reshaping practices (subthemes: excessive worrying, spirited discussions, and straight talking), and encountering bliss (subthemes: meeting the unexpected, the beauty around us, leaving the everyday behind, and breaking through).


Couples' experiences with classic psychedelics align with criteria for interactional intimacy (i.e., self-exposure, positive involvement, and shared understanding), but their distinct nature warrants a novel definition of psychedelic intimacy. The unique pair bonding during shared psychedelic experiences could be utilized by psychedelic-assisted couples therapy.

Open access


Background and Aims

Research on psychedelic-assisted therapy (PAT), a promising treatment option for major depression, has not revealed if potential clients show preferences about the demographic characteristics of providers comparable to those common in other forms of psychotherapy. Previous work suggests that honoring comparable client preferences can enhance therapeutic outcomes. This study aims to investigate the importance ratings for a same-gender and a same-race therapist in both cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and PAT.


Participants (N = 635) responded between December 2020 and January 2021 on Amazon's Mechanical Turk crowdsourcing platform. Participants rated the import of provider characteristics, including having a provider who is the same-gender or the same-race, for a CBT therapist and a PAT guide.


Importance ratings for a same-gender practitioner varied by both race and gender; racial and ethnic minority and female participants had the highest importance ratings for a same-gender practitioner. A same-gender CBT therapist was more important than a same-gender PAT guide. Importance ratings for a same-race practitioner did not differ by therapy type or gender and only varied by race; racial and ethnic minority participants rated a same-race practitioner as more important than White participants.


Accommodating client preferences appears important, particularly for members of racial, ethnic, and gender minority groups. A concerted effort to train diverse CBT therapists and PAT guides to meet this demand seems justified.

Open access

„Áldjon vagy verjen sors keze, itt élned, halnod kell” – Új megközelítés a magyarországi kivándorlás motívumainak feltárásában

“May fortune’s hand bless or beat you here you must live and die” – A novel approach to exploring the motives of emigration from Hungary

Magyar Pszichológiai Szemle
Judit Szilasi
Lan Anh Nguyen Luu
, and
Márta Fülöp

Háttér és célkitűzések: A kivándorlás az elmúlt másfél évtizedben Magyarországon jelentős. A jelen kutatás célja az elvándorló és a Magyarországon maradó magyarok csoportjában annak feltárása, hogy milyen szubjektív jelentést tulajdonítanak ennek a két csoportnak és ezen keresztül azonosítani a távozást/maradást motiváló elemeket és ezzel hozzájárulni a magyar kivándorlás, illetve otthon maradás motívumrendszerének komplexebb pszichológiai megértéséhez. Módszer: A kutatás során az Asszociatív Csoportanalízis (AGA) módszert alkalmaztuk. A vizsgálatban részt vevők az alábbi hívószavakra asszociáltak: „Magyarországon élő magyar”, „külföldön élő magyar”. Összesen 204 magyar állampolgár: 102 Magyarországon élő és 102 külföldön élő válaszolt. A minta összeállítása nemre, korra, iskolai végzettségre és településtípusra illesztett volt. Eredmények: A vizsgálatban részt vevő lokálisan két helyen élő csoport asszociációi a magyarországi magyarokkal és a külföldi magyarokkal kapcsolatban a szubjektív jelentés erős hasonlóságaira mutattak rá, ami arra enged következtetni, hogy a közös társadalmi-kulturális kontextus befolyásolja a válaszokat. Az országban maradottakat mindkét csoport erősen negatívan, míg a kivándorló csoportot erősen pozitívan látja. A Magyarországon maradókat egyfajta tanult tehetetlenség jellemzi, míg a kivándorló csoportot a bátorság és a kockázatvállalás. A kivándorlás és az országban maradás motívumai az elszakadás és kötődés, a hazafiság és hazafiatlanság, az énfelnagyítás és éndevalváció és a nyitott és zárt gondolkodás dimenziói mentén értelmezhetőek. Következtetések: A vizsgálat a magyarországi és a külföldi léthez eltérő élettapasztalatokat kapcsoló csoportok jelentéstulajdonításának hasonlóságai és különbségei feltárásával hozzájárul az elvándorlás és az otthon maradás motivációinak megértéséhez.

Open access

Egy új sportolói állapotszorongás kérdőív, a SAS-2H adaptációja

Validation of the Physical Activity and Leisure Motivation Scale on the Hungarian Sample

Magyar Pszichológiai Szemle
Krisztina Kovács

Háttér és célkitűzések: Jelen tanulmány célja egy új, sportpszichológiai állapotszorongás skála (Sport Szorongás Skála-2, Sport Anxiety Scale-2, SAS) magyar változatának pszichometriai vizsgálata és az új mérőeszköz reliabilitásának és validitásának ellenőrzése. Módszer: 361 sportoló vett részt a vizsgálatban (M age = 22,89, SD = 6,44). A fent említett kérdőív mellett a Feladat- és Énorientációs Kérdőívet és a Sport-önbizalom forrásai kérdőívet alkalmaztuk a validálás során. Eredmények: A megerősítő faktoranalízis a háromdimenziós elméleti modellt támogatta, megfelelő illeszkedési mutatókat kaptunk. A skálák belső konzisztenciája megfelelőnek bizonyult (Cronbach α = 0,83–0,93). A konstruktum validitás vizsgálata során a SAS-2 skálái szignifikáns gyenge kapcsolatot mutattak az énorientációval, de nem találtunk kapcsolatot sem az önbizalommal, sem a feladatorientációval. Következtetés: A SAS-2 magyar nyelvű változata megfelelő, megbízható és érvényes mérőeszköznek bizonyult a sportolói állapotszorongás felmérésére.

Open access

A munkamemória, a végrehajtó funkciók és a figyelemkoncentráció vizsgálatának, továbbá a becslőskálák felhasználásának jelentősége az aktivitás- és figyelemzavar diagnosztikai megközelítésében

The importance of working memory, executive functions, attention-concentration and rating scales in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder diagnostics

Magyar Pszichológiai Szemle
Dorottya Horváth
Tímea Harmath-Tánczos

Háttér és célkitűzések: Jelen kutatás az aktivitás- és figyelemzavarral élő tanulók munkamemória, végrehajtó funkciók és figyelemkoncentráció tekintetében nyújtott teljesítményét, továbbá a viselkedésük tükrében tett szülői észrevételeket veszi górcső alá. Kérdésfeltevésként fogalmazódott meg, hogy a verbális munkamemória-feladatokon elért eredmények vajon bejósolják-e a komplex munkamemória-működést? Kirajzolódik-e a szignifikáns különbség a farmakoterápiás ellátásban részesülő, illetve nem részesülő tanulók figyelemkoncentrációs teljesítménye között, s ha igen, képesek-e detektálni a teljesítménybeli különbségeket a szülők? Módszer: A munkamemória mérésekor az álszóismétlési, a hallási mondatterjedelem, a számterjedelem és a fordított számterjedelem tesztek, míg a végrehajtó funkciók megismerésekor a verbális fluencia tesztek kerültek felhasználásra. A figyelmi működés megismerésére a d2-R teszt irányult, a szülői észrevételeket pedig a Conners Gyermek Magatartás Kérdőív tükrében értékeltük. A vizsgálatban 71 fő ADHD diagnózissal rendelkező, ép intellektusú, 9–14 éves tanuló vett részt. Csoportok a javasolt farmakoterápia megvalósulása és meg nem valósulása mentén különültek el. Eredmények: A d2-R teszt összpontosítási teljesítmény mutatója, s annak a feldolgozási sebességgel vagy a hibaszázalékkal való kapcsolata jelezte legmegbízhatóbban a figyelmi érintettség súlyosságát. A verbális munkamemóriát mérő teszteken elért eredmények bejósolták a komplex munkamemória működést. A d2-R teszt minden mutatója mentén szignifikánsan gyengébben teljesítettek a farmakoterápiában nem részesülő tanulók. A munkamemóriát, a figyelmi és a végrehajtó működést mérő eljárásokban nyújtott eredmények nem jósolták be a tanulók viselkedésére vonatkozó szülői megítéléseket. Következtetések: Jelen kutatás előkészíti az ADHD diagnosztikai eszköztárának specifikálását, az eredmények alátámasztják a farmakoterápiás ellátás elutasításának tüneti hátrányait, s kérdéseket körvonalaznak az ADHD szülői megítélése, a metabolikus pszichiátriai szempontokat figyelembe vevő megsegítés, továbbá a felnőttkori ADHD-s populáció vizsgálat��nak irányába.

Open access
Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Małgorzata Draps
Maria Kulesza
Agnieszka Glica
Julia Szymanowska
Katarzyna Lewińska
Weronika Żukrowska
, and
Mateusz Gola


Background and aims

Despite the inclusion of the Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder (CSBD) in the 11th edition of the International Classification of Diseases, emotional and cognitive impairments related to CSBD remains unclear. This study aimed to investigate the behavioral and neuronal effects of emotional interference on cognition among CSBD patients.


Thirty heterosexual males with CSBD and matched healthy controls (HC) were studied with the Emotional Stroop Task using 5 categories of emotionally arousing words (sex-related, positive, fear-related, negative, neutral) during functional magnetic imaging.


At the behavioral level, we found the main effect of the condition: sex-related words evoked a stronger Stroop effect than other conditions. At the neural level, we found a significant group effect. Among CSBD patients processing of sex-related words was related to increased activity in the right putamen, right thalamus, hippocampi, and left pulvinar, when compared to HC. We also found a negative correlation between neuronal activation and time spent on sexual activity during the week preceding study and numerous group differences in brain regions connected to the emotional and motivational processing of sexually explicit material, correlating with CSBD symptoms.


Behavioral results indicate a specific attentional bias toward sex-related stimuli in both groups, while neural data uncovered stronger reactivity to sex-related words in CSBD compared to HC. This reactivity is related to CSBD symptoms and provides evidence for the interference of sex-related stimuli with cognition. Such results are firmly in line with the Incentive Salience Theory and conceptualizing CSBD as a behavioral addiction.

Open access
Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Albert Bellmunt-Gil
Victor Vorobyev
Riitta Parkkola
Jyrki Lötjönen
Juho Joutsa
, and
Valtteri Kaasinen



Changes in brain structural connections appear to be important in the pathophysiology of substance use disorders, but their role in behavioral addictions, such as gambling disorder (GD), is unclear. GD also offers a model to study addiction mechanisms without pharmacological confounding factors. Here, we used multimodal MRI data to examine the integrity of white matter connections in individuals with GD. We hypothesized that the affected areas would be in the fronto-striatal-thalamic circuit.


Twenty individuals with GD (mean age: 64 years, GD duration: 15.7 years) and 40 age- and sex-matched healthy controls (HCs) underwent detailed clinical examinations together with brain 3T MRI scans (T1, T2, FLAIR and DWI). White matter (WM) analysis involved fractional anisotropy and lesion load, while gray matter (GM) analysis included voxel- and surface-based morphometry. These measures were compared between groups, and correlations with GD-related behavioral characteristics were examined.


Individuals with GD showed reduced WM integrity in the left and right frontal parts of the corona radiata and corpus callosum (pFWE < 0.05). WM gambling symptom severity (SOGS score) was negatively associated to WM integrity in these areas within the left hemisphere (p < 0.05). Individuals with GD also exhibited higher WM lesion load in the left anterior corona radiata (pFWE < 0.05). GM volume in the left thalamus and GM thickness in the left orbitofrontal cortex were reduced in the GD group (pFWE < 0.05).


Similar to substance addictions, the fronto-striatal-thalamic circuit is also affected in GD, suggesting that this circuitry may have a crucial role in addictions, independent of pharmacological substances.

Open access


Due to the spread of the communicative language teaching method language learners were often encouraged not to use a dictionary but rather infer the meaning of a word or phrase from its context. Proper dictionary use, however, is now seen as an important element of autonomous and life-long language learning. The present research used the quantitative research paradigm and a self-prepared questionnaire (n = 925) to investigate attitudes towards dictionary use in the case of university students studying languages for business. The study investigated participants' willingness to use and pay for dictionaries and their willingness to read usage guides in dictionaries. Our results show that participants typically use a dictionary if they do not know the meaning of a word or phrase, but are reluctant to buy a dictionary and are likewise unwilling to read the information guides in dictionaries. Our results also reveal that willingness to pay for dictionaries is positively influenced by willingness to use dictionaries, willingness to read usage guides in dictionaries and language learners' age.

Open access


Background and Aims

Many individuals with substance use disorders (SUDs) present with co-occurring mental health disorders and other addictions, including behavioral addictions (BAs). Though several studies have investigated the relationship between SUDs and BAs, less research has focused specifically on compulsive sexual behaviour (CSB). Given that poly-addiction can hinder treatment outcomes, it is necessary to better understand the impact of co-occurring CSB and SUD. Therefore, the current study aimed to 1) determine the rate of CSB in a sample seeking treatment for SUDs, 2) identify demographic and clinical correlates of co-occurring CSB, and 3) to determine if co-occurring CSB impacts treatment outcomes for SUD.


Participants were 793 adults (71.1% men) ranging in age from 18–77 (M = 38.73) at an inpatient treatment facility for SUDs who were assessed for CSB upon admission into treatment. Participants completed a battery of questionnaires upon admission and at discharge to assess psychological and addiction symptoms.


Rates of CSB were 24%. Younger age and being single were associated with greater CSB. Mental distress and addiction symptoms were higher in participants with CSB. Predictors of CSB severity included greater symptoms of traumatic stress and interpersonal dysfunction. Rates of treatment completion were similar between participants with and without CSB.

Discussion and Conclusions

These results highlight several clinical and demographic correlates of CSB amongst individuals in treatment for SUD. However, CSB was not associated with poorer treatment outcomes. Further identifying characteristics associated with CSB can help clinicians identify individuals who may be at higher risk.

Open access



The present study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of a mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) intervention in reducing problematic mobile phone use, depression, and sleep disorders among adolescents. Additionally, it sought to investigate whether the decrease in problematic mobile phone use acted as a mediator in the relationship between the MBCT intervention and adolescent depression and sleep disorders.


In a randomized controlled trial, a total of 104 adolescents were randomly assigned to the mindfulness group (n = 52) or the wait-list control group (n = 52). The mindfulness group students completed eight 45-min sessions of mindfulness training in four weeks. The outcomes were measured at baseline, postintervention, and at the 2-month follow-up.


Compared with the control group, the mindfulness group had significantly greater levels of mindfulness and lower levels of problematic mobile phone use, depression, and sleep disorders postintervention. The intervention effects were maintained at the 2-month follow-up. In addition, decreased problematic mobile phone use significantly mediated the association between the MBCT intervention and decreased depression and decreased sleep disorders.


The findings suggest that MBCT could improve adolescent depression and sleep disorders and that decreasing problematic mobile phone use is an effective pathway accounting for the MBCT intervention effect on adolescent depression and sleep disorders.

Open access


As the wider culture is experiencing what some call a “psychedelic renaissance,” various Christian voices are beginning to comment on this cultural moment in the press and social media. Some are curious, even open minded, about the developments; others are expressing concern about what they see as the inauthenticity and danger of psychedelics as a spiritual practice. In the academic literature, most work on the intersection of Christianity and psychedelic medicine treat either the historical question of psychedelics' possible role in the foundations of the religion or on the practical question of “should we or shouldn't we?” Absent, however, is discussion of how a Christian psychedelic practice might look. This article seeks to address this shortfall by showcasing three extant examples of what we term “psychedelic Christianity”: 1) hippies who converted to Christianity while still using psychedelic substances during the “Jesus movement”; 2) mid-twentieth-century Catholic intellectuals experimenting with the compounds for spiritual and therapeutic reasons; and 3) contemporary clergy who participated in the Johns Hopkins and NYU study with psychedelics and religious professionals. In all of this, we give special attention to the healing experienced by these Christians who undertook a psychedelic Christianity in their recourse to these substances.

Open access


Background and aims

Psychedelics show promise for treatment of mental health conditions (MHCs). But there is relatively little research on indigenous psychedelics conducted in the Global South (GS). Much research is carried out in the Global North, where there are different cultural perceptions of mental health and psychedelics. Therefore, this paper appraises research on psychedelics for treatment or therapy where research was carried out in the GS.


A systematic review of research literature was conducted from 1st January 2010 to 31st July 2023. Medline, PsychINFO and Global Health databases were searched for studies of patients undergoing treatment for MHCs with psychedelics.


Data from 27 papers were extracted and narratively synthesized. A total of 984 participants were included suffering from depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, substance use disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder and eating disorders. The studies investigated the feasibility of psychedelic treatments and presented evidence for their safety. There was preliminary efficacy data for ayahuasca, iboga, 5-MeO-DMT, psylocibin, and MDMA in the treatment of some MHCs. All studies were conducted in line with ethical and medical guidelines, and no serious adverse events were reported.


A renaissance of clinical psychedelic research on substances that have been used as traditional medicines in the GS presents promising evidence for treatment efficacy and safety across a range of MHCs. Psychedelics present an exciting new treatment approach for people in the GS, in a health area with considerable unmet need. Moreover, research demonstrated cost-effectiveness, while results suggested no significant safety concerns or side effects.

Open access

Felügyelt gépi tanulási módszerek alkalmazása a pszichológiai kutatásokban

Using supervised machine learning methods in psychological research

Magyar Pszichológiai Szemle
Nándor Hajdú
Barnabás Szászi
Balázs Aczél
, and
Tamás Nagy

A pszichológiai kutatások számos területén hasznosítható a felügyelt gépi tanulás, amelynek alkalmazásával összetettebb adatok elemzése válik lehetségessé. Célunk, hogy bemutassuk a felügyelt gépi tanulás fajtáit, működését és használatát a pszichológiai kutatásokban. Áttekintjük a gépi tanulás előnyeit, valamint a túlillesztés, torzítási hiba és adatvariabilitás fogalmait, amelyek segítenek a modellválasztásban, és az eredmények robusztusságának biztosításában. Röviden bemutatjuk továbbá a legfontosabb felügyelt gépi tanulási algoritmusokat, és leírjuk a változók és adatok előkészítésének legfontosabb lépéseit. Egy példaelemzés keretében bemutatjuk, hogyan modellezhető egyetemi hallgatók lépcső és lift közötti választása felügyelt gépi tanulással. A cikk végén kitérünk a gépi tanulás korlátaira és annak helyére a pszichológusok oktatásában. Reméljük, hogy a bemutatott ismeretek segítenek a pszichológusoknak a gépi tanulás hatékonyabb és kreatívabb használatában.

Open access

A Munkakörformálás (Job Crafting) Skála magyar változata

Adapting the Job Crafting Scale to Hungarian

Magyar Pszichológiai Szemle
Dóra Gál
Georgina Csordás

Háttér és célkitűzések: A kutatásban a Munkakörformálás (Job Crafting) Skála magyar nyelvre történő adaptálása és a munkakörformálás (job crafting) konstruktumának magyar kontextusban végzett tanulmányozása került célkitűzésre. A munkakörformálás (job crafting) jóllétre gyakorolt befolyása kedvezően hathat a munkahelyi elköteleződésre, az észlelt autonómiára, a munkahelyi kimaradásra, valamint javíthatja a teljesítményt. A jelenség munkahelyi elégedettséggel való együttjárása által továbbá javulhat a szervezetek hatékonysága és eredményessége, valamint csökkenhet a munkavállalók kiégésének bekövetkezési valószínűsége. A munkakörformálás (job crafting) által megtapasztalt értelmes munka pedig mérsékelheti a munkahelyelhagyási szándékot és a depresszív tüneteket, valamint növelheti a munkahelyi elköteleződést és a rezilienciára való képességet. Habár a szakirodalom nagy része a pozitív következményeket hangsúlyozza, a jelenség negatív hatásai is ismertek. Ezek alapján a kihívást kereső munkahelyi viselkedés kontraproduktív hozzáállással párosulhat, így a munkakörformálás (job crafting) vizsgálata munkahelyi környezetben mindenképp releváns lehet. Módszer: Az online adatfelvételben 645 dolgozó személy vett részt (67,29% nő), akik életkora 18 és 65 év között mozgott. A mintát többségében szellemi munkát végző, felsőfokú végzettséggel rendelkező egyének alkották. A validitásvizsgálat a WHO Jóllét Kérdőívvel, a Munkával Való Elégedettség Kérdőívvel és a Munka Értelmessége Kérdőívvel történt. Eredmények: A vizsgálat során a Munkakörformálás (Job Crafting) Skála faktorstruktúrája megerősítő faktorelemzés által reprodukálásra került. Az érvényességi vizsgálat során a munkakörformálás (job crafting) a jólléttel, munkával való elégedettséggel és a munka értelmességével való pozitív együttjárása kimutatásra került, eredményeink alapján a kérdőív megfelelő érvényességgel és megfelelő reliabilitással alkalmazható. Következtetések: A kutatás megerősíti, hogy a munkakörformálás (job crafting) a jólléten, a munkával való elégedettségen és a munka értelmességén keresztül számos pozitív következményt hordoz magával. Feltételezhető, hogy a kérdőív ezen tényezőkön keresztül megfelelő eszközként szolgálhat a szervezetek optimális működésének elősegítésében.

Open access

Személyes célok és társas világ – a jóllét és önszabályozás társas ökológiája

Personal goals and the social world – the social ecology of well-being and self-regulation

Magyar Pszichológiai Szemle
Tamás Martos
Viola Sallay

Háttér: A tanulmányban egy olyan elméleti keretet mutatunk be, mely a boldogság és a pozitív érzelmi állapotok mögött elsősorban a dinamikus önszabályozási folyamatok jelentőségét feltételezi. A jóllét egy jó személy-környezet illeszkedést biztosító mikrovilág, a „személyes niche” megalkotása révén érhető el. Ennek a tranzakcionális folyamatnak fontos alapegységei a személyes célok, melyek alapvetőek a személy ágenciájának megvalósításában: ezek segítségével egyszerre tudjuk önmagunk komplex belső állapotait szabályozni, és tudunk alkotó módon válaszolni környezetünk kihívásaira. Eredmények: Áttekintjük azokat az empirikus kutatásainkat, melyek összekapcsolják a személyes célok tapasztalatait a személyes niche aspektusaival. Az életcélok fontossága és a személyes célok belső integráltsága (énkonkordanciája) a jóllét fontos előfeltételének bizonyult. Ugyanakkor a párkapcsolatban élők számára a partnerrel közös célok és a közös célokban megélt közös megküzdés ugyanilyen fontos jellemzői lehetnek a kapcsolati integrációnak. Újabban pedig a személyes és társas integráció mellett már a környezeti tranzakciók szerepét is vizsgáljuk a célok elérésében és így a személyes niche alakításában. Következtetések: A „személyes niche” ígéretes fogalom a niche különböző aspektusaiban zajló komplex, tranzakcionális folyamatok leírására. Ezeket képviselik a személyes célok és a jóllét összefüggéseinek kutatásai. A jóllét társas-ökológiai beágyazottságának feltérképezése tehát segíthet jobban megérteni a pozitív emberi működést.

Open access

Technoferencia: okoseszközök hatása a társas interakciókra

Technoference: The impact of smart devices on social interactions

Magyar Pszichológiai Szemle
Eszter P. Remete
Orsolya Csilla Pachner
Petra Schrőter
Adél Csenge Simon
Vivien Hartmann
István Tafferner
, and
Gábor Aranyi

Az okoseszközök jelenléte mindennapjaink szerves része. Használatuk gyakorta megzavarja szemtől szembeni társas érintkezéseinket, mely jelenséget McDaniel és Coyne (2016) találóan a magyarul is intuitíven jól értelmezhető technoferencia kifejezéssel írták le. Téma-összefoglaló tanulmányunk empirikus kutatások áttekintésén keresztül mutatja be a technoferencia fogalmát és relevanciáját. Az okoseszközök által megzavart társas interakciók jellegzetességeit kapcsolati, párkapcsolati, szülő-gyermek kapcsolati, valamint munka-magánélet kontextusában tárgyaljuk. Összességében megállapítható, hogy a technoferencia minden életkorban jelentős rizikófaktor a társas kapcsolatok minősége és a mentális egészség szempontjából. A felsorakoztatott munkákhoz kapcsolódóan kitérünk a téma gyakorlati relevanciáira, és áttekintjük a további lehetséges és szükséges kutatási irányokat.

Open access


Background and aims

The association between perceived stress (PS) and gaming addiction (GA) is well documented. However, the mechanism for explaining this association remains unclear. Using a genetically informative design, this study aims to distinguish between the diathesis-stress and bio-ecological models of gene by environment interaction (G x E) to explain the underlying mechanism of the relationship.


In total, 1,468 twins (mean age = 22.6 ± 2.8 years) completed an online survey including the GA and PS scales. Twin correlations for GA and PS were computed and univariate model-fitting analysis was conducted to determine genetic and environmental influences on GA and PS. The bivariate G x E model-fitting analysis was performed to determine the best G x E interaction model.


Additive genetic, shared environmental, and non-shared environmental effects were 0.70 (95%CI = 0.61, 0.77), 0.00, and 0.30 (95%CI = 0.26, 0.33), and 0.38 (95%CI = 0.24, 0.55), 0.35 (95% CI = 0.18, 0.51), and 0.22 (95%CI = 0.20, 0.26) for GA and PS, respectively. Bivariate G x E model-fitting analysis supported the diathesis-stress model, where genetic influences on GA were greater in higher levels of PS, whereas environmental influences on GA were small and constant across levels of PS.

Discussion and conclusions

The evidence for the diathesis-stress model for GA is consistent with the etiological process of many forms of psychopathology. The findings should be incorporated in clinical settings to improve the treatment of GA, and used in developments of intervention and prevention methods for GA.

Open access
Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Maja Friedemann
Celine A. Fox
Anna K. Hanlon
Daniel Tighe
Nick Yeung
, and
Claire M. Gillan


Background and aims

Subjective confidence plays an important role in guiding behaviour, especially when objective feedback is unavailable. Systematic misjudgements in confidence can foster maladaptive behaviours and have been linked to various psychiatric disorders. In this study, we adopted a transdiagnostic approach to examine confidence biases in problem gamblers across three levels: local decision confidence, global task performance confidence, and overall self-esteem. The importance of taking a transdiagnostic perspective is increasingly recognised, as it captures the dimensional nature of psychiatric symptoms that often cut across diagnostic boundaries. Accordingly, we investigated if any observed confidence biases could be explained by transdiagnostic symptom dimensions of Anxiety-Depression and Compulsive Behaviour and Intrusive Thought. This approach allows us to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the role of metacognitive processes in problem gambling, beyond the constraints of traditional diagnostic categories.


Thirty-eight problem gamblers and 38 demographically matched control participants engaged in a gamified metacognition task and completed self-report questionnaires assessing transdiagnostic symptom dimensions.


Compared to controls, problem gamblers displayed significantly elevated confidence at the local decision and global task levels, independent of their actual task performance. This elevated confidence was observed even after controlling for the heightened symptom levels of Anxiety-Depression and Compulsive Behaviour and Intrusive Thought among the problem gamblers.


The results reveal a notable disparity in confidence levels between problem gamblers and control participants, not fully accounted for by the symptom dimensions Anxiety-Depression and Compulsive Behaviour and Intrusive Thought. This suggests the contribution of other factors, perhaps linked to gambling-specific cognitive distortions, to the observed confidence biases.


The findings highlight the intricate link between metacognitive confidence and psychiatric symptoms in the context of problem gambling. It underscores the need for further research into metacognitive biases, which could enhance therapeutic approaches for individuals with psychiatric conditions.

Open access
Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Anna-Chiara Schaub
Maximilian Meyer
Amos Tschopp
Aline Wagner
Undine E. Lang
Marc Walter
Flora Colledge
, and
André Schmidt



Exercise dependence (ED) is characterised by behavioural and psychological symptoms that resemble those of substance use disorders. However, it remains inconclusive whether ED is accompanied by similar brain alterations as seen in substance use disorders. Therefore, we investigated brain alterations in individuals with ED and inactive control participants.


In this cross-sectional neuroimaging investigation, 29 individuals with ED as assessed with the Exercise Dependence Scale (EDS) and 28 inactive control participants (max one hour exercising per week) underwent structural and functional resting-state magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Group differences were explored using voxel-based morphometry and functional connectivity analyses. Analyses were restricted to the striatum, amygdala, and inferior frontal gyrus (IFG). Exploratory analyses tested whether relationships between brain structure and function were differently related to EDS subscales among groups.


No structural differences were found between the two groups. However, right IFG and bilateral putamen volumes were differently related to the EDS subscales “time” and “tolerance”, respectively, between the two groups. Resting-state functional connectivity was increased from right IFG to right superior parietal lobule in individuals with ED compared to inactive control participants. Furthermore, functional connectivity of the angular gyrus to the left IFG and bilateral caudate showed divergent relationships to the EDS subscale “tolerance” among groups.


The findings suggest that ED may be accompanied by alterations in cognition-related brain structures, but also functional changes that may drive compulsive habitual behaviour. Further prospective studies are needed to disentangle beneficial and detrimental brain effects of ED.

Open access


Despite growing interest in psychedelic-assisted therapy (PAT) research, there remains a lack of consensus about key issues relevant to difficulties in predicting acute drug effects, and the role of therapeutic support in clinical trials. In the absence of a clear theoretical model to conceptualize multifaceted components in PAT research, dialogue across contexts (e.g., popular media, peer reviewed journals, conference settings) is becoming increasingly polarized and siloed. This has even contributed to somewhat unusual recommendations by the FDA and others that removing critical aspects of psychological and medical safety could enhance our ability to investigate the impact of these drugs on clinical outcomes. Considering the importance of determining and maximizing safety in ongoing PAT research, this commentary suggests that an ecological systems theory (EST) approach provides a structure to make contextual and practical factors a more explicit and testable component of research. Utilizing systems theory and Bronfenbrenner’s EST approach adapted for healthcare settings, we propose that a more detailed conceptual model in PAT research would enable more explicit consideration of contextual factors informing and influencing outcomes. This commentary is accompanied by a custom figure that illustrates application of this model for psychedelic research and highlights the limitations of current measurement of acute subjective experience.

Open access
Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Nirav Saini
Cam Adair
Daniel L. King
Daria J. Kuss
Douglas A. Gentile
Hyoun S. Kim
Jeremy Edge
Joël Billieux
John Ng
Juliana P. S. Yun
Lisa Henkel
Linda Faulcon
Michelle Nogueira
Rune K. L. Nielsen
Shannon Husk
Shawn Rumble
Trey R. Becker
Zsolt Demetrovics
, and
David C. Hodgins


Background and Objectives

As the gaming industry experiences exponential growth, concerns about gaming disorder (GD) also grow. It is crucial to understand the structural features of games that can interact with individual characteristics of gamers to promote GD. This research consolidates the views of an international body of panelists to create an assessment tool for gauging the addictive potential of distinct games.


Utilizing the iterative and structured Delphi method, an international panel of researchers, clinicians, and people with lived experience were recruited to offer a multifaceted viewpoint on the addictive risk associated with specific structural elements in games. Two rounds of surveys facilitated consensus.


The panel initially included 40 members—ten from research, eight from clinical settings, and 22 with lived experiences. The second round included 27 panelists—seven from research, eight from clinical settings, and 11 with lived experiences. The study identified 25 structural features that contribute to potentially addictive gaming patterns.

Discussion and Conclusions

Consensus was found for 25 features, which were distilled into a 23-item evaluation tool. The Saini-Hodgins Addiction Risk Potential of Games Scale (SHARP-G) consists of five overarching categories: ‘Social,’ ‘Gambling-Like Features,’ ‘Personal Investment,’ ‘Accessibility,’ and ‘World Design.’ SHARP-G yields a total score indicating level of addiction risk. A case study applying the scale to three games of differing perceived risk levels demonstrated that that score corresponded to game risk as expected. While the SHARP-G scale requires further validation, it provides significant promise for evaluating gaming experiences and products.

Open access



To investigate the rates of problematic mobile phone use (PMPU) and chronotypes in young adults, and examine the associations of PMPU with chronotypes, as well as its gender differences. Furthermore, we explored the moderating role of PER3 gene DNA methylation on the associations.


From April to May 2019, a total of 1,179 young adults were selected from 2 universities in Anhui and Jiangxi provinces. The Self-rating Questionnaire for Adolescent Problematic Mobile Phone Use (SQAPMPU) and reduced Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire (rMEQ) were adopted to investigate PMPU and chronotypes in young adults, respectively. Moreover, 744 blood samples were collected to measure PER3 gene DNA methylation. Multivariate logistic regression models were established to analyze the associations between PMPU and chronotypes. Moderating analysis was used to determine whether PER3 gene DNA methylation moderated the relationships between PMPU and chronotypes.


The prevalence of PMPU, morning chronotypes (M-types), neutral chronotypes (N-types), and evening chronotypes (E-types) of young adults were 24.6%, 18.4%, 71.1%, and 10.5%, respectively. Multivariate logistic regression results indicated that PMPU was positively correlated with E-types (OR = 3.53, 95%CI: 2.08–6.00), and the association was observed only in females after stratified by gender (OR = 5.36, 95%CI: 2.70–10.67). Furthermore, PER3 gene DNA methylation has a negative moderating role between PMPU and chronotypes and has a sex-based difference.


This study can provide valuable information for the prevention and control of circadian rhythm disturbance among young adults from the perspective of epidemiology and biological etiology.

Open access
Journal of Psychedelic Studies
Evan E. Ozmat
Alicia K. McDonough
Guy M. Ladouceur
Darin S. Roy
Dana M. Bozek
Junsung Oh
, and
Jessica L. Martin


Background and aims

Ibogaine, an alkaloid extracted from the root of the Tabernanthe Iboga shrub, holds promise in treating addictive disorders. Individuals receiving ibogaine treatment report decreased withdrawal symptoms, cravings, and addiction severity. These changes are often attributed to ibogaine's psychedelic properties: subjectively meaningful, dream-like experiences. Research demonstrates that ibogaine experiences impact multiple social-ecological dimensions and influence addiction and recovery trajectories. No studies have explored the multidimensional experiences of individuals seeking ibogaine treatment for addictions. The current study examines acute and enduring ibogaine experiences at individual, interpersonal, and behavioral health systems levels.


Fifteen individuals (5 female, 10 male) who received ibogaine treatment at a medical clinic in Ensenada, Mexico completed semi-structured interviews asking about individual, interpersonal, and behavioral health system experiences post-ibogaine within 12 months of ibogaine treatment (Mdn = 169 days). Transcripts were coded and analyzed using a Consensual Qualitative Research approach.


Many participants reported seeking ibogaine treatment after exhausting other addiction services. Outcomes reported following treatment included alleviated cravings and withdrawal symptoms. Participants indicated that ibogaine experiences prompted insight into their addictions and contributed to their recovery. Self-support and disclosing ibogaine experiences to professional and non-professional supporters were important to participants' recovery post-ibogaine.


Intersecting experiences across social-ecological levels had an enduring impact on participants' addiction recovery after ibogaine treatment. Despite negative experiences with behavioral health systems prior to receiving ibogaine treatment, most participants sought the support of mental health professionals post-ibogaine. Findings are informative for mental health professionals and clients interested in ibogaine treatment.

Open access


Background and aims

Psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy (PAP) is currently being studied as a possible treatment option for multiple disorders. Despite promising safety and efficacy findings, the high costs of the current PAP model makes it questionable if the treatment will be scalable. Non-hallucinogenic psychedelic analogs have been developed as a potential cost-effective alternative, but it is unclear what psychedelic users perceive as a reasonable cost for treatment and whether they would be open to trying a non-hallucinogenic analog.


We queried a large sample of people using psychedelics naturalistically (N = 1,221) about their attitudes regarding the role of altered states of consciousness in PAP outcomes, costs of treatment, and their openness to trying a non-hallucinogenic psychedelic analog for treating a mental health condition.


We found that most (76%) participants considered altered states of consciousness as very or extremely important to the therapeutic effects of psychedelics. Despite this, most (61%) were also moderately, very, or extremely likely to try a non-hallucinogenic substance if given the chance. Lastly, participants considered approximately $70–80 per hour to be a reasonable cost for various aspects of psychedelic services (e.g., preparation, integration, and dosing sessions).


Participants valued the role of altered states of consciousness in therapeutic changes attributed to psychedelics, but were still open to trying a non-hallucinogenic analog. Notably, the price participants considered to be a reasonable amount for PAP is well below current market projections. Future research is needed to address limitations of the study as well as to identify ways of lowering treatment costs.

Open access


Background and aims

This qualitative ethnographic study of a psychedelic integration group in the Southeastern United States contributes to an understanding of the role of supportive communities in processing psychedelic experiences. This article proposes the concept of ‘social efficacy’ to capture the importance of social relationships to the efficacy of psychedelics. Social efficacy refers to a source of efficacy that includes not just the immediate social environment in which psychedelics are experienced and processed, but also the broad range of social relationships and political economic and historical contexts that frame their use.


This year-long ethnographic research project took place with a psychedelic integration group in an urban center in the Southeastern United States. It was based on observation, interviews, and a focus group.


Overall, the participants in the integration group see the group as critical to their ability to effectively process their psychedelic experiences. The group is important as a supportive community of like-minded people that facilitates enduring cognitive and affective transformation.


Community-based non-therapeutic integration groups can play a vital role in the positive integration of psychedelic experiences, improving mental health and quality of life for users. The important role of community-based groups has significance for both the legalization and the medicalization of psychedelics. It highlights the need for safe and legal spaces in which people can talk about their psychedelic experiences and for medical models of efficacy that include social, relational elements.

Open access


Over the past decade, numerous open-label studies and early clinical trials have shown that psychedelics hold promise for the fast and possibly lasting relief of a wide range of conditions ranging from major depressive disorder, end-of-life anxiety, and obsessive-compulsive disorder to smoking, alcohol use, and eating disorders. Among the questions still to be resolved in this endeavor are questions related to the importance of the metaphysical and phenomenological aspects of the psychedelic experience. Are the hallucinatory experiences engendered by classical psychedelics necessary to their therapeutic action, or could a trip that doesn't go anywhere have the same effect on depression and other conditions? This commentary considers the value of the phenomenological psychedelic experience and asks the larger question, what are any of our phenomenological experiences for?

Open access


With a surge in critiques levelled against the evidence generated by randomised controlled trials in the study of psychedelic-assisted therapy (PAT), and the legalization of PAT in select jurisdictions such as Australia, and Oregon and Colorado in the United States, we consider what form the real-world evidence of its effects could take. Specifically, we propose to complement individual-level data-gathering (the usual remit of pharmacovigilance procedures) with evidence of PAT's collective effects. Taking our cue from long-standing claims that psychedelics are agents of social transformation, we draw upon the ‘transformative paradigm’ of evaluation, an approach that is itself oriented around social justice and change vis-à-vis marginalised expertise – or what we approach as ‘the grassroots’. To illustrate the potential of such grassroots evaluations, we offer eight examples of social issues that have been discussed in relation to PAT and psychedelics use and, for each, discuss the kinds of expertise that could be brought into the evaluation team and the kinds of questions that could be asked. We further describe our grassroots approach according to three values inspired by the qualities of grass roots themselves: rhizomatic accountability, dark reflexivity, and more-than-human hosting. We argue that these values align with the contemporary experience, practice, and context of PAT. We hope to generate discussion, innovation, and – ultimately – action toward specific study designs that are adequate to the task of documenting, and working with, the transformative potential of psychedelics in contemporary medicalized societies.

Open access
Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Damian van der Neut
Margot Peeters
Meyran Boniel-Nissim
Helena Jeriček Klanšček
Leila Oja
, and
Regina van den Eijnden
Open access
Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Catherine Tulloch
Nerilee Hing
Matthew Browne
Alex M. T. Russell
Matthew Rockloff
, and
Vijay Rawat



Understanding how gambling harm is distributed is essential to inform effective harm reduction measures. This first national Australian study of gambling harm-to-self examined the extent, distribution, risk factors, and health related quality of life (HRQoL) impacts of this harm.


A Random Digit Dialling sample of 15,000 Australian adults was weighted to key population variables. Key measures included the Gambling Harms Scale-10 (GHS-10), PGSI, SF-6D, gambling behaviours, and demographics. Analyses included ordinal logistic regression.


Amongst gamblers, 14.7% reported harm on the GHS-10, including 1.9% reporting high-level harm. While high-level harm occurred mainly in the problem gambling group (77.3%), other PGSI groups accounted for most of the more prevalent low (98.5%) and moderate (87.2%) harms reported. Proximal predictors of greater harm were use of online gambling and more frequent gambling on electronic gaming machines (EGMs), race betting sports betting, poker, skin gambling, scratchies, and loot box purchasing. Distal predictors were being younger, male, single, Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, and speaking a non-English language at home. At the population level, the greatest aggregate HRQoL impacts were amongst lower-risk gamblers, confirming the results of other studies regarding the ‘prevention paradox’.


The distribution of harm across gambler risk groups indicates the need for preventive measures, not just interventions for problem gambling. Reducing harm requires modifying product features that amplify their risk, especially for EGMs, race betting and sports betting that are both inherently risky and widely used. Gambling harm exacerbates health disparities for disadvantaged and vulnerable groups, requiring targeted resources and support.

Open access


This commentary addresses the potential for a nocebo effect arising from the public discourse on psychedelics, especially considering the increasing interest and engagement with these substances. The resurgence of psychedelics in the public and scientific arenas has led to a proliferation of discussions, both positive and cautionary, about their use. However, an imbalance in this discourse, particularly a focus on potential harms without adequate contextualisation, might inadvertently create a nocebo effect. This effect could manifest in naturalistic settings, influencing individuals' experiences with psychedelics, possibly leading to adverse outcomes. The paper discusses the importance of a balanced narrative that equally acknowledges the benefits and risks associated with psychedelic use. It advocates for comprehensive and transparent information dissemination to enable informed decision-making by users.

Open access


The Dark Triad is an important aspect of human personality, and there is evidence that it associated with infidelity. The current research aimed to examine the association between Narcissism, Psychopathy, and Machiavellianism traits and different aspects of infidelity in the Greek cultural context. In particular, using a sample of 509 Greek-speaking participants [57.5% women, mean age 36.5 (SD = 11.7), 42.5% men, mean age 40.1 (SD = 13.1)], we found that higher scores in Psychopathy were associated with higher incidence of infidelity and willingness to be unfaithful to one's partner. Moreover, men and women who scored higher in Psychopathy were more likely to be detected by their partners when unfaithful. Men who scored high in Psychopathy were also more suspicious of their partners for being unfaithful than men who scored low. However, the scores in the Dark Triad traits did not predict the probability to detect a partner's infidelity neither for men nor for women. Overall, in the Greek cultural context, the Dark Triad traits were associated with certain aspects of infidelity.

Open access
Culture and Evolution
Lasse Suonperä Liebst
Richard Philpot
Peter Ejbye-Ernst
Wim Bernasco
Marie Bruvik Heinskou
Peter Verbeek
Mark Levine
, and
Marie Rosenkrantz Lindegaard


Animal ethologists suggest that non-human primates console victims of aggression in a manner similar to humans. However, the empirical basis for this cross-species comparison is fragile, given that few studies have examined consolation behavior among humans. To address this gap, we revive and apply the underappreciated ethological branch of micro-sociology, which advocates the study of human interactions by applying ethological observation techniques. We thus systematically observed naturally occurring human consolation captured by video surveillance cameras in the aftermath of violent public assaults. Consistent with prior human and non-human primate research, social affiliation promoted consolatory helping. By contrast, we found no main effect of sex. A further exploratory analysis indicated an interaction effect between social affiliation and sex, with female affiliates having the largest probability of providing consolation. We discuss implications for the cross-species study of primate consolation and advocate that micro-sociology should reappraise ethological perspectives.

Open access


Previous research has demonstrated that people remember negative reputational information particularly well. However, most of these experiments manipulated the type of information associated with each face, rather than manipulating the circumstances under which people learn this information. The present experiment examines the effect of the social situation on memory for social-exchange relevant information. Faces were paired with descriptions of cheating, trustworthy, or neutral behavior. In addition, the importance of the social situation was manipulated: Participants had either to decide if they would want to work with the described person on a student project (socially relevant scenario) or if they would want to ask this person what time it is while waiting at an airport (socially irrelevant scenario). A multinomial processing tree model was used to measure old–new item discrimination and source memory. Only in the socially relevant scenario a source memory advantage for cheaters was found.

Open access
Journal of Psychedelic Studies
Mark Cornfield
Susan McBride
Joseph T. La Torre
Daniel Zalewa
Jade Gallo
Mehdi Mahammadli
, and
Monnica T. Williams



This study contributes to the understanding of the efficacy, safety, and experience of ketamine-assisted therapy. The paper documents how individuals describe the effects of a protocolized and personalized use of ketamine (‘the relational dose’) in the context of group couples therapy based on Imago Relationship Therapy (IRT). Little is known about simultaneously administering ketamine to both members of a couple in this context, and no research to date has been published on whether ketamine facilitates couples to better engage in and benefit from the therapeutic process. The paper includes both qualitative and quantitative results.


The study utilized a mixed methods approach. One approach was an inductive content analysis that produced overarching themes gleaned from participants' check-ins pre and post their weekly ketamine sessions. Transcripts were examined to better understand ketamine's effects on couples' ability to engage in therapeutic dialogue and resolve challenging relationship issues, as well as themes related to the non-ordinary-state-of-consciousness (NOSC) experience. The second approach involved the analysis of pre-test, post-test, and follow-up data from the Couples Satisfaction Index (CSI).


The couples described a wide range of effects that ketamine produced in the context of their relational dialoguing including: empathogenic effects, mystical/spiritual/psychedelic experiences, anxiolytic and antidepressant effects. They also affirmed ketamine's ability to generate alternative perspectives, promote insight, heighten awareness, enhance vulnerability and communication, lower defenses, and produce novel somatic experiences. Participants' description of ketamine effects included its short duration, rapid onset, idiosyncratic sensitivity to dose, cumulative effects, as well as transient and mild side-effects. Several t-tests were statistically significant, and indicated improved relationship satisfaction following the treatment.


In the context of couples therapy, ketamine produced a wide range of therapeutic effects and possessed unique pharmacological properties as a rapid-acting novel psychoactive molecule. The drug may have profound therapeutic benefits when administered in the context of couples therapy, under clinical supervision, however more research should be carried out.

Open access



Problematic usage of the internet (PUI) is an umbrella term for a range of uncontrolled, excessive, and potentially harmful online behaviors. Recently, numerous studies have examined the potential of mindfulness programs (MPs) for reducing PUI. We conducted a comprehensive systematic review and meta-analysis in this emerging field.


We searched eight databases from inception to October 18, 2022, with no language restrictions. We included randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and nonrandomized trials (NRTs). The primary outcome was change in self-reported PUI, the secondary outcome was change in screen time.


Of 3,473 identified records, 19 RCTs and 20 NRTs with a total of 1,549 participants were included. Participation in an MP was associated with large reductions in PUI in between-group analysis in RCTs (k = 19; g = −1.67; 95% CI −2.15, −1.19) and in within-group pre-post analysis in all studies (k = 35; g = −1.67; 95% CI −1.99, −1.36). Screen time showed a medium reduction in within-group pre-post analysis (k = 10; g = −0.65; 95% CI −0.90, −0.41). The effects for PUI remained significant in a series of sensitivity analyses, such as excluding low quality studies, excluding outliers, adjusting for publication bias, or using follow-up data. Heterogeneity between studies was high and the overall quality of evidence was rated low.

Discussion and conclusions

MPs are probably effective in reducing PUI and might be effective in reducing screen time. Shortcomings in the quality of evidence highlight the need for high-quality controlled trials with long-term follow-ups to confirm results.

Open access
Mentálhigiéné és Pszichoszomatika
Olivér Lubics
Katalin Vadai
Tímea Magyaródi
, and
Henriett Nagy

Elméleti háttér: Az élettel való elégedettség a jóllétkutatások egyik leggyakrabban használt mutatója, ami számos pozitív jelenségre lehet hatással (pl. társas kapcsolatok, egészség), így fontos feltérképezni azokat a tényezőket, amelyek befolyással lehetnek az alakulására. Cél:Jelen tanulmány célja feltérképezni a boldogságtól való félelem, a demográfiai tényezők, valamint a Big Five személyiségdimenziók szerepét az élettel való elégedettségben, kitüntetett szerepet szánva a boldogságtól való félelem vizsgálatának, a koncepció újszerűsége miatt. Módszerek: Keresztmetszeti kérdőíves vizsgálatunkban 1826 felnőtt vett részt (77% nő; átlagéletkor = 35 év; SD = 15,5 év), akik a demográfiai kérdéseken kívül a Boldogságtól való félelem skálát, az Élettel való elégedettség skálát, valamint a Big Five leltárt töltötték ki. Eredmények: Az életkor és az élettel való elégedettség (r s = –0,06, p < 0,001), illetve az életkor és a boldogságtól való félelem (r s = –0,19; p = 0,005) között negatív irányú, ám elhanyagolható erősségű összefüggést találtunk, amit nem tudott szignifikánsan jobban magyarázni egy „U alakú” (kvadratikus) függvény, egy egyszerű lineáris függvénnyel összehasonlítva. Nem találtunk szignifikáns nemi különbséget az élettel való elégedettség (p = 0,17; Cohen-d = 0,07), illetve a boldogságtól való félelem (p = 0,93; Cohen-d = –0,005) pontszámokban. Az egyedülállókkal összehasonlítva a párkapcsolatban élők szignifikánsan magasabb élettel való elégedettség (p < 0,001; Cohen-d = 0,48) és szignifikánsan alacsonyabb boldogságtól való félelem (p < 0,001; Cohen-d = –0,31) pontszámokkal jellemezhetők. A boldogságtól való félelem önmagában szignifikáns, negatív prediktora az élettel való elégedettségnek (R 2 = 0,16; β = –0,398; p < 0,001), és ez a demográfiai és a Big Five faktorok kontrollálása után is igaz (β = –0,208; p < 0,001), tehát kijelenthető, hogy annak a demográfiai és a Big Five személyiségfaktoroktól elkülönülő magyarázóereje van az élettel való elégedettségben. A végső modellben a Big Five skálák közül nem bizonyult szignifikáns prediktornak a barátságosság, illetve a nyitottság, pozitív hatással bírt az extraverzió és a lelkiismeretesség, negatív hatással pedig a neuroticizmus esetében számolhatunk. Következtetések: Eredményeink nagyrészt megerősítik az élettel való elégedettség prediktoraival kapcsolatos korábbi kutatásokat; továbbá felvetik a boldogságtól való félelem behatóbb vizsgálatának szükségességét, hiszen eszerint egy, az alap személyiségdimenzióktól elkülönülő, a szubjektív jóllétre szignifikáns hatást gyakorló tényezőről lehet szó.

Open access


Background and aims

In 2021, China implemented a policy to prevent adolescents from excessive online gaming, with the goal of encouraging healthier leisure activities.


Three months after this policy was implemented, we conducted a study involving 430 Chinese adolescents who regularly played online games for over two hours daily before the policy. We collected their responses to the restriction, including their compliance with the policy, engagement in undesirable alternative behaviors (e.g., watching short videos), and engagement in desirable alternative behaviors (e.g., playing sports). We also collected data on individual factors, parental technology interference, and feelings of restriction to use as predictors for behaviors, including those related to violating the restriction or watching short videos.


A small percentage of heavy gamers violated the restriction by renting others' game accounts (3%) or using a family member's identity (14%), while 59% of the sample shifted to watching short videos. Heavy gamers who lived in rural areas, spent more time on online games prior to the policy, did not feel restricted from playing online games, and experienced parental technology interference were more likely to violate the restriction. Females or those lacking stable hobbies were more inclined to watch short videos.


Although the policy restricted heavy gaming, it has also led to increased short video use. Policymakers could explore alternative approaches, such as developing infrastructure that supports outdoor leisure activities in rural areas, encouraging parents to model responsible technology use behaviors, and guiding adolescents to cultivate positive hobbies in their leisure time.

Open access

Emerging adulthood in medical school. Gender, school-related factors and Big Five traits related to medical students’ quarter-life crisis

Kezdődő felnőttkor az orvosegyetemen. A nem, az egyetemhez kötődő tényezők és a Big Five vonások kapcsolata az orvostanhallgatók kapunyitási pánikjával

Mentálhigiéné és Pszichoszomatika
Csaba Hamvai
Dániel Baricz
Dávid Pócs
, and
Oguz Kelemen

Background: Quarter-life crisis is the anxiety and discomfort the young might experience at the end of their studies and at the beginning of their career. Objectives: Factors related to medical students’ quarter-life crisis were explored in this study. Methods: in the cross-sectional study, 351 medical students (74.6% female, mean of age: 23.79 years, SD: 1.53 years) filled in the online questionnaire that contained Quarter-life Crisis Questionnaire, International Personality Item Pool version of Big Five markers, and questions about different aspects of medical school. Independent t-test, Mann-Whitney U test and linear regression analysis were performed. Results: Women reported higher quarter-life crisis (t = –3.44, p = 0.001, Cohen’s d = 0.42). Higher quarter-life crisis displayed among those students who did not apply to medical university right after high school (U = 2865.5, p = 0.03, Cohen’s d = 0.24). Students who would have not applied to medical school again (t = –7.93, p < 0.001, Cohen’s d = 0.90); would have not encouraged their children to apply to medical school (U = 10414.5, p < 0.001, Cohen’s d = 0.57); were uncertain to finish university (t = 6.68, p< 0.001, Cohen’s d = 0.74) showed higher quarter-life crisis. Students who failed at least one term for academic reason (U = 11809.5, p = 0.04, Cohen’s d = 0.23); did not feel to get proper knowledge to accomplish a medical job (t = –3.90, p < 0.001, Cohen’s d = 0.54); were not satisfied with their grades (U = 11560.5, p = 0.01, Cohen’s d = 0.27) reported higher quarter-life crisis. Students who did not plan to work in a clinical field and patient care (t =–5.974, p = 0.00, Cohen’s d = 0.93); wanted to work abroad in the future (U = 12931.5, p = 0.00; Cohen’s d =0.27) had higher quarter-life crisis. Personality traits, such as extraversion (β = –0.20, p < 0.001), conscientiousness (β = –0.10, p = 0.01) were significant negative, neuroticism significant positive predictor of quarter-life crisis (β = 0.61, p < 0.001). Conclusion: The explored variables might be indicators of quarter-life crisis, and can be the basis of university counseling, when medical students’ quarter-life crisis and emerging adulthood is in focus.

Open access

„Én már hamu vagyok?” Kiégéskörkép – fókuszban a tanárok helyzetével

“Am I just ashes now?” Burnout landscape – focusing on teachers’ perspective

Mentálhigiéné és Pszichoszomatika
Réka Szigeti
Noémi Balázs
, and
Róbert Urbán

A kiégés az egyik legsúlyosabb munkahelyi veszélyforrás, amely a pedagógusszakmát is erősen érinti. Narratív irodalmi összefoglalónkban a kiégés kutatásának kezdeteit is feltüntetve tekintjük át az aktuális kérdéseket a definíció, méréstan, a háttérokok és a prevenciós megközelítések terén fókuszálva a tanárokkal kapcsolatos relevanciákra. A diverzifikált módszertan nehezíti az előfordulás pontos mérését és a kezelési protokollok kialakítását is. A kiégés kutatásának kezdetén a Maslach és munkacsoportja által létrehozott modell vált dominánssá, amely a mai napig a legelterjedtebb, de mivel sok kritika éri, számos új mérőeszköz alakult ki. Napjainkban a konszenzusra való törekvés a jellemző szintetizáló definíciókkal és mérőeszközzel. A munka- és szociálpszichológiai megközelítés mellett amely ennek a cikknek is alapját képezi a kiégés klinikai megközelítését is érintjük. A kiégés mint folyamat pontosabb feltérképezése pedig hozzájárul a személyre szabottabb prevenció kialakításához. A legújabb kutatási eredmények fényében összegezzük, hogy milyen egyéni és szervezeti szintű tényezők milyen differenciált hatással bírnak a kiégés mértékének alakulására. Végül kitérünk arra, hogy mindezeket az egyéni és szervezeti szintű tényezőket, illetve ezek interakcióit figyelembe véve melyek a leghatékonyabb prevenciós megközelítések különösen az általános és középiskola világában.

Open access

Men's attitudes toward third party casual sex

Predict rape myth acceptance

Culture and Evolution
Rebecka K. Hahnel-Peeters
Cari D. Goetz
, and
Aaron T. Goetz


The reproductive self-interest model of morality (RSIMM) is a framework for understanding moral judgments associated with sexual behavior. This model posits that individual differences in sexual strategies, mediated by one's religiosity and political orientation, casually influence people's moral judgments toward social hot-button issues. Previous work on the RSIMM has explained individual differences in attitudes toward abortion, prostitution, and contraception. Individuals more interested in long-term mating judged these behaviors as morally wrong. In this preregistered study, we proposed the RSIMM would account for individual differences in rape myth acceptance (RMA). RMA is the phenomenon of endorsing beliefs or stereotypes about rape that diminish the severity of assaults or shift blame from perpetrators to victims. We examined the relationship between political orientation, attitudes toward third-party casual sex, and RMA in a convenience sample of 308 participants (137 women). We predicted that more negative attitudes toward third parties' casual sex would correlate with increased RMA. Our hypothesis was supported for men but not women: Men who condemned others' casual sex, had more unrestricted attitudes about their own casual sex, and desired more casual sex were statistically more likely to accept more rape myths. In the discussion, we speculate that sex differences in the relationship between attitudes towards casual sex and RMA may be due to the costs of rape incurred by women but not men.

Open access



Although the correlation between substance use disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has been largely studied, less is known about the correlation between behavioral addictions and ADHD. Thus, the aim of the present study was to investigate the prevalence of behavioral addictions in a large sample of adult patients with a primary diagnosis of ADHD and to compare the clinical profile of ADHD patients with and without behavioral addictions comorbidity.


248 consecutive adults newly diagnosed as ADHD patients were assessed through a series of validated scales for gambling disorder, internet, sex, shopping and food addictions. ADHD patients with at least one comorbid behavioral addiction were compared to non-comorbid patients on ADHD symptoms, impulsivity, mood and anxiety symptoms and functional impairment.


58.9% of patients had at least one behavioral addiction comorbidity. Of the whole sample, 31.9% of the patients had a comorbidity with one behavioral addiction while the 27% showed a comorbidity with two or more behavioral addictions. Internet addiction was the most common comorbidity (33.9%) followed by food addiction (28.6%), shopping addiction (19%), sex addiction (12.9%) and gambling disorder (3.6%). ADHD patients with comorbid behavioral addictions showed higher ADHD current and childhood symptoms, higher cognitive and motor impulsivity, higher mood and anxiety symptoms and higher functional impairment.


Behavioral addictions are highly frequent in adult ADHD patients. Comorbid patients seem to have a more complex phenotype characterized by more severe ADHD, mood and anxiety symptoms, higher impulsivity levels and greater functional impairment.

Open access

The prevalence of body dysmorphic disorder and the acceptance of cosmetic surgery in a nonclinical sample of Hungarian adults

A testdiszmorfiás zavar prevalenciája és a kozmetikai sebészet elfogadottsága magyar felnőttek vizsgálati mintáján

Mentálhigiéné és Pszichoszomatika
Beáta Szászi
Pál Szabó

Background: Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is a common, often undiagnosed, serious condition. The relationship between body dysmorphic disorder and cosmetic surgery is rather complex, as many patients with body dysmorphic disorder search for cosmetic solutions for the imagined defect in appearance. Aims: To assess the prevalence of body dysmorphic disorder and its relationship to the acceptance and use of cosmetic services and body-related variables among Hungarian adults. Methods: Body weight and height, body satisfaction, health state, aesthetic intervention-related experiences, and plans were assessed by a self-report online questionnaire that included the Body Dysmorphic Disorder Questionnaire and the Acceptance of Cosmetic Surgery Scale. Six hundred three subjects (94% women, n = 567, 6% men, n = 36, age M = 40.16 years, SD = 13.32 years) joined the research on a social media platform. Results: The prevalence of BDD is 8.1% (n = 49), 8.1% (n = 46) in women, and 8.3% (n = 3) in men. The BDD-positive group had higher BMI (U = 9641.5, p = 0.028), more plastic surgeries (χ2(1) = 19.682 , p = 0.012), and more acceptance of cosmetic surgery (U = 6664, p < 0.001). The risk of BDD is significantly higher in those who have a lower education (OR = 0.424, p = 0.031), accept cosmetic surgery (OR = 1.031, p = 0.025), plan plastic surgery (OR = 0.351, p = 0.027) and are more dissatisfied with their body (OR = 0.397, p < 0.001). Consideration of cosmetic surgery (U = 7433, p = 0.006) and planning for future plastic surgeries χ 2(1) = 7.943, p = 0.019) are more frequent in females. Sixty-six women (11.6%) have already had some intervention, 26.4% plan, and 10.4% probably plan cosmetic surgery, while these data are 11.1%, 8.3% and 5.6% in males. These symptoms occur more frequently among women according to Body Dysmorphic Disorder Questionnaire: avoidance behavior (33.9% vs. 16.7%, χ 2(1) = 4.539, p = 0.033), significant mental suffering caused by the perceived flaw(s) (29.8% vs. 13.9%, χ 2(1) = 4.178, p = 0.041). The Acceptance of Cosmetic Surgery Scale total score has a significant positive relationship with BDD caseness (β = 0.100, p = 0.011) and the number of blepharoplasties (β = 0.111, p = 0.005) and significant negative relationship with the planning of cosmetic surgery (β = –0.491, p < 0.001). Conclusions: The prevalence of body dysmorphic disorder is high in this non-clinical, unselected Hungarian sample. The risk for body dysmorphic disorder is higher in those interested in cosmetic services; screening for this body image disorder is necessary.

Open access
Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Adrian Paterna
Manuel Alcaraz-Ibáñez
Jose M. Aguilar-Parra
Carlos Salavera
Zsolt Demetrovics
, and
Mark D. Griffiths


Background and aims

The present study aimed to synthesize existing quantitative evidence on the relationship between problematic smartphone use (PSU) and academic achievement with a focus on quantifying its magnitude and examining its potential moderators.


Eligible studies were searched for up to February 10, 2023 in six different databases (i.e., MEDLINE, Current Contents Connect, PsycINFO, Web of Science, SciELO, and Dissertations & Theses Global). Studies were considered eligible if they provided information derived from self-report instruments that allowed statistical calculation of the relationship between PSU and academic achievement. Pooled effect sizes (r) were computed using a random-effects model. Meta-regressions were conducted to test the influence of study-level moderators on the relationship of interest. Influence analyses and a three-parameter selection model (3PSM) were conducted to examine the robustness of the results and publication bias, respectively.


A total of 33 effect sizes from 29 studies (n = 48,490) were retrieved. Results showed a small effect size (r = −0.110), which tended to be larger in samples consisting of students from elementary and middle schools.

Discussion and Conclusions

Findings from the present study contribute to the understanding of a potential determinant of decreased academic achievement by providing evidence that PSU may be one of them.

Open access


Background and aim

Problematic pornography use (PPU) can be a manifestation of compulsive sexual behavior disorder (CSBD). Studies investigating PPU confirm approach-avoidance tendencies in response to pornographic stimuli in this population. This study show indications of the significance of the efficacy of imaginal retraining, a variant of approach bias modification, as an intervention for PPU.


A total of 274 participants (86.5% male; mean age = 30.65, SD = 10.13) with self-reported PPU were randomized to imaginal retraining (instruction video) or a waitlist control group. Assessments were conducted online at baseline and after the six-week intervention period. The primary outcome was a reduction in problematic pornography use. Compulsive sexual behavior, sexual desire, depressiveness, and satisfaction with the intervention served as secondary outcomes.


Retention was low (51.7%), but comparable between groups. The retraining was performed at least once a week (the per-protocol [PP] criterion) by 51.4% of participants. The PP analyses of 111 participants showed a significant reduction in problematic pornography use (primary outcome) in the intervention compared to the control group. The intention-to-treat analyses (ITT), however, did not corroborate this result. Despite low adherence, participants rated their satisfaction with the intervention positively.

Discussion and Conclusion

Imaginal retraining can function as a low-threshold self-help intervention for PPU to overcome help-seeking barriers and may reduce PPU in a subgroup of users. Low adherence limits the results of this trial. Given the need for low-threshold interventions for PPU and/or CSBD, further research should focus on increasing adherence and should evaluate retraining for clinical groups. Modifications to augment efficacy are suggested.

Open access

Statisztikai elemzések a ROP-R szoftver segítségével és szemléltetésük egy kötődéskutatás adataival

Statistical analyses using ROP-R software and illustrating them with data from an attachment survey

Mentálhigiéné és Pszichoszomatika
András Vargha
Péter Bánsági
, and
Gyöngyvér Jantek

Tanulmányunkban egy ingyenes, kétnyelvű (magyar és angol) és egyszerűen használható többváltozós statisztikai programcsomagot, a ROP-R-t mutatjuk be, amely jól használható pszichológiai kutatások statisztikai elemzésében. A ROP-R a ROPstat programcsomag olyan fejlesztésének tekinthető, amely a többváltozós statisztika három fontos témakörében (regresszióelemzés, főkomponens- és faktoranalízis, illetve klaszteranalízis) teljes körű statisztikai elemzések végrehajtására alkalmas. Különlegessége, hogy a statisztikai menüjében kiválasztott és beállított elemzésekhez R-scripteket ír, azokat automatikusan lefuttatja, majd a kapott eredményeket táblázatos formában ROP-R-ben megjeleníti, illetve az eredményekhez tartozó fontosabb grafikonokat standard formátumú (jpg vagy pdf) képfájlokban elmenti. A ROP-R moduljainak bemutatása után egy kötődéskutatás adatain végzett többváltozós elemzéssor segítségével szemléltetjük hasznosságát a pszichológiai kutatásokban.

Open access