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Az erdőállományok talajvíz utánpótlódásra gyakorolt hatásának vizsgálata kecskemét-ménteleki mintaterületen

Investigation of the impact of forest stands on groundwater recharge in the Kecskemét-Méntelek study area

Agrokémia és Talajtan
András Szabó
Zoltán Gribovszki
Péter Kalicz
Ján Szolgay
Zsolt Gácsi
, and
Bence Bolla

Az Alföldet, azon belül is különösen a Homokhátságot érintő talajvízszint süllyedés, súlyos ökológiai és gazdasági következményekkel is járó problémakör. A jelenség hátterében álló lehetséges okokkal kapcsolatban több évtizede zajlik kutatómunka, ugyanakkor ezek relatív súlyának meghatározása a mai napig tudományos vita tárgyát képezi.

Több szerző is kiemeli az erdőtelepítések talajvízszint csökkentő hatásának fontosságát. Ez a hatás két módon, a vegetáció vízfelvétele, illetve a csapadékból történő utánpótlódás csökkentése (intercepció, talajnedvesség felvétel) által jelentkezhet. Ezen mechanizmusok működését vizsgáltuk meg egy akác (Robinia pseudoacacia) és egy fekete fenyő (Pinus nigra) állomány esetében a Homokhátságon, Kecskemét-Ménteleken kialakított mintaterületünkön, 90, 150 és 200 cm-es mélységben, nagy időbeli felbontással mért talajnedvesség, illetve talajvíz adatokra alapozva.

Az adatok alapján feltételezhető, hogy a talajvízből nem történik közvetlen, vagy közvetett vízfelvétel, aminek oka vélhetően a gyökérzóna és a talajvíz közti igen jelentős horizontális távolság. A talajnedvesség esetében a sekélyebb rétegekben egyértelműen jelentkezik az erdőállományok szezonális szárító hatása. Ugyanakkor a mélyebb rétegek talajnedvesség adatai alapján kijelenthető, hogy a csapadékból történő talajvíz visszatöltődésre leginkább az akác állomány alatt van elméleti lehetőség. A látszólagos ellentmondás feltételezhetően a gyökérzet által kialakított makropórusok hatásával magyarázható. Ezt támasztja alá az akác és fekete fenyő állományok közti igen jelentős eltérés is.

Következtetésünk, hogy az erdőállományok lokálisan jelentősen eltérő hatást gyakorolhatnak a talajvízszintre. Ezért a lezajló folyamatok hátterét, általános jellegű megállapítások helyett, az adott hidrológiai rendszer több elemét vizsgáló monitoring adataira alapozva lehetséges csak felderíteni.

Open access



Previous international clinical trials have indicated that mystical experiences resulting from the consumption of classic psychedelic drugs, such as psilocybin, may represent a subjective psychological mechanism of action associated with therapeutic effects for various mental disorders. The revised 30-item Mystical Experience Questionnaire is one of several psychometric scales designed to evaluate such subjective experiences induced by psychedelic drugs. The field of psychedelic research is growing in Scandinavian countries, yet there is currently a lack of translated and culturally adapted Norwegian versions of rating scales for assessing psychedelic drug-induced states of consciousness. With planned and upcoming psychedelic research projects in Norway, there is a need for a Norwegian version of the MEQ30.


We aimed to translate and adapt the Revised Mystical Experiences Questionnaire (MEQ30) from English to Norwegian.


We used rigorous translation methods, including two independent forward translations, one back-translation, pilot testing on a small psychedelic user group (n = 6) and cognitive debriefing in an expert-panel (n = 6) to ensure a culturally adapted Norwegian translation.


Our translation and adaptation procedure resulted in a final Norwegian version of the MEQ30.


The Norwegian MEQ30 is ready to be implemented in future Norwegian trials. Its psychometric properties have not yet been assessed.

Open access

Az újrakezdés bája: a Magyar Pszichológiai Társaság első konferenciái az újjáalakulás után

The charm of a new start: the first conferences of the Hungarian psychological society after the restarting of modern psychology

Magyar Pszichológiai Szemle
Csaba Pléh

Az 1960-as évek fordulója a magyar pszichológia újjáalakulásának és újrafazonozásának izgalmas korszaka volt. A dolgozat a közvetlen háttér bemutatásával indul. Hogyan lett az 1952 novemberében alakult és 1958-ban megszűnt Pavlov Bizottságnak utóda az MTA elnökségi Pszichológiai Bizottsága? Ez az MTA elnökségi maxi bizottság azután kiravaszkodta a pszichológiai társaság és a Szemle újraindulását. Milyen szerepe volt ebben az átalakulásban a nagyhatalmú orvosok és a kisszámú pszichológus rafináltságának és karrierkeresésének?

A Társaság első nagygyűlései seregszemlék voltak, nagy identitásformáló szereppel. Ennek egy különleges vonása volt a nemzetközi pszichológiai élet vezető szereplőinek, például Paul Fraisse és Henri Tajfel a kötelező szovjetek melletti megjelenése az MPT nagygyűlésein. Nyílt és rejtett üzeneteket hoztak. Ismét közénk tartoztok, a pszichológusok nagy nemzetközi családjába, és csináljatok nyugatosabb tudományt, olyat, amilyet régen tudtatok.

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Engaging in practices of intimacy meant to develop and sustain intimacy can be beneficial for couples. Psychoactive substances such as 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) have shown to facilitate bonding within couples and it is hypothesised that classic psychedelics, due to their property to increase prosocial behaviours, can similarly promote interactional intimacy. This study explores shared experiences of altered states of consciousness within romantic couples and their impact on intimacy in relationships.


Twelve participants (six couples) between 19 and 29 years of age who had used psychedelics with their current partner were recruited.


Qualitative data was gathered via simultaneous interviews with both members of a couple. The semi-structured interviews featured an in-depth exploration of multiple shared psychedelic experiences. Reflexive thematic analysis was employed to analyse the resulting transcripts.


Three themes with subsequent subthemes were identified, portraying couples' experiences during psychedelic-induced altered states of consciousness: navigating anxiety (subthemes: novelty, preparation, shifting environment, and calming presence), reshaping practices (subthemes: excessive worrying, spirited discussions, and straight talking), and encountering bliss (subthemes: meeting the unexpected, the beauty around us, leaving the everyday behind, and breaking through).


Couples' experiences with classic psychedelics align with criteria for interactional intimacy (i.e., self-exposure, positive involvement, and shared understanding), but their distinct nature warrants a novel definition of psychedelic intimacy. The unique pair bonding during shared psychedelic experiences could be utilized by psychedelic-assisted couples therapy.

Open access


The main purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between undergraduate students' admission practices and their academic performance. The participants of this study were 233 undergraduate students who were in their first and third-year studies as well as two Madda Walabu University Professors. A mixed Research method was employed to analyze the data collected through Questionnaires, Interviews, and Documents. T-tests and correlation coefficients were performed to see the differences between students' academic performance and their admission practices. The result of this study revealed that there is a significant positive relationship between the students' admission practice and their academic performances at this University. This study determined that one of the factors impeding students' learning and academic performance at Madda Walabu University was the admission practice employed at this University to enroll students into different academic Programs. Therefore, this study expands the understanding that admission practices are among the factors influencing students' academic performances.

Open access


In his paper the author deals with the contributions of a new volume on the history of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century and added several additional notes to each paper. As several papers studied the relationship of Ravenna and Attila the Hun the author examined the written sources concerning the Huns in detail and came to the conclusion that there was only one foedus concluded with Attila after 433 and Pannonia was ceded to the Huns in this treaty. Attila was formally the magister militum of the Western Roman Empire.

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Vessels decorated with domed metal discs were extraordinarily rare and valuable commodities of the Late Bronze Age. Pottery adorned with bronze discs and tin first appeared in Hungary during the earlier Urnfield period (14th/13th century BC). A vessel adorned with three ring motifs inlaid with a high-tin alloy on its belly is known from Nagykanizsa-Bilkei-dűlő and a cup decorated with bronze domed discs was recovered from Grave 222 of the Vörs-Battyáni-Disznólegelő cemetery, both in southern Transdanubia. The decorative bronze discs similarly had a high tin content. The metal composition was analysed with particle induced X-ray emission (PIXE) spectroscopy. Pendant ornaments of “white bronze”, an alloy with a high tin content, are principally known from southern Transdanubia: the elemental composition of two pendants with bird protomes from Grave 51 of the Vörs-Battyáni-Disznólegelő cemetery and of a funnel-shaped pendant from the Pamuk hoard were examined by PIXE for compositional make-up, which indicated a high tin content for all three. These pendants had been worn as adornments. Tin was an important raw material in the production of bronze. Most of the vessels decorated with bronze discs were brought to light in the late Urnfield cemetery uncovered at Budapest-Békásmegyer (boot- and amphora-shaped vessels, a feeding vessel, resin balls). It seems likely that these vessels had once served ritual purposes. Regrettably, they have not yet been submitted to PIXE analyses.

Open access


The curious shape of the so-called early Christian mausoleum of Iovia, Pannonia has attracted much attention since its discovery in the 1980s. The main part of the building, a hexagon flanked by alternating semi-circular and rectangular rooms was complemented by a bi-apsidal vestibule and a rectangular peristyle courtyard. The hexagon was a relatively rarely used form in late antique architecture compared to the octagon, however, hexagons can still be detected in all parts of the Roman Empire in all kinds of architectural contexts: they appeared in late Roman villae, baths, funerary buildings, early Christian mausolea and baptisteries.

The architectural parallels of the mausoleum of Iovia are traced among the thin-walled hexagons that were flanked by protruding semi-circular and rectangular rooms. The buildings closest in shape were the pagan mausoleum of Louin in France and the trefoil hall of the Villa of Aiano in Italy. Other related structures include the so-called Stibadium A of the Villa with Peristyle in Mediana in Serbia, the reception rooms of the Keynsham villa in England, the hexagonal hall of the Palace of Antiochus in Constantinople, the Domus delle Sette Sale in Rome, the baptistery of Limoges in France, and the cella quinquichora of Aquincum in Hungary. Although similar in general layout, they had different functions: early Christian mausoleum, baptistery, pagan mausoleum, and foremost dining halls or reception rooms. This warns us that it is essential to study early Christian buildings in the context of late antique architecture in its complexity and not only in the limited context of other early Christian buildings. Late antique architects seem to have been fascinated by the opportunities offered by the different polygonal or central-plan halls and buildings and used them for different purposes.

Open access