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Afri-China, Xinhua sign content partnership


The Afri-China Media Centre, (ACMC) Lagos, a Nigerian media organization with focus on reporting Nigerian/African and Chinese economy and culture exchanges has signed a memorandum of understanding MoU with the China official news agency, Xinhua.

The signing was actually a renewal of the annual exchange first signed on March 28 2018 in Lagos between the two.

At the signing event at the Xinhua office, Asokoro, Abuja, the head of the agency in Nigeria, Mr. Guo Jun praised the professional execution of the earlier deed and said the renewal was a sign  that the first MoU worked well, as according to him, Xinhua, one of the most influential news agencies with offices all over the world renews only those agreements properly and professionally handled.

He praised the ACMC for its tenacious commitment to furthering a virile cooperation between China and China through professional and effective information exchange.

While signing on behalf of the ACMC, the Executive Director, Ikenna Emewu reiterated the commitment of the group to consolidation of good and beneficial information exchange between the two parts.

He said the ACMC was first created with the motive of projecting China to Nigeria and Africa and vice versa, and to make sure that Nigeria through information, using the media, knows those examples China followed in its journey to the top of the world economy and technology advancement.

“Anybody that knows the story of China and the total turnaround in some few decades must marvel and feel like his world should know tbose secrets and follow them for growth too. That is an objective we have pursued and target to make bigger and better. We are also happy and proud that your over 20000 thousand followers through our website and social media linkages have already started making our website –africachinspresscentre.org a reference point for reports about China and Africa and we are proud of that.

Emewu promised Xinhua that the ACMC with over 70% of its editorial content on China and African and the largest pool of China reports among all media organisations in West Africa, it won’t relent in the assignment until a better awareness is achieved.

We want Nigerians and Africans to understand China better and also China to understand our world better too, and we are happy that our audience in both Africa and China are already warming up to that awareness.”