How Marketers are Approaching the TV Ad Renaissance

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What Exactly is CTV?

It is, after all, a term that is often misunderstood. According to performance marketing platform MNTN, it is television content accessed by apps and streamed over smart TVs or a connected OTT device.

At its core, CTV is on-demand TV. And it’s on the rise.

CTV viewership surpassed cable for the first time in 2022, with almost nine out of 10 US TV households now owning at least one Connected TV. So what does this mean for marketers?

MNTN and Advertising Week teamed up to investigate the current CTV landscape, digging deep into what marketers really think about CTV, as well as insight into how the platform may evolve. We surveyed more than 100 marketing professionals drawn from those working in brands, agencies and technology vendors.

In this report, we explore the current state of play, assess how marketers view the platform and ask what they truly want from this increasingly popular tool. Download now to discover the strategies and tactics that are driving success for top marketers in the CTV space.

With this essential resource in your toolkit, you’ll be ready to take your advertising game to the next level and capitalize on the massive potential of CTV.

Complete the form below to get the report.