Protect Against Illegal Harvesting of White Sage (AB 1041)

California Legislature

CA Native Vote Project is partnering with Assemblymember James Ramos and Tribal leaders to support AB 1041, to protect against the illegal harvesting of White Sage.

Please sign on in Support of AB 1041 to institute harsher penalties for those caught poaching White Sage and selling it for profit and endangering its existence for medicinal purposes by original people that use and caretaker the lands for now and for time immemorial.

Please read full bill here and please sign in support of AB 1041:

The creators of this petition include CA Native Vote Project (CNVP), CNVP Native Youth for Justice Southern California, and California Tribal Leaders.

To: California Legislature
From: [Your Name]

Dear CA State Legislature (State Assembly and State Senate),

The California Native Vote Project is committed to organizing a state where we have healthy, powerful and culturally-thriving Native communities. Our mission is to create justice and self determination for Native Communities through multigenerational powerbuilding, organizing, and civic engagement. This is exactly why it is crucial to support AB 1041.

The California Native Vote Project and our listed Native, Indigenous, and non-Native allies and partners ask your to support this bill as it would institute harsher penalties for those caught poaching White Sage and selling it for profit and endangering its existence.

It is used for medicinal purposes by original people that use and are caretaker of the lands since time immemorial. The bill, with respect to state and local property, would exempt the harvest and use of white sage for traditional tribal, cultural, or spiritual purposes by a member of a Native American tribe, as specified.