Consumer Reports Events
Past Events
At least 17 states so far have passed comprehensive online privacy laws to protect residents from companies that collect and profit off their data.
Date Recorded: June 13, 2024
This event featured an amazing panel of experts sharing steps that we can take together to address the impacts of climate change.
Date Recorded: May 20, 2024
This Forum featured an all-star panel of car and privacy experts, sharing privacy tips and discussing safeguards to protect our driving data.
Date Recorded: May 15, 2024
Consumer Reports’ recent investigation into food contaminants had some unsettling findings: many of the foods we buy for our families contain concerning amounts of plastic chemicals known as phthalates.
Date Recorded: February 22, 2024
We live our lives online, and with every hack we hear about in the news, it’s hard not to worry about our personal information being compromised.
Date Recorded: November 14, 2023
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