Tell Congress: Say 'NO' to Discriminatory Land Laws

Dangerous laws are being introduced at the state and federal level right now that use "national security" as an excuse to discriminate against immigrants from China. In Florida, for example, Governor DeSantis has banned many Chinese immigrants from buying a house in much of the state – a move that is both unconstitutional and unfortunately, not new.

This type of "alien land law" should sound alarm bells for all of us. From the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, to the WWII incarceration of Japanese Americans, to the ongoing post-9/11 surveillance of Black and Brown communities – we’ve seen how such racist policies created under the guise of "national security" are racist and used to scapegoat entire communities.

We cannot allow history to repeat itself: Tell your Members of Congress to speak out against any law that falsely equates Chinese people with the Chinese government.

Message recipients:
Your U.S. Senators and House Representative

Congress: Say 'NO' to Racist Housing Laws
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