Figure 4.
Skinfibrometer induration measurements: 3 measurements were taken at each of the 3 measured locations on both medial thighs. An increase from baseline indicates an increase in induration. Measurements were taken at every visit. The mean change from baseline was calculated for each leg at every visit. Weeks 1 and 2 post procedure showed the greatest difference in results with the side having the topical treatment of RSN and TFB showing the least change from baseline, whereas the leg using bland moisturizer had a greater increase from baseline indicating an increase in induration.

Skinfibrometer induration measurements: 3 measurements were taken at each of the 3 measured locations on both medial thighs. An increase from baseline indicates an increase in induration. Measurements were taken at every visit. The mean change from baseline was calculated for each leg at every visit. Weeks 1 and 2 post procedure showed the greatest difference in results with the side having the topical treatment of RSN and TFB showing the least change from baseline, whereas the leg using bland moisturizer had a greater increase from baseline indicating an increase in induration.

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