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A tag is a keyword or label that categorizes your question with other, similar questions. Using the right tags makes it easier for others to find and answer your question.

Questions about navigating submission or application deadlines
141 questions
An abstract is a brief summary of a research article, thesis, review, conference proceeding to help the reader quickly ascertain the paper's contribution to the field.
138 questions
Questions related to various reference/citation management software used for recording and utilising bibliographic citations.
138 questions
Questions concerning medical school, clinical research, and other academic pursuits specific to the diagnosis and treatment of human disease. Use 'health-issues', not 'medicine', for questions about h…
137 questions
The transcript is a permanent record of a student's academic history at a particular institution. It includes an inventory of the courses taken and grades earned throughout a course. It often includes…
136 questions
Elsevier is an academic publishing company which publishes in the area of science, health, and technology.
136 questions
Use of social media (e.g. Facebook, ResearchGate, blogs, etc.) by academics to engage with other academics or students and to disseminate and publicize their research.
136 questions
Utilities, software or otherwise, used for a better academic life
136 questions
Questions about withdrawal of books or papers from journals and conferences or withdrawal during admissions process to academic programs. This tag is not about withdrawal from academic programs. Use t…
136 questions
To try and build academic relations among people who share academic interests, activities, backgrounds, or real-life connections.
130 questions
On the LaTeX document preparation system based on the TeX typesetting language. Note that is specifically dedicated to (La)TeX related questions.
130 questions
On the formulation and application of formal rules and regulations by a university, instructor, or publisher.
130 questions
On standards or conventions specific to the higher education system in France, which differs in structure and style from the systems in other parts of the world.
130 questions
On standards or conventions specific to economics as an academic discipline, and programs that lead to a degree in this field
129 questions
Related to translating written or spoken words from one language to another. For example: translation of academic publications, use of non-English terms in English publications, or translation of non-…
128 questions
Questions in relation to Psychology. Psychology is the scientific study of the human mind and its functions, especially those affecting behaviour in a given context.
126 questions
Inquiries regarding the National Science Foundation [NSF] awards, funding, and support opportunities and procedures in all areas of science and engineering
126 questions
A License can be official or legal permission to do or own a specified thing, product or material.
124 questions
On feedback given to students, instructors, or other individuals in an academic setting on their performance.
121 questions
Questions concerning how to critically read and evaluate scholarly material.
121 questions
Issues related to being, or interacting with, those who are male, female, transgender, or non-binary in academia.
119 questions
Questions in relation to travel for academic travel. This can include travel to conferences or visiting of academic institutions of which you may not be affiliated with.
117 questions
Questions regarding the role of a more senior or experienced individual (a mentor) providing guidance and advice to a more junior colleague or student. This relationship does not have to involve a for…
114 questions
On standards or conventions specific to the humanities, i.e. the academic disciplines that study human culture, and programs that lead to a degree in these fields. Examples include ancient and modern …
111 questions
The perception of the quality of a journal, conference, university, or other academic entity by a specific community or the general public. Also: how reputation develops and factors influencing reputa…
110 questions
On standards or conventions specific to social science as an academic discipline, and programs that lead to a degree in this field
110 questions
Questions concerning special recognition for particular achievements, usually assessed competitively, within academia.
109 questions
On standards or conventions specific to science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) as set of related academic disciplines, and programs that lead to a degree in these fields.
107 questions
On earning a second degree at the same level as a degree you already hold (i.e. a second bachelors, second masters, or second PhD).
107 questions
On standards or conventions specific to Australia's higher education system, which differs in structure and style from the systems in other parts of the world.
106 questions
Questions about patents. Patents are government licenses conferring a right or title for a set period, especially the sole right to exclude others from making, using, or selling an invention without c…
106 questions
Questions concerning "Open Science", or research done in full view of the public eye, with a focus on accessibly and reproducibility, including tools to enable such access.
105 questions
Questions about academic workshops, which are often smaller, more collaborative forms of an academic conference, or which take place as a session of a larger conference.
102 questions
Questions concerning giving and attending small but organized presentations of scientific material, often given to an audience within a single academic department. Seminars might occur at several leve…
101 questions
Questions about navigating logistics, opportunities, and etiquette when visiting an academic institution or colleague.
101 questions
Questions about academic contracts.
99 questions
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