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A tag is a keyword or label that categorizes your question with other, similar questions. Using the right tags makes it easier for others to find and answer your question.

Question about academic salary. A salary is a fixed regular payment made by an employer to an employee.
315 questions
Queries related to various software used in academia. Questions shall not address highly technical aspects of the software but shall address features/issues highly relevant to academia. For questi…
312 questions
Queries pertaining to the process of determining suitable grades for coursework. This tag is NOT appropriate for queries about interpreting or improving grades.
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Questions concerning the use of graduate students as course instructors, usually under the supervision of a faculty member.
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Questions on rejecting or being rejected, as relates to a manuscript, graduate school application, dissertation, or other academic endeavor.
306 questions
Questions concerning computer code written or used in the context of a research project or other academic endeavour (including questions on licensing, ownership, sharing, distribution, and formatting …
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Concerning how to format content in academic writing.
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On changing from one discipline, sub-discipline, or department to another during one's education, or mid-career.
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On the open-access publishing model, in which journal articles or other academic works are made available to readers free of charge.
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On words that have a meaning, usage, or similar specific to academia.
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Questions regarding making manuscripts available prior to their publication in a peer-reviewed source.
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Questions in relation to students who are non-national to the country or location of academic institution they may be studying in.
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Questions concerning publication over the internet, including online preprint services, electronic journals, white papers, etc.
276 questions
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers publishes around 30% of the world literature in the electrical and electronics engineering and computer science fields.
263 questions
For questions about whether a piece of work is sufficient in significance, novelty, credibility, or scope to be publishable in an academic journal or conference.
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A student or trainee who works, sometimes without pay, in order to gain work experience or satisfy requirements for a qualification.
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Bibliometrics is a set of methods to quantitatively analyze scientific and technological literature.
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On errors found after submission or publication in a book, paper, thesis, or other document, and erratum (written notice of errors and corrections) for them.
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Questions about evaluating the current state of research on a topic by searching published material.
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Self-plagiarism is the unethical reuse or republication of one's own work.
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On acknowledging an individual, agency, or institution that contributed funding, criticism, encouragement, or other support to a thesis or manuscript.
243 questions
On the Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) test, a standardized exam that is required for admissions to many graduate schools in the United States.
241 questions
Questions about leaving an academic position. This could apply to quitting an educational program, such as a doctoral program, or quitting a faculty position.
240 questions
On emotional issues such as guilt, discouragement, jealousy, anxiety or feelings of inadequacy affecting academics and researchers.
234 questions
Questions concerning the language (e.g., English, French, German, Chinese) of academic publications, presentations, transcripts, or other documents. For questions on style, use 'writing-style' instead…
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On the Grade Point Average (GPA), a numerical measure of a student's performance over a semester or career. This tag may apply to questions on calculating the GPA, or on the impact of GPA on graduate …
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Regarding the appropriate titles or post-nominal letters to use, given an individual's academic status.
222 questions
[journal-workflow] concerns the workflow within journals after submission of a manuscript until its acceptance or rejection. Please click on “info” before asking a question.
221 questions
General questions on higher education.
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On standards or conventions specific to the higher education system in Canada, which differs in structure and style from the systems in other parts of the world.
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Questions about finding specific papers, books, etc. pertaining to a topic. This includes the use of online databases such as Google Scholar or PubMed to find relevant articles.
210 questions
An affiliation is a contractual connection between an academic institution an a student or an employee.
210 questions
for questions on academia specifically applicable to students, researchers, and faculty in scientific disciplines.
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Questions relating to websites. A website is a location connected to the Internet that maintains one or more web pages.
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Questions related to taking courses over the internet or other electronic distance-based coursework.
201 questions
Conflict of interest exists when an author, reviewer, supervisor, or editor has financial or personal relationships that could inappropriately influence (bias) his or her actions (such relationships a…
201 questions
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