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Questions tagged [publications]

Questions related to academic publications including online and traditional journals, books, and conference proceedings.

12 votes
5 answers

I found a counterexample to an assumption in a proof but not to its result – how to publish this?

I am working on a paper which builds upon work from a paper from the 1980s. In that paper, a result of the form A < B < C is claimed in generality and is necessary for the proof of a result. I ...
AnotherPerson's user avatar
0 votes
6 answers

Is it normal for journal reviewers to reject submissions based on non-scientific reasoning? [closed]

Is it normal for reviewers to use nonfactual statements as reasons to reject journal submissions? Here, nonfactual statements will be defined as statements that are in contradiction with verified ...
ScienceIsNotOpinion's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

What does this mean when I submitted the revised manuscript (the decison is minor revision )? [duplicate]

I have submitted a manuscript to IEEE TRANS Journal. After rounds of revisions, I have gone through the major revision, minor revision, and minor revision. I have just submitted the revised manuscript ...
HiBlank's user avatar
  • 11
1 vote
1 answer

Should you ever pick "recommended" or "opposed" reviewers for journal submissions in social science?

This question applies to all disciplines but I am curious here about social science journals in particular. Is it ever a good idea to name/identify specific reviewers that you would like to have them ...
maldini1990's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Status of a manuscript whose required reviews are completed

I have submitted a paper to a good math journal in first week of May 2024. After a month (+ a week at most), the online system shows the status “Required reviews completed”. However, to this day, I ...
Nik's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Is there a limit to the number of times a journal editor will send my paper for review if referees keep declining?

I submitted a paper to Physical Review D, an APS journal, approximately a month ago. So far, the editor has forwarded my paper to six referees for review, all of whom have declined. I suspect this may ...
TheFyziker's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

"journal of Electronics,Computer Networking and Applied Mathematics(JECNAM)" tell me about this journal category? [closed]

"journal of Electronics,Computer Networking and Applied Mathematics(JECNAM)" tell me about this journal category ?
Aqsa Ahmad's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

What is the best place to discuss scientific articles online (STEM related fields)? [closed]

What is the best online-place to discuss, ask questions about or comment scientific articles (STEM related fields) ? Here, "best" means most frequented and high probability to be read/...
zx-81's user avatar
  • 151
7 votes
1 answer

Not proud of work, should I allow submission?

One of the students in a research group I worked with years ago has picked up my old work and is trying to get it published, but I am not proud of the quality of work. The paper is based on a ...
queryit's user avatar
  • 71
26 votes
7 answers

Can a bad paper title hurt you? Can a good one help you?

I've written a paper draft and given it a provisional title which is slightly tongue-in-cheek (but not in any way offensive; cf. examples below). This title makes my coauthor nervous, as he feels ...
Sesquipedal's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Does quick review means likely rejection?

I recently submitted a paper to an Elsevier journal in the management area, where I can track the review status. After submitting the paper, I found that one of the reviewers completed the review just ...
Neeraj's user avatar
  • 183
0 votes
1 answer

How can some researchers publish so much in so little time? [duplicate]

I've been wondering how some researchers publish so much in so little time. Like, one famous scholar from MIT published one study per week during the pandemic. For me, it is difficult to believe he's ...
Carlos Henrique's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to pick masters topic?

I asked a professor I had taken a class with to be my supervisor for my project in 1-2 years. He agreed. I overlooked that, typically, students apply for projects directly with professors or ...
mike's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Waited almost a year and a half for a review. The reviewer reviewed the wrong paper. What to do?

Waited almost a year and a half for a review. The reviewer reviewed the wrong paper. What to do? Can I ask the editor to really expedite the next review?
user354948's user avatar
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33 votes
3 answers

Is this an invitation to submit or a polite rejection?

I have sent an email to an editor of a highly competitive math journal, asking if they think I should submit my paper there or not. The editor is an expert in the field of the paper, so my email was ...
The N's user avatar
  • 787
0 votes
1 answer

Should I add my old or new institute as affiliation? [duplicate]

If I did research while I was affiliated with institute X (collecting data from the patient's data of that institute) and now I left this for another one, which institute I should include when ...
Walaa kamel's user avatar
16 votes
7 answers

My result is accepted in a journal as an errata, but the editors want to change the authorship

We submitted a result claiming that a paper by an associate editor (of the same journal) contained a proposition that is proven mistaken by us, and furthermore, the proof of a theorem is incomplete. ...
High GPA's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

Is an employment Conflict of Interest necessary when redundant with my Affiliation?

I am a full time employee at company XYZ, and will be co-author with university researchers on a paper utilizing one of my company's products. My affiliation will therefore be listed as "XYZ.&...
Brian's user avatar
  • 183
14 votes
3 answers

Is it appropriate to report mistakes in an engineering paper which makes unsupported claims?

I was given a paper to build off of for engineering research. The paper was published in a high impact journal but happens to be written very sloppily in the following sense. The proof of a central ...
AnotherPerson's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Minor Revision Response Waiting Period [duplicate]

I've submitted a paper to a Q2 journal of economics after which I've got a response 5 months later recommending minor revision. I have then submitted the revised manuscript which I believe has ...
Goldman Clarck's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Submitting 2 manuscripts explaining the same scientific fact but by two different methods

I have submitted two manuscripts on physics both have analyzed a new finding by me but the methods of the "analysis" are different. They differ in data, results and figures, just at the end, ...
Sarira Miri's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

Can I reuse a large part of my own previously published paper in a new paper?

I am currently writing up a paper, and am tempted to copy/paste an entire section (several pages) from a previous paper I have written. Some important context before you pass judgment: The section I ...
David Milne's user avatar
-1 votes
0 answers

Isolated from project when deadline approaches

I am a postdoc in a laboratory in the area of computer science. I have spent around 7 months mentoring a student master thesis. At the beginning this took significant work including me coming up with ...
daniel's user avatar
  • 21
3 votes
1 answer

An article containing a copyrighted figure should be embedded in a stapler thesis: How to fill in RightsLink form?

I wrote an Elsevier article (open-access, CC-BY 4.0) that contains a third party figure from a Springer subscription book. At the time, I obtained a license for re-using the Springer figure in a ...
platypus005's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

I forgot to remove all authors' names from the appendix for a double-blind journal submission. What are the potential consequences?

I submitted a paper to a double-blind peer-reviewed journal. Unfortunately, I noticed that we forgot to remove the authors' names from the appendix. The submission was very recent, and until now, only ...
Heartless_Jellyfish's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Does Elsevier inform authors (or corresponding author) once they received the payment for Article Publishing Charge (APC) for open access?

I have submitted a manuscript to a fully open access journal in Elsevier and they accepted it after several revision rounds. However, after acceptance I received an invoice and I submitted it to my ...
Kamal Nishan's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Should I ask permission from my former PI after finishing my contract when I'm sole author of the paper?

I'm a postdoc and I worked with a PI with whom I had many issues and disagreement. I even went to HR to report him for breaking the law. He told me to write the paper by myself as a single author. ...
Apostdoc's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Pre-print split into 2 manuscripts

I have a pre-print that was submitted and rejected from a journal. We are now splitting the pre-print into 2 publications (one review paper and one theory paper). I was wondering what to do in this ...
captain broccoli heart's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Whether to upload a conference paper?

I am going to a (large) conference this summer, and participants are expected to upload their papers so the chair, the discussant and the conference-goers can read them beforehand. Today, I received ...
rhyso's user avatar
  • 326
2 votes
4 answers

Why are there still page number restrictions for journal papres even though physical printing plays almost no role anymore? [duplicate]

Why are there still page number restrictions for journal papers even though physical printing plays almost no role anymore?
zx-81's user avatar
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34 votes
17 answers

Why does independent research from people without formal academic qualifications generally turn out to be a complete waste of time?

I personally relate with people (wannabe physicists) who want to do something BIG in Physics and Maths, but don't have a high-level education (PhD) suited for it. Reasons could be a lack of jobs in ...
Lalunalatapi Langte's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How to handle a missing author on an ECCV paper submission after the deadline?

We recently submitted a paper to ECCV (European Conference on Computer Vision), but realized after the submission deadline that one of our significant contributors was omitted from the author list. ...
Danialz's user avatar
  • 161
0 votes
4 answers

Single author or joint paper with a famous author?

A postdoc X is in the early career phase (< 6 years after PhD) in a field that needs lots of publications. X is working in a group whose leader is very famous in a slightly different but still ...
quantacad's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Do you think that publishing a documented script in R (e.g. on GitHub) can increase the chance of publication?

I am involved in environmental science. The data analysis for my following scientific paper is done 100% in R. I'm wondering if I should clean up my script before submitting the article for review and ...
crtnnn's user avatar
  • 31
0 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to share a CC-BY-licensed article on ResearchGate that contains copyrighted material?

My open-access Elsevier article (CC-BY 4.0) contains a third-party figure (from a Springer subscription book). I obtained permission and the caption correctly states that the copyright of the figure ...
platypus005's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Publication trend (quality vs quantity) after tenure

Are there any studies that measure the change or the lack thereof in the trend of publications produced by a professor after they got tenured? Do recently tenured professors shift from quantity of ...
The Hiary's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Paper rejected because it did not fit the scope of a journal

I recently finished my paper and I submitted it to a journal. A few days later, I got a response from the editor saying that my manuscript had been rejected because it did not fit the scope of the ...
Niki's user avatar
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0 votes
0 answers

Redacting third-party figure in journal article before including in thesis?

I have included a third-party figure (from a Springer subscription book) in an open-access Elsevier article (CC-BY 4.0 license). At the time, I obtained permission via RightsLink and included the ...
platypus005's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Is it madatory to obtain an ethical clearance from my affiliated institute for an interview that is to be presented in a conference? [closed]

I'm a research scholar and I'll be presenting a paper related to publishing industry. I'm yet to interview concerned participants. I have obtained consent from them through a consent form. But I haven'...
Strongestof Whom's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Collaborators write their departments for my (undergraduate) affiliation

I am an undergraduate student in the medical field. I have taken part in writing multiple articles with professors from different departments from my Uni. The way I see it, my affiliation should be ...
bestmedstudentthatneverwas's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Hard-to-find historical grey literature - any tips?

I am currently doing some research and a reference from 1982 has been cited in several more recent papers. The nature of the citations suggest this was a pivotal reference in the theory & practice ...
Mari153's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

What kind of publications can I submit on my own without the need of supervisors approval?

I am a geology PhD student and would like to publish some writings to academia to improve my profile, I do not aim for high-impact journals. I would like to publish by myself only because my ...
kc_nul's user avatar
  • 199
0 votes
1 answer

What to do with a wide text in appendix of a paper [closed]

I am writing a paper and want to include my Mathematica commands in an appendix. By exporting my commands as a .tex file and including it in my paper’s tex file, I end at a text too wide to be fitted ...
TheFyziker's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Are journals interested in reviews of books that are several years old? [closed]

It seems that most book reviews are published within a year of the publication of the book. I assume that the more recent the book, the more interested a journal will be in publishing a review. But at ...
Doubt's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Which is More Valuable in Computer Science: Conference or Journal Publications?

In the field of computer science, there seems to be a unique emphasis on where research findings are published, with significant weight often placed on conference papers compared to other fields where ...
Iman Mohammadi's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Severely underperforming during my internship. How do I tell my PI that I want to do more to get a first authored poster at least? Or, am I unfit?

I'm a soon to be a 4.5 year Ph.D candidate (ABD) in Experimental Psychology. A few weeks ago, I started an internship at a nationally recognized hospital in central Ohio (for the summer) that took 9/...
zzmondo1's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Use of "would have + past participle" in a scientific article

I want to ask if the use of "would have + verb in past participle" is appropriate in a paper. What is the correct way of expressing a hypothetical outcome when describing past events? I may ...
pvpvpvpv's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to Ask a Top Professor to Co-Author a Paper with Me?

I am currently working on a research project that I believe has significant potential. I have identified a top professor in my field whose expertise aligns perfectly with my research topic. I would ...
The_old_man's user avatar
16 votes
3 answers

Has a publisher ever taken action against a researcher hosting the final version of their own paper?

There's an old paper (15+ years) of mine, with average citation numbers. It's pay-walled. I'd like to just post it on my web site, in its final version. Is this something I might regret? Has a ...
MWB's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Student dishartened by joint first authorship (unrightfully) requested by collaborator - what to do?

Clinical collaborator has collected samples of different body sites, performed assays using blood samples and collected metadata for all subjects. Our lab and collaborator's lab has PhD students. Our ...
JALO - JusAnotherLivngOrganism's user avatar

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