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Part of my answer for a question that was deleted yesterday:

Turnitin is not a tool for checking plagiarism, but for similarity. They are not the same. High similarity does not imply plagiarism. Low similarity does not imply no plagiarism.

Also, if you honestly did all the work yourself, there is noisn’t any reason to use Turnitin.

Part of my answer for a question that was deleted yesterday:

Turnitin is not a tool for checking plagiarism but similarity. They are not the same. High similarity does not imply plagiarism. Low similarity does not imply no plagiarism.

Also, if you honestly did all the work yourself, there is no reason to use Turnitin.

Turnitin is not a tool for checking plagiarism, but for similarity. They are not the same. High similarity does not imply plagiarism. Low similarity does not imply no plagiarism.

Also, if you honestly did all the work yourself, there isn’t any reason to use Turnitin.

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Part of my answer for a question that was deleted yesterday:

Turnitin is not a tool for checking plagiarism but similarity. They are not the same. High similarity does not imply plagiarism. Low similarity does not imply no plagiarism.

Also, if you honestly did all the work yourself, there is no reason to use Turnitin.