Academia Stack Exchange Community Digest

Top new questions this week:

The Zentralblatt asked me to review a worthless paper, what to do?

I am an amateur mathematician who at age 64 finally became published in January. As a result, review requests started coming in. The first two were from two different journals. Both papers were well ...

mathematics editors independent-researcher rejection review-databases  
user avatar asked by mathematrucker Score of 18
user avatar answered by Thomas Schwarz Score of 36

What are good reasons for declining to referee a manuscript that hasn't been posted on arXiv?

This question is inspired by the comments under this answer, specifically the points raised by user TimRias. The discussion was about a paper submitted to Physical Review D (PRD), a journal covering ...

peer-review arxiv physics  
user avatar asked by Anyon Score of 17
user avatar answered by Lou Knee Score of 41

Is it rude to ask Phd student to give daily report?

I usually meet my PhD students weekly. However for one student, I can clear tell that she basically only does some simple things before the meeting, when I met her. During the communication, I feel ...

advisor supervision  
user avatar asked by Mahali Sindy Score of 15
user avatar answered by Wolfgang Bangerth Score of 71

I found a counterexample to an assumption in a proof but not to its result – can I publish this as a paper?

I am working on a paper which builds upon work from a paper from the 1980s. In that paper, a result of the form A < B < C is claimed in generality and is necessary for the proof of a result. I ...

publications mathematics publishability errors-erratum  
user avatar asked by AnotherPerson Score of 10
user avatar answered by Daniel R. Collins Score of 25

Negotiating tenure track position after major career grant

I have been pushing hard for several years to get an academic job, with little success. The best job I could get was a non-tenure track group leader position, with very questionable promotion criteria....

professorship tenure-track europe  
user avatar asked by Neurobro Score of 7
user avatar answered by Buffy Score of 12

Citing specific R functions in publications?

I'm wondering how common (or uncommon) it is to cite R functions in publications. E.g. to write in a manuscript something like: We used the 'X' function from the 'Y' package version 0.2.0 [@ref] to ...

user avatar asked by arangaca Score of 7
user avatar answered by Richard Erickson Score of 8

Professor previously wrote letter, and now he's not responding to my emails

Last year I applied for PhD programs. I got together four letter writers two from my current MA program and two from a previous MA program. I was rejected from every PhD program that year, and I was ...

phd recommendation-letter email  
user avatar asked by Steve Berk Score of 6
user avatar answered by Bob Brown Score of 22

Greatest hits from previous weeks:

How to prevent students from using modified calculators to cheat on exams?

Recently my faculty (mathematics and statistics) and I have been dealing with widespread cheating due to calculators that have been modified so as to have more functionality than is permitted. At my ...

user avatar asked by sldkjflskdj Score of 108

In a yes/no question, a student gives the right answer and an unnecessary but wrong explanation. How to grade?

Example: Q: Does Venus exhibit retrograde motion? (1 mark) A: No. This is because Venus orbits the Sun and not the Earth. The first part is correct: Venus does not exhibit retrograde motion. But the ...

user avatar asked by Allure Score of 124
user avatar answered by cag51 Score of 286

Is's "mentions" feature real?

I just got an email from saying that my name has been mentioned two times (Edit: now up to 150 papers!), but to see the mentions you have to upgrade to a premium account at 8.25AUD/month. ...

social-media scams  
user avatar asked by curiousdannii Score of 39
user avatar answered by Dominique Kenens Score of 38

Why do people keep saying 'it is your responsibility' to make sure your supervisor uploads their letter of recommendation (or similar)?

It is very common to see statements like "it is your responsibility to make sure [someone with higher rank, like your advisor/supervisor/mentor] to submit/upload [something like a letter/approval]...

advisor application recommendation-letter administration  
user avatar asked by No One Score of 16
user avatar answered by Dan Romik Score of 60

What is the difference between a PhD degree and a DSc degree?

Some universities that offer a DSc as the doctoral degree, while most of them also offer a PHD degree in science. What are the differences these degrees in terms of academic standing? What are the ...

phd degree  
user avatar asked by Saurabh Score of 22
user avatar answered by 410 gone Score of 22

How can one differentiate between Dr. (PhD) and Dr. (MD or DO)?

Reading the question posted here left me with a more general question: Given the professional title and name: Dr. (First Name)(Last Name), is there some way to differentiate between the holder of a ...

phd titles medicine  
user avatar asked by nbn Score of 45
user avatar answered by DeveloperInDevelopment Score of 52

Difference between conference paper and journal paper

Many times I heard about papers published in conference. But still I am not able to find the major difference between papers published in a conference and those published in a journal. What is the ...

publications conference  
user avatar asked by monalisa Score of 83
user avatar answered by badroit Score of 63
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