Trump-Appointed Judge Sees His Way Out -- See Also

Glad To See You Leave: The details on Judge Kindred's departure show he should have never been there. Would Love To See You Work: Will Merrick Garland do everyone a solid and investigate Clarence Thomas? Wouldn't Do That If I Were You: If you're going to carjack someone, skip over Sotomayor's squad? Giving Back Is A Teaching Opportunity: High Point Law to debut with a pro bono veteran's law clinic. Which Firms Gave Back The Most?: See where your firm ranks.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump in Hartford, CT.

(Photo by Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post via Getty Images)

Glad To See You Leave: The details on Judge Kindred’s departure show he should have never been there.

Would Love To See You Work: Will Merrick Garland do everyone a solid and investigate Clarence Thomas?

Wouldn’t Do That If I Were You: If you’re going to carjack someone, skip over Sotomayor’s squad?

Giving Back Is A Teaching Opportunity:High Point Law to debut with a pro bono veteran’s law clinic.

Which Firms Gave Back The Most?: See where your firm ranks.