Puzzle House

According to neighbors, this stunning Queen Anne-style home has been vacant for more than 50 years. Built circa 1900, the massive 4,000-square-foot home sits on a large corner lot in rural Georgia. Several years ago, hurricane-force winds blew over one of the chimneys, causing it to crash through the wraparound porch and narrowly miss the roof. Property records indicate it is currently owned by a Florida couple. Originally, they planned to renovate the house one room at a time as their residence. However, the couple barely completed one parlor room before they decided they no longer wanted to live in the home.

Puzzle House
Puzzle House
Puzzle House
Puzzle House
Puzzle House
Puzzle House
Puzzle House
Puzzle House
Puzzle House
Puzzle House
Puzzle House

Puzzle House

Puzzle House

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  1. Looked like once a lovely home. Still looks good after sitting for 50 years. The Florida couple who purchased the home surely knew of the amount of work the home needed and the cost it would entails to restore to living conditions. Guess they didn’t care to take the loss after deciding not to move forward with the renovations. It would be in their best interest to try and sell it if they wish to no longer put in the time, money and effort to fix it up. Although it’s in need of quite a bit of work, it’s definitely salvageable. Such a waste to buy a home and then give up on it.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I wonder who is that woman in the picture over the fireplace? Perhaps someone who once lived there many years ago would be my guess. Surprised to see the picture was left there. I’m sure that house has a lot of history behind it.


  3. I would love more than anything to find this home and renovate and live here. It’s so beautiful and has so much potential. Can you help me with finding out who owns it?


  4. How could any home be unoccupied for 50 years? There would be annual property taxes due which must be paid in order not to loose the house. Someone must have cared. Perhaps a wealthy person who just did not care, or maybe a family home they could not bear selling? Please update your story a little more as most would be interested. What about this Florida couple, need more information to understand their inability or desire to push forward with repairs. Please need more information to this mystery or puzzle. Also what specific town is this house in????? Thanks for everything. Do some other commenters know something special about this beauty?

    Always appreciate your stories over the last couples of years. Am getting your books soon so I can really read up on some of the other wild mysteries you have uncovered. Thanks.


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