Grandma Smith’s House

A few hours outside of Atlanta, Georgia is Mr. and Mrs. Smith’s rural brick home. The couple was married for nearly 60 years and had 2 children of their own as well as 10 grandchildren, 17 great-grandchildren, and 9 great-great-grandchildren. Mr. Smith was a dedicated worker and provided for his family by working for the railroad. His wife was employed by the county board of education for more than twenty years. The couple attended the nearby Baptist church for decades. Mr. Smith died in the early 1990s, followed by Mrs. Smith in 1999. Today, more than two decades after the couple’s death, their home remains frozen in time.

Grandma's House
Grandma's House
Grandma's House
Grandma's House
Grandma's House
Grandma's House
Grandma's House
Grandma's House
Grandma's House
Grandma's House
Grandma's House
Grandma's House
Grandma's House
Grandma's House
Grandma's House
Grandma's House
Grandma's House
Grandma's House
Grandma's House
Grandma's House
Grandma's House
Grandma's House
Grandma's House
Grandma's House
Grandma's House
Grandma's House
Grandma's House
Grandma's House
Grandma's House

Grandma's House

Grandma's House

Grandma's House

Grandma's House

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You can find me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok. For more amazing, abandoned places from across Georgia, check out my books Abandoned Georgia: Exploring the Peach State and Abandoned Georgia: Traveling the Backroads.


  1. The furniture is definitely 50s, 60s 70ish. What I’m not understanding is WHY the kids or even the grandkids didn’t take over the house. Why leave a fully furnished house abandoned, leaving precious photos behind? With 10 grandchildren and 17 great-grandchildren, it seems somebody should have wanted to take over the house and preserve the deceases memories and history in that house. This is truly sad to leave this house to rot and ruin.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. This is truly so sad! All the photos and the love you can tell that was in the home and it’s been just discarded like trash. There are some really nice collectibles pieces and such beautiful antiques!!! You can tell the lady of the home loved her family by the photos. I really don’t understand why homes are left abandoned and all the the stuff left behind. Lucky that no one has broke in and stole and vandalized it! Thank u for sharing!!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hello, I was wondering if any of the family members allowed you access to Grandma’s House? The reason I’m asking, I’m curious to know did anyone in the family explained why Grandma’s House was left so abandoned with so many precious items and photos and why no one cared to take care of the house and chose to just let it sit, which is a shame with so many generation of relatives still here. Were there any explanation?

        Sent from Mail for Windows


  2. Do you know, did any of the children, grand or great grand not want to have anything to do with the home? If that is the case then why not sell it ?


    1. Seeing as though it’s been left empty and abandoned, it appears the relatives wants nothing to do with the house or trying to sell it. That’s what’s so sad about this.


  3. What a beautiful home. I love that you found the history of the family that lived there. It’s so nice to see a beautiful home frozen in time and untouched by vandals. I wonder what will happen to this place.


    1. @ Jim Sullivan It’s looks like nothing will happen to it, it will just continue to sit abandoned as it appears the other family members are not trying to do anything with it but let it sit to rot.


  4. These pictures are wonderful, but so sad. I wonder who the children are in all of the old photos that are displayed throughout the house? Why didn’t any of their family members ever come back to the house to take care of their belongings after they passed? It seems such a terrible shame that all of those beautiful photos have been left to just slowly rot away..


  5. Disabled Homeless Senior in Hollywood CA would love making this a home again, even getting to know the family and renew all the memories. This place has a rich history filled with the love if Jesus.


  6. I would LOVE to have that mid century China hutch! lol. This home breaks my heart. It’s very reminiscent of my own family’s home where we had Sunday dinners and holidays. My mother filled that home with photos of everyone and my dad had tons of projects and tools around. I can’t imagine that anyone of us kids or the grandkids would have allowed their home to become discarded like this. So sad.


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