Memory Lane

According to locals, this old home in rural Georgia may have been used as a boarding school in its early days. Any resemblance of a school is long gone as well as many of the antiques the house once held. Today, boxes of Christmas decorations, old books, and clothes litter the house. A name tied to the property can be traced to the local cemetery, having passed away in the early 1980s. It appears the house has not been occupied since around 2005.

Memory Lane

Memory Lane

Memory Lane

Memory Lane

Memory Lane

Memory Lane

Memory Lane

Memory Lane

Memory Lane

Memory Lane

Memory Lane

Memory Lane

Memory Lane

Memory Lane

Memory Lane

Memory Lane

Memory Lane

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    1. I love it, and would love to win the lottery or get some commissions coming in to see if I can buy anything! I would get The Ghost Busters and a Priest or A Medicine Man to help me do away with Negative Energy and Evil Spirits. DWB


  1. I loved the video…the music was haunting. My imagination ran away….thank you… I would like to see more videos…


    1. Joan Lee, my mind ran away with me too! I can just see how the Lady so elegantly had such nice things. I love the metal headboard, the small white lamp, and the purple huge throw rug in the one room. It looks to be a baby grand piano sitting there as well. The paintings look to be of her from young to older, as they look the same as the picture taken. All the family photos hanging and everything just left is so sad, like she had no family, and lived alone in such an amazing home. The front and back porches look like they were so inviting to have sit and visited with coffee, and neither of the screen doors were even torn or had any holes. It’s sad to see that maybe some homeless that may have stay there would just ransack it, instead of just admiring and being respectful. I wish I could have met her and visited with her, as I feel she’s probably a very sweet soul, and loved to play piano and read. A quint life.


  2. It hurts my heart to see beautiful houses go in disrepair. I have always been fascinated by old houses and their history. I live in the south and have seen many. I wish I had the funds to restore them all! Love these pictures. Sometimes I spend my time riding and looking for old houses. I love learning about their history if I can. Thanks for the pictures and video.


    1. Yes the video was a great touch to come after the pictures. I feel the same, I wish I could restore them back to their old glory, as close as I could to what they were, or what I perceive them to might have been.


  3. Would like to find out what is going on with the old plantation home that was moved by ferry down the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland!


  4. Why is it deserted so it hurts the heart Where are the owners of the house?

    I love the photos and the video was a great addition to all the details, thank you!


  5. I’ve rescued one great old house……but it had only set empty for about 4-5 years. I would save them all if I were younger and had the money! There are so many stories hidden in the walls. Sometimes ghosts too!


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