Antioch Baptist Church

Antioch Baptist

It’s hard to miss Antioch Baptist while traveling down the backroads in Taliaferro County, Georgia. The church was organized in November of 1886 and it is believed this sanctuary was constructed in 1899. After the Civil War, the sons and daughters of ex-slaves in the southern part of Taliaferro County and the northern part of Hancock County united with a vision of expanding their freedom. A group of courageous pioneers from the Powelton New Hope Baptist Church, led by Deacon Willie Peak, Deacon Abe Frazier and Deacon Philie Jones, came together and founded the Antioch Baptist Church. The deacon board purchased two acres of land from the Veazey estate and two acres were deeded to them from a cemetery.

Antioch Baptist
Antioch Baptist
Antioch Baptist

The design of the church is quite different from any other Baptist church from the same period, making it stand out and turn heads. Antioch Baptist also has the unique distinction of being the most photographed church in Georgia. The twin Gothic Revival style towers along with the Gothic arched windows are uncommon design elements in rural Baptist churches. According to a church member, Antioch fell victim to a fire in 1921 and the building was reconstructed in 1923. Upon the death of Deacon George Turner in February of 1992, the church ceased to meet on a regular basis. Today, the church suffers from a lack of maintenance resulting in serious structural issues.

Antioch Baptist

The oldest documented grave in the church cemetery belongs to Reverend William Darden, who was buried in 1898. There are 71 documented internments, but like many older graveyards, there are also unmarked graves. A county census conducted in 1977 lists 32 documented graves with headstones and 73 unmarked graves that had been identified by Deacon George Turner.

Antioch Baptist
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  1. hi my name is joanne and I am interested in abandoned homes castles really this is true I am interested to know more as well . one day I would like to buy and abandoned castle.


  2. Hello JoAnne, my name is Paul. MY first reaction to your goal is wouldnt it be better to find a modern mansion that has been foreclosed on? Unless you’re still young (35-50Yrs old) you’re talking a LOT of blood sweat and tears. I too would like to finish an abandoned project. Please discuss? The state of Kansas (mostly flatland) will issue land to new residents to retire there. Perhaps some of these properties have abandoned structures that could be rehabbed? I lived in a 55 and older community untill recently. Living there was a treat compared to my home in Chicago. Less stress. in other words I think mental, physical, and social health trumps OLD DECAYING ARCHITECTURE. Thanks, Paul


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