Small Town Funeral Home

A family-owned funeral home in a small Alabama town has been abandoned for decades. After moving across town to a newer facility, the former owners of the business never returned to it. In its current state, the old funeral home is boarded up and forgotten, rotting from neglect as a result of lack of maintenance, and has greatly deteriorated over time.

Rainwater seeps in from holes in the storm-damaged roof. The floors have even partially collapsed. A Cadillac hearse remains entombed in a garage on the property with dozens of old caskets and tombstones. Embalming chemicals and funeral pamphlets are just some of the items left behind. After years of neglect, this old building may not be around much longer.

Small Town Funeral Home
Family Business
Small Town Funeral Home
Family Business
Family Business
Family Business
Family Business
Funeral Home
Family Business
Family Business
Family Business

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  1. My mom was a funeral director and I spent a lot of my youth in funeral homes. I can’t believe they would move to a new location and leave behind caskets. That’s a lot of money to let rot.


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