Types of Accreditation

We offer multiple types of accreditation for various types of sleep medicine centers, practices and other industry businesses. We welcome anyone who would like to apply for this prestigious designation to learn more by exploring the options below.

Benefits of Accreditation

AASM accreditation is a voluntary process. By achieving accreditation for your sleep medicine center or practice, you are indicating to patients, referring physicians, other providers and insurers that you are committed to providing sleep disorders patients with the highest quality of care. In a growing number of states, accreditation is required for reimbursement of many sleep medicine services as insurers recognize that accreditation leads to improvements in patient care.

A man hooked up to an at-home sleep test.

Sleep Facilities

  • Manages patients

  • Conducts home sleep apnea testing

  • Has a laboratory for in-center sleep studies

A doctor having a conversation with a patient.

Independent Sleep Practices

  • Manages patients

  • Conducts home sleep apnea testing

  • Does NOT have a lab for in-center sleep studies

A woman in bed preparing to put on a breathing mask.

DME Suppliers

  • Provides sleep-related DME to patients

A group of doctors seated in circle discussing in a meeting.

Specialty Practices

  • Non-sleep medical practice

  • Screens for sleep apnea, and conducts home sleep apnea testing

  • Facilitates treatment and patient management through an AASM-accredited Sleep Facility