Welcome to the AAKOMA Project!

At The AAKOMA Project, we envision a world where EVERY child, teen, and young adult (inclusive of all points of diversity) feels the freedom to live unapologetically and authentically within an environment that allows them to rise and thrive.


Raising Consciousness

Ensure that Youth and Young Adults of Color are aware of the importance of their mental health and that young people and caregivers have the ability to share, support, and understand the young people’s experience with mental health.

Empowering People

Provide tools and resources for Youth and Young Adults of Color and their caregivers to manage their own wellbeing and mental health in a timely, accessible, and approachable way and when needed, connect to more formal and/or clinical service offerings for support.

Changing Systems

Build a set of systems and services that are equipped to receive Youth and Young Adults of Color and their caregivers and address their unique needs which will require a qualified workforce, evidence-based set of services and interventions, and an accessible set of supportive set of resources.

How are our Youth and Young Adults of Color faring?

Explore the highlights from The AAKOMA Project’s critical analysis of the mental health needs and experiences of intersectional Youth and Young Adults of Color.