Eczema Awareness Month

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Eczema Awareness Month

Around 16.5 million adults and 8 million children in the U.S. have eczema.1,2 Nearly 6.6 million adults say they have moderate-to-severe symptoms.1 Atopic dermatitis (AD) is the most common form of eczema.

October Is National Eczema Awareness Month

During October, join the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) as we raise awareness of eczema. AAFA invites you to use our resources and tools to teach others what it’s like to live with eczema.

How to share images:
Click or tap on an image. Save it to your computer or mobile device. For desktop computers, right-click and “save as.” Then share the image with your friends and family via social media. Be sure to tag us!

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Share Our Awareness Images

We have many shareable images throughout our website. Here are some of our favorites about eczema:

Watch and Share Our Awareness Videos

We hear many questions about how eczema is related to food allergy, so we asked the expert.

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1. Chiesa Fuxench ZC, Block JK, Boguniewicz M, Boyle J, Fonacier L, Gelfand JM, Grayson MH, Margolis DJ, Mitchell L, Silverberg JI, Schwartz L, Simpson EL, Ong PY. Atopic Dermatitis in America Study: A Cross-Sectional Study Examining the Prevalence and Disease Burden of Atopic Dermatitis in the US Adult Population. J Invest Dermatol. 2019 Mar;139(3):583-590. doi: 10.1016/j.jid.2018.08.028. Epub 2018 Oct 30. PMID: 30389491.

2. Zablotsky, B., Black, L.I., & Akinbami, L.J.(2023).NCHS Data Brief, no 459: Diagnosed allergic conditions in children aged 0-17 years: United States, 2021.National Center for Health Statistics.

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AAFA is dedicated to improving the quality of life for people with asthma and allergic diseases. Our community is here for you 24/7. You can connect with others who understand what it is like to live with asthma and allergies. You're not alone.