Emily Keir
Bio + Health

Emily Keir


More About Emily

Emily is an executive assistant on the Bio + Health team, supporting Vineeta Agarwala on investments in companies in the therapeutics, life sciences, and digital health spaces.

Prior to Andreessen Horowitz, Emily worked at Twitter where she supported the Chief Technology Officer and the lead of the company’s AI/ML team. Before that, she spent several years in the adtech space first at Brightroll, which was acquired by Yahoo and then Turn, which was acquired by Amobee. Emily started her career at the British Consulate General in San Francisco as the Science and Innovation Officer on a team focused on scientific diplomacy bridging the gap between the UK and US in shared research endeavors.

Emily holds a BA in Geography and Environmental Science from UCLA and currently lives in San Diego. In her spare time, you can usually find her outside on either a hiking trail or the beach.

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