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BlackThe Students Initiative

Our Black Students Initiative, launched in fall 2020, seeks to create new opportunities to specifically support Black students in our programs.

Read on to learn more about the different components in this initiative and contact precediha@826valencia.org with any questions. 

The Black Students Initiative aims to
  • 1

    Increase the number of Black students 826 Valencia serves in our in-depth programs by 25%.

  • 2

    Hold intentional space for Black students to tell their own stories in their most truthful forms.

  • 3

    Improve the academic success and social and emotional confidence of our Black students.

  • 4

    Amplify Black student voices through publishing opportunities within and outside 826 Valencia. 

The Black Literary Achievement Club

This workshop is for students in eight through twelfth grade. Students meet weekly and are supported to embrace a positive outlook on their Black identity through writing, the exploration of Black literary icons and leaders, Black history, community and leadership building. Club meetings also provide time for academic support and mentorship by Black professionals.

Students receive participation stipends, publishing opportunities, academic support, mentorship, and space for creative expression. 

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The Black Student Cohort

The Black Student Cohort is a group of Black-identifying third through fifth graders at Tenderloin Community School. Throughout the school year, the cohort meets weekly and engages in writing lessons, community builders, and other enrichment activities in order to grow their leadership and social-emotional skills.

826 has helped me evolve spiritually, psychologically, and literally. Before joining 826, I wasn’t a very strong reader or writer, but thanks to 826 mentors, I was able to develop solid concepts that allowed me to evolve into a powerful comprehender and thinker.

— Aces Bell, Student, Black Literary Achievement Club
In-School Support

In our In-School Programs, we are focusing on an intentional approach to serving Black students in new ways. We’re working with our close partner schools, including George Washington High School, Mission High School, Tenderloin Community School, Downtown High School, James Lick Middle School, Willy Brown Middle School, Bret Harte Elementary, Malcolm X Elementary, and Starr King Elementary to better support Black student affinity groups and classes with a large percentage of Black youth. 

In 2021, we partnered with SFUSD’s African American Achievement & Leadership Initiative on our Black Students Initiative Book.

Black Volunteer Recruitment, Placement, and Retention

Black community members, our students need you to support this initiative!

We know that students benefit in unique ways from having individualized support from adults who share their cultural background. In response to the question “What could we do to improve our programs?” students and teachers have consistently requested “more tutors of color.”

In response to this call, we are intentionally seeking Black volunteers to support our Black Students Initiative. There are many ways to volunteer, for all age groups and at various times of day. 

We are also continuing to focus on training all of our tutors to meaningfully support all of our students, and in particular to support our Black youth. We expect acceptance and celebration of our Black students, their agency, and the unique experiences they hold in our world. Together, we’re committed to doing the work to deepen our anti-racist practices and better support all our students. 

To get involved and help us find the right fit for you, please contact us at volunteer@826valencia.org.

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