
Get to know the amazing people who keep 826 Valencia running!
Bita has been an educator in SFUSD for 20 years as a teacher and a school leader. She served on 826 Valencia’s Board for five years, three of them as President. She’s our fearless leader!
Bita Nazarian
Executive Director
Christina holds an MA in special education and taught for seven years in LA and SF before joining the staff of 826 in 2013. She remains deeply committed to public education, and has a soft spot for cats, puns, and wildflowers.
Christina Villaseñor Perry
Associate Director
Melissa Anguiano is a San Francisco native who studied at UC Berkeley, where she discovered her passion for education and working with youth. When not with students, she enjoys road trips and traveling.
Melissa Anguiano
Programs Manager
Mostly from Texas, Amanda is a designer of print and experiences with a journalism foundation. Before landing at 826 Valencia, she created exhibitions at museums across the Bay Area. She likes exploring across time zones while drinking all the bubble tea, running, reading, and listening to music.
Amanda Boesen
Design Director
Sofia (she/they) is an avid writer and artist living in SF. After graduating from the University of Nevada, Reno and completing an AmeriCorps year, they are now a full time member of our team! When Sofia isn’t sailing with Captain Blue, you’ll find her exploring with her dog, Espi, or playing kickball in the Mission!
Sofia Cohen
Development and Annual Fund Coordinator
Precediha believes her experience as an 826 Valencia intern in 2009 inspired her to pursue a career in education. She is a proud Oakland native with a love of music and a belief in our students.
Precediha Dangerfield
Programs Manager
Andre Douglass is an Afro-Latinx creative writer based in San Francisco. He is a lover of jazz, poetry, and insurgent art. Before 826, he combed through dusty bookshelves at Stanford University until he finally found his passion for education and community empowerment.
Andre Douglass
Programs Coordinator
Phuong was born in Vietnam, raised in Tacoma, and ventured to the Bay Area in 2013 to start her career in education via Teach for America. She likes looking through Goodreads to see what people are reading, loving on her plants, traveling to new places, and lounging around.
Phuong Duong
Programs Director
Michelle, a California native, has a passion for working with youth, which led her to earn a degree in Liberal Studies from CSU Stanislaus and discovering 826 Valencia. In her free time, Michelle enjoys rooting for the Lakers, listening to music, traveling, and being with friends and family.
Michelle Espinoza
Interim Programs Manager
Emily is an artist and former teacher of middle and high school Spanish, World History, and Art. She grew up in Massachusetts and went to college in the Midwest before moving to the Bay Area in 2015. As an artist, Emily loves to sew, make collages, and experiment with natural dye using found and recycled materials.
Emily Gerstner
Programs Manager
Daniella, originally from sunny Southern California, decided to move to SF for college. She earned her BA in Children and Adolescent Studies. She discovered 826 Valencia while working in after-school programs. Her favorite things to do are snuggle with her cat, making people laugh and lounging around with a hot cup of coffee.
Daniella Glover
Programs Coordinator
​​Lucy is an Oakland native and graduated from California College of the Arts with a BFA in Illustration. She is passionate about arts education and empowering students. She loves to paint and draw, rollerskate, and curate Spotify playlists.
Lucy Gosline-Ratliff
Design Coordinator
Sol is a Salvadoreña- Americana who grew up in the Bayview district. Ella es passionate about sparking the joy in reading and writing. With a background in journalism and youth development, Sol enjoys reading, finding the closest beach and traveling whenever possible while blasting Bad Bunny.
Sol Granados
Director of Volunteer Engagement
Lori is a transplant from Hawaii and is a recent graduate of the University of Hawaii at Manoa where she got her MA in Communication. A 20-year teaching veteran, she sees her 826 adventure as the next step in the life-long journey of learning. She likes spending time in nature, dancing, and singing.
Lori Gregg-Hammer
Programs Coordinator
Virdell is a native of the Bay Area, an artist, and brings decades of experience to 826, in both corporate and nonprofit sectors in operations, business and program management, and art education.
Virdell Hickman
Operations Manager
Angela is an SF native with a passion for creative writing, fractal geometry, and Nicolas Cage’s entire cinematic body of work. She’s spent the past few years studying statistics at UCSB, working with youth organizations, perfecting her macaron recipe, and cleaning up her dog Frankie’s pee.
Angela Iton
Programs Coordinator
Originally from Atlanta, Oscar began at 826 with AmeriCorps and is now a member of the volunteer engagement team. They love to hike, swim, and explore nature.
Oscar Jacob
Volunteer Coordinator
Caroline is a San Francisco native who hopes to pursue a Master’s degree and publish a fictional book series in the future. During her free time, she enjoys writing, taking care of her plants, and reading books or watching a show with a cup of tea.
Caroline Kou
Programs Associate
Emily is a SF native and recent graduate from Chapman University. She received BAs in political science and peace studies. In her free time she enjoys listening to music, reading, and learning about past and current conflicts.
Emily Lam
Programs Coordinator
Kendra is a Bay Area transplant and bibliophile. After earning a master's in literature, she completed an AmeriCorps year with 826. She is passionate about social justice and empowering youth through storytelling. If she’s not reading, you can find her enjoying nature, baking cookies, or binging podcasts.
Kendra Lappin
Interim Programs Manager
Miranda Ling (they/them or she/her) is an afrofuturist, writer, and rumored witch living in Oakland. They believe in the power of speculative fiction to imagine a more just and loving world, and call it into being. They're from Philly, but couldn't leave Northern California after attending Stanford. It's too nice here.
Miranda Ling
Director of Advancement
Maya Makker (she/her) grew up and studied in the California Central Valley. Before joining 826, she worked as an educator and writer in museums. She believes that you can never have enough stickers.
Maya Makker
Communications Manager
Tony Manalo is a Filipinx illustrator based in Oakland. Their illustrations often incorporate found materials, movement, mystery, and a sense of humor.
Tony Manalo
Design Coordinator
Iris followed her sense of adventure to San Francisco, landing firmly in the treehouse (more likely at the bottom of the rope ladder) at 826. In her spare time you can find her at her local cafe, searching for the perfect coffee and croissant pairing.
Iris Mori
Administrative Coordinator
Born and raised in the Mission, Keven enjoys strolling through the city streets looking for hidden treasures and admiring the street art. He spent 4 years in New Jersey, studying Spanish, Media and Communications, which is where he developed his fondness for bilingual education.
Keven Muñoz
Programs Coordinator
Nick Parker is a California native with a passion for helping small businesses and nonprofits thrive. His two favorite toys are his surfboard and bass guitar. He is an avid reader of alt weeklies and would love to talk with you about exciting things happening in the city.
Nick Parker
Finance Director
Jenna Paul-Gin is a San Francisco native who studied Psychology and Human Development at UC Davis. Before joining 826, she was an elementary educator in the Bay Area for 10 years. In her free time, Jenna enjoys eating at all her favorite restaurants, going on walks, and having game nights!
Jenna Paul-Gin
Programs Manager
Kate, a Bay Area native, started out in textbook publishing before moving into nonprofit fundraising. Before coming to 826 Valencia, Kate worked at Compass Family Services, Project Open Hand, and TNDC. In her free time, Kate hangs out with her cat, practices yoga, and befriends her local crow population.
Kate Peltier
Director of Institutional Gifts
Stina Perkins first called herself a writer while a student at 826michigan. After studying Women’s Studies and American Culture at the University of Michigan, she’s thrilled to return to an organization she adores. Speaking of adoration, Stina also loves humming while hiking, reading on riverbanks, and sharing dinosaur facts.
Stina Perkins
Internships Manager
Ginnie Redmond hails from the Midwest where they studied Creative Writing at Loyola University Chicago. Before joining 826, they were a grant writer for non-profit theatre companies, including Lookingglass, TheatreWorks, and SF Playhouse. When not at 826, they enjoy dancing at concerts and sharing hilarious stories.
Ginnie Redmond
Grants and Development Coordinator
Luis Sepulveda was born and raised in Houston, Texas before deciding to move to California to study Finance (and escape the heat). He began his journey at 826 Valencia as an intern and found his stride as an Administrative Coordinator 3 years later. In his free time, he enjoys road trips, hiking, and driving his motorcycle.
Luis Sepulveda
Administrative Coordinator
Ashley Smith, a Bay Area native, taught reading and writing to middle school students in San Francisco and New York, where she earned her master's degree. When not at 826, she enjoys eating her way through San Francisco's many culinary offerings.
Ashley Smith
Director of Education
Mel (she/her) is a longtime Bay Area resident who has worked in various nonprofits throughout California with a focus on art and education. Mel loves the opportunity to connect with 826 supporters and share the impact of their support. Outside of 826, Mel loves reading magazines, celebrity memoirs, dancing, and is always on the hunt for designer vintage pieces.
Melissa Stamberger
Manager of Individual Philanthropy
Julia Sweeney grew up underneath the orange trees of Ojai and the oaks of Oakland. After studying Social Studies at Harvard, she returned to the Bay, where she makes short films that often involve dance and citrus fruits. She loves swimming, eating bread, and "earthing" (aka laying on the ground).
Julia Sweeney
Programs Coordinator
Joe was born and raised in San Francisco and has been working in education for the past ten years. He loves learning about all kinds of topics, including literature, film, music, and sports. He hopes to have his writing published one day, just like the students at 826 Valencia.
Joe Totterdell
Volunteer Coordinator
Vianney came to the bay from Los Angeles via Texas. She studied environmental sustainability, and through her career in food justice developed a passion for social sustainability and Human Resources. In her free time she enjoys hiking, baking, napping with her dog, and anything that gets her moving or laughing.
Vianney Trujillo
Human Resources Manager
Byron began at 826 with a fun part-time job peddling pirate wares in 2013. He now manages the stores and oversees various forms of community outreach, from pop-ups and events to the stores' online presence.
Byron Weiss
Stores Director
Ryan taught fifth and sixth grades, founded a school newspaper, and started a guitar program, all while earning his MA in special education. When not at 826, he likes to navigate the trails of the Presidio and play the bass.
Ryan Young
Programs Director

AmeriCorps Staff 2023-24

Sofia grew up in a Mexican border town and has spent the past four years studying at USF and exploring the city. The recent graduate is a self-described writer, poet, and debonair. You can spot her walking around the city with her headphones on and bobbing her head to a mysterious rhythm.
Sofia Chavez
BAYAC AmeriCorps Programs Associate
Brynn is a recent USF graduate who was born and raised in Oregon before coming to SF. They love working with students of all ages and hope to be an English teacher some day. They have been an intern with 826 since 2020 and are excited for a new journey. Outside of 826, they love to paint and write.
Brynn Evenson
BAYAC AmeriCorps Programs Associate
Cristabelle García is a Venezuelan-American writer living in San Francisco. When she’s not enraptured by words, she’s enraptured by food. You’ll often find her reading, tutoring, or eating pizza while watching the show Chef's Table: Pizza (she highly recommends the pairing).
Cristabelle García
BAYAC AmeriCorps Programs Associate
Kahmala was born in the Philippines, eventually flying to the Bay Area in 2008 before crash-landing in Delaware in 2012. Years later she made it back to the Bay Area and earned her degree in Psychology from USF. On weekends you'll find her reading until 3 a.m. or meandering through pop-up markets.
Kahmala Gonzales
BAYAC AmeriCorps Programs Associate
Raised in San Francisco, Camilia holds a bachelor's degree from UC Berkeley and a passion for youth empowerment through education and the arts. When not at 826 Valencia, she can often be found skillfully navigating Wikipedia rabbit holes.
Camilia Kacimi
BAYAC AmeriCorps Programs Associate
A recent graduate of USF with a BA in Politics, Cordelia is looking to continue to use her education to serve her community.
Cordelia Madrid
BAYAC AmeriCorps Programs Associate
Originally from the Central Valley, Andrea (or Rea) is a Mexican American who relocated to SF three years ago. They received their BA in Literature at UC Davis and are working towards their MFA at SFSU. When not reading, they are gaming, finding out more about dinosaurs, attempting to learn a new language, or talking about world-building in literature.
Andrea Martín-Valdepeña
BAYAC AmeriCorps Programs Associate
Anna graduated from UC Davis with a Bachelors of Science in Community and Regional Development. After a year of walking around, she landed in outdoor education and is now excited to try her hand in indoor education. Her goal in life is to have fun.
Anna Neubuaer-Vickers
BAYAC AmeriCorps Programs Associate
Alex Ortiz is a BAYAC Programs Associate at the Mission Bay Center and is very excited to be a part of it! Originally from Monterey, Alex grew up going to the aquarium and took road trips to Big Sur. His hobbies are going to concerts, thrifting, exercising and surfing!
Alex Ortiz
BAYAC AmeriCorps Programs Associate
Nicole grew up in New Jersey and recently graduated from Denison University with a degree in English (Creative Writing). She loves sharing her passion for storytelling, crocheting, and spending time with family and friends.
Nicole Pavese
BAYAC AmeriCorps Programs Associate
Abby (They/She) is a recent graduate from SF State with a degree in English Education. Their passion for writing and encouraging creative minds lead Abby straight to 826 Valencia! In her spare time she enjoys playing Nintendo games and crochets!
Abby Sandoval
BAYAC AmeriCorps Programs Associate
Originally from the NY Hudson Valley, Jo moved to San Francisco in 2020 and has been working with students ever since. They are thrilled to join 826 and continue learning from the wisdom and creativity of young people! In their free time, Jo enjoys long walks, line dancing, and building dollhouses.
Jo Solomon
BAYAC AmeriCorps Programs Associate

StoreThe Staff

Stores Associate Zacharie -- Zach -- Angstadt is a born and raised San Franciscan who's bounced across the city all his life and loved everywhere he went. Nowadays, having settled somewhere for the moment, he spends most of his days gushing about whatever media's currently taking up all processing power, or running his dog wherever there's room.
Zacharie Angstadt
Stores Associate
Luisa Bel is a Brazilian artist and stop motion animator currently located in the bay area to study Animation at CCA. When she’s not working you can find her drawing or collecting weird little things for her animations.
Luisa Bel Cardoso Head
Stores Associate
Jade Howe (aka jadehowdy to her friends) is an illustrator and printmaker from San Diego. When she’s not keeping things shipshape, you’ll find her taking pictures of a strangers’ dog and collecting oversized stickers. Say hi, she doesn’t bite!
Jade Howe
Stores Associate
Autumn Goldstein Harris is a student of creative writing at SFSU, in her senior year. She never quite became a pirate herself but she is passionate about the sea, especially the rights of dolphins, whales, and cephalopods.
Autumn Goldstein Harris
Stores Associate
Ambrose is a technomancer from far-off ancient mountains. When they are not selling to those who sail the seven seas or creating Sea-Seeing Charms, they love to work with computers, play video games, and create super cool characters for fun!
Ambrose Meade
Stores Associate

Boardof directors

Lisa Brown
Board Chair, Illustrator, author, designer, and cartoonist
Board Chair, Illustrator, author, designer, and cartoonist

Lisa Brown, Board Chair, is an illustrator, author, designer, and cartoonist. Her award-winning picture books for children include The Airport Book, Mummy Cat by Marcus Ewert, Emily’s Blue Period by Cathleen Daly, and The Latke Who Couldn’t Stop Screaming by Lemony Snicket. Her writing and illustration has been published in a variety of publications, including NPR, The San Francisco Chronicle, McSweeney’s, Lucky Peach, and The New York Times. She has been joyfully involved in 826 Valencia since its founding; as a donor, field trip illustrator and leader, workshop instructor, and publication contributor. Lisa teaches in the Illustration Department of the California College of the Arts. She received a BA in Humanities from Wesleyan University and an MS in Communications Design from Pratt Institute in New York City.

Ambar Bhattacharyya
Board Treasurer, Managing Director, Maverick Ventures
Board Treasurer, Managing Director, Maverick Ventures

Ambar Bhattacharyya is a Managing Director at Maverick Ventures, a $400m venture capital fund based in San Francisco.  Prior to joining Maverick, he was a Vice President at Bessemer Venture Partners.  Ambar began his career at Bain & Company. He also served as assistant to the CEO at MinuteClinic, where helped the company grow its national footprint prior to its acquisition by CVS.  Ambar holds an M.B.A. with distinction from Harvard Business School and a B.S. in economics and a B.A. in psychology from the University of Pennsylvania. Ambar previously served as a board member for the Bay Area Board of Generation Citizen and UP Academy in Boston and Dorchester. Ambar has been selected by the World Economic Forum as a Global Shaper and as one of the top 50 individuals in digital health by Rock Health in 2017 and 2018. In 2019, he was also selected to be an advisor to the California Healthcare Foundation Innovation Fund.

Liza Ramrayka
Board Secretary, Social justice and solutions journalist
Board Secretary, Social justice and solutions journalist

Liza Ramrayka is a social justice journalist with over 25 years of experience working for online and print media. A freelance features writer, columnist and commissioning editor for outlets including The Guardian, HuffPost and NewsDeeply, much of her work explores aspects of social exclusion, and aims to amplify the voices of marginalized communities. An early pioneer of solutions journalism – which uncovers effective responses to social problems – Liza writes about refugees and migration, equality, and diversity. She is also a journalism mentor, media skills trainer and editorial consultant. A board member at Children’s Day School, she is passionate about how education, and writing in particular, can connect students to their wider environment. Liza holds a BA in English and French literature and language, and a post-graduate diploma in journalism. Originally from the UK, she now lives in San Francisco with her partner, children Ella and Jake, and their beach-loving rescue pup, Biscuit.

Eric Abrams
Chief Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Officer, KQED
Chief Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Officer, KQED

Born in Berkeley, raised in Oakland and Chicago, Eric Abrams feels that his role as Chief DEI Officer at KQED is the coolest job he could have–his role is to help folks work together better!  This is his first job not on a college campus in decades; previously, he held posts in admission at USC, Stanford, and Berkeley, as well as working as the initial dedicated DEI officer at both Berkeley’s Haas School of Business and the Stanford Graduate School of Education.  

At KQED, Eric serves as an internal consultant for colleagues about DEI-related issues, as well as helping to promote a truly inclusive culture where all can be their full and best professional selves. As Ted Lasso says, Eric strives to “be curious, not judgmental.” 

A believer that real men try to cook, Abrams is an avid barbecue pitmaster, and thinks he’s at his best in the kitchen–though he has to admit that his adult sons have some skills. He is also an avid sports fan, remembers buying comic books for 20¢, and not half as witty as he thinks he is. Eric and his wife Donna live in Oakland with Lola the WonderDog.

Bill Bourdon
co-CEO at Mission North
co-CEO at Mission North

Bill is co-CEO at Mission North, a strategic communications firm serving the technology and life sciences industries. He has more than 25 years of experience advising technology companies at every stage — from stealth to Fortune 50. Bill specializes in helping companies navigate major moments of inflection and transformation with integrated corporate communications programs designed to grow reputation equity and create new categories. When he’s not advising clients, Bill focuses on developing Mission North’s award-winning culture and leading the agency’s corporate philanthropy program E3thos. He is a frequent commentator and contributor on the future of technology, media and communications. His articles have been published in Adweek, Harvard Business Review, TechCrunch and VentureBeat.

‍Prior to joining Mission North, Bill was vice president of marketing for a media startup, where he led all marketing, licensing and distribution strategy around the company’s filmed entertainment properties. Before that, he managed product PR and corporate communications for some of the Internet’s pioneering brands, including AOL, Sun Microsystems and Netscape, while working at A Good Seed Production, Blanc and Otus and Niehaus Ryan Wong.

‍Bill began his career in public health, directing a federally funded nonprofit program at Health Initiatives for Youth for several years before being appointed to serve as a Special Assistant to San Francisco Mayor Willie L. Brown Jr. An advocate for education equity, he served on the Board of Directors for the San Francisco Education Fund from 2016-2022.

He graduated from St. Lawrence University with a bachelor’s degree in political science and writing.

Ipek S. Burnett
Author and Depth Psychologist
Author and Depth Psychologist

Ipek S. Burnett, Ph.D. is a Turkish-American author who provides a psychological critique of social, cultural, and political issues.

Born and raised in Istanbul, Turkey, Ipek came to the United States to get a bachelor’s degree from Brown University in Modern Culture & Media and International Relations. She received her master’s degree in Counseling Psychology from California Institute of Integral Studies. She has a doctorate degree in Depth Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute.

Ipek is the author of A Jungian Inquiry into the American Psyche: The Violence of Innocence and the editor of the upcoming volume Re-Visioning the American Psyche: Jungian, Archetypal, and Mythological Reflections. She is a contributing writer at CounterPunch and author of two published novels in Turkey.

Ipek serves on the boards of nonprofit organizations and foundations that specialize in social justice and human rights. She is the Co-Chair of Human Rights Watch’s Executive Committee in San Francisco.

Bianca Catalan
Musician, Artist, Community Activist
Musician, Artist, Community Activist

Bianca Catalan is an 826 alum who started participating in 826 programs when she was a 7th grader at Everett Middle School. Since then, she has participated in various other programs, been on staff, and served on our Alumni Board. She is currently the Director of Engagement of San Francisco University High School, where she attended as a student. She is also a board member for San Francisco Youth Theater.

Shikha Donde
Attorney at Law
Attorney at Law

Shikha Paul Donde is Senior Counsel at Uber, and has over 15 years of in-house experience in technology companies, specializing in areas of Ethics and Compliance. She is a graduate of UC San Diego, where she majored in Political Science and minored in Law and Society, and received her law degree at Golden Gate University School of Law.

Shikha is the proud mother of two young boys, and lives in San Francisco. She is excited about partnering with 826 Valencia to provide resources and guidance to children in San Francisco communities, so that they can explore their creativity and follow their passions. Her perfect day would be to read a good book, with a nice glass of Pinot in hand, while sitting on a beach anywhere in the world.

Carolyn Feinstein Edwards
Chief Marketing, Growth, and Design Officer, Varo Bank
Chief Marketing, Growth, and Design Officer, Varo Bank

A creative pioneer, Carolyn has over 20 years of experience leading marketing teams and building creative and effective marketing strategies for high-profile companies. Most recently, she was Dropbox’s Chief Marketing Officer. She led Dropbox’s global marketing organization, driving initiatives to develop the company’s iconic and enduring brand, engaging and acquiring customers, and building lasting relationships that help Dropbox users around the world unleash their creative energy. Before joining Dropbox, Carolyn spent time advising emerging brands from tech to beauty—including Pure Storage, where she was responsible for building the company’s digital marketing strategy and developing their brand and messaging architecture. For over a decade, Carolyn ran Global Consumer Marketing at Electronic Arts, helping to define the strength and personality of EA SPORTS and developing high impact campaigns for franchises from Madden Football to FIFA to Battlefield. She also led the company’s digital transformation across its marketing effort.

Keith O. Hunter
Associate Professor, University of San Francisco
Associate Professor, University of San Francisco

Keith Hunter is a tenured Associate Professor at the University of San Francisco where he teaches courses dealing with the structural, psychological and sociological aspects of management and leadership. Having partnered with 826 Valencia many times in his courses, he is also a strong advocate for community engaged learning and social justice at USF. Hunter is also a US Navy veteran whose six years of service included leadership in firefighting, radiological incident response, and shipboard engineering operations. After completing his military service, he pursued a career in software, earning undergraduate and Masters degrees in computer science. At Sandia National Laboratories, Hunter worked on research projects in evolutionary computation and agent based simulation before attending Carnegie Mellon University to obtain his Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior and Management. Dr. Hunter is passionate about expanding opportunity and empowering people to help make the world a better place.

Osvaldo Márquez-Gómez
Fintech Payment Advisor, Silicon Valley Bank
Fintech Payment Advisor, Silicon Valley Bank

Osvaldo Marquez has been part of the 826 Valencia community for over 15 years. He started as a student tutee but soon joined other programs at 826 Valencia. He received a scholarship in 2010 from 826 Valencia to attend Pitzer College, where he majored in Sociology and Spanish. In 2014, he became the first in his family to graduate from college. He now works in the financial industry and lives in San Francisco. He believes that organizations like 826 Valencia make a significant and impactful difference in student’s educational goals and accomplishments.

Josh McHugh
CEO, Attention Span Media LLC and Co-Founder, Fanatical
CEO, Attention Span Media LLC and Co-Founder, Fanatical

Josh spent 7 years at Forbes and 8 years at Wired as a writer and editor and is now the CEO of Attention Span Media and editor in chief of Attention FWD. Raised by a single mother, a gaggle of aunts, uncles and grandparents, and encouraged by an extended family of literary enthusiasts, he attended Waldorf school, boarding school and college thanks to a constellation of financial aid packages, eventually graduating from Yale with a B.A. in English. After college Josh worked for a small weekly newspaper, covering school board meetings, bake sales and a murder or two. His efforts to dunk a basketball are the subject of Dunkumentary, a documentary that screened at the 2009 Cannes Film Festival. From 2010 to 2014, he served as president of the Commonwealth Club of California’s INFORUM board. He holds a certification in Sustainable Capitalism & ESG from Berkeley Law.

Enikia Ford Morthel
Superintendent, Berkeley Unified School District
Superintendent, Berkeley Unified School District

Enikia Ford Morthel is an urban educator with over 15 years of experience serving the Bay Area’s most historically underserved communities. She is currently Superintendent, Berkeley Unified School District and was formerly Asst. Superintendent for the San Francisco Unified School District’s Bayview/Potrero Hill communities, as part of a collaborative team created to transform San Francisco’s lowest-performing schools. Prior to this appointment, she facilitated the turnaround of underperforming schools and incubation of new schools in some of the Bay Area’s highest-need neighborhoods. Enikia sees education as an act of social justice and is committed to the transformation of our educational system to be more responsive, relevant, and revolutionary in the lives of the children who need it most. Outside of her day job, Enikia continues to engage and empower communities of color. She advances these efforts in her role as professor/Senior Lecturer of Urban Education at Loyola Marymount University. She has consulted for companies like ETS, LeapFrog, and a number of Bay Area CBOs, and partnered with Seneca Family of Agencies as a lead developer of the All-In Partnership, which has transformed Special Education and Response to Intervention in many schools serving communities of increased trauma. She serves on a number of boards and is excited to share her passion and experience in support of the vision of 826 Valencia. Originally from Los Angeles, Enikia is a graduate of the University of California, Berkeley. She holds a Master’s degree in Education. Although she enjoys the ‘heart work’ that consumes much of her days, her most rewarding role has been that of mother and wife. She lives in San Francisco with her husband, William, and two children—Jayvyn (14) and Samaiya (5).

Scott Rubin
Chief Marketing Officer, Lux Capital
Chief Marketing Officer, Lux Capital

Scott Rubin leads brand, marketing, and communications for Lux Capital, a venture capital firm investing in frontier technology at all stages of growth. Previously, Scott held multiple roles in public policy, communications, and marketing at Google, Andreesen Horowitz, and Atlassian. Scott earned his AB at Harvard University, with a concentration in Literature and a (very unofficial) secondary focus in Primate Anthropology. He received his MA from The Writing Seminars (Fiction) at Johns Hopkins University. He is the co-author of In Every Tongue, a book exploring the intersection of race and religion. When he’s not at his desk, Scott keeps bees and grows apples, pears, plums, and figs at Lazy Dog Farm, his century-old family farm in Sonoma County, CA.

Monica Varman
Climate investor, Partner at G2 Venture Partners
Climate investor, Partner at G2 Venture Partners

Monica is a Partner at G2 Venture Partners, a venture and growth equity firm focused on technologies that are digitizing and decarbonizing traditional industries. She invests in companies transforming the way we work (future of work), buy (circular economy), and eat (food & agriculture).

Monica was previously part of the FP&A team at Tesla, where she helped scale Model S manufacturing. She was a core member of McKinsey and Company’s sustainability practice and worked on scaling solar in North America, India, Tanzania, and Rwanda. Monica spent a year as a climate change researcher at the Council on Foreign Relations and worked with the World Wildlife Fund in Dubai. She has been a volunteer with Let’s Get Ready, helping under-resourced students prepare for college admissions, and Language ETC, helping immigrants to the US learn English.

Monica has an MBA from Harvard Business School and a BA from Columbia University. She grew up in India and the Middle East, and now lives in Redwood City, CA with her husband and their tuxedo cat Oreo.

Rachel Swain Yeaman
Writer, Social Justice and Civil Rights Advocate
Writer, Social Justice and Civil Rights Advocate

Rachel Swain Yeaman is a writer, communications consultant, and long-time advocate for social justice and civil rights. Over the course of many years, Rachel conceived and directed winning media and communications campaigns for many national and regional advocacy organizations, including the ACLU. She has served on the boards of several nonprofits, including the Breast Cancer Fund and Children’s Day School, where she chaired the capital campaign that enabled the purchase and construction of a new independent, progressive middle school in the heart of San Francisco. Rachel holds an MFA in Writing for Children and Young Adults from Vermont College of Fine Arts, and is thrilled to bring her passion for social justice and children’s writing to the board of 826.


Candice Cottin

Born and raised in the Caribbean, Candice then pursued an MBA and a career in strategic marketing in Paris. In 2019, she and her family relocated to California. Narratives have also played a vital role for Candice—whether immersed in reading, performing on stage, or crafting short stories. As she initiated her own French creative writing studio, she discovered 826 Valencia and was deeply impressed by its mission and the positive impact it creates. She takes joy in volunteering at Captain Blue’s field trips and feels privileged to contribute to the Associate Board.

Asha Fereydouni

Asha grew up in the Bay Area and has always been an active volunteer and community-member. He has many fun stories from summers spent volunteering at all sorts of Bay Area summer camps. In addition to his work as a user experience researcher, he is a hobbyist woodworker, yogi, and olivemaker. Having been a volunteer, he’s excited to see and experience the board side of 826!

Rebecca Glazer

Rebecca discovered the beauty of the written word while lost in the science fiction and fantasy sections of her childhood local library. Her own adventure began when she left home to study business at Boston University. The next chapter of her story brought Rebecca to the Golden State where she works as a change management consultant. Rebecca was fortunate enough to be introduced to 826 by a friend and immediately saw how impactful a program like this would have been in her own life growing up. She is excited at the opportunity to start supporting students in finding their voice through storytelling. 

Matthew Hagarty

As someone who struggled with writing while growing up, Matthew was drawn to 826 Valencia as a way to inspire confidence in aspiring student writers. Matthew’s experience as the Lead Writing Tutor for the Chico State Learning Center and his time spent teaching Supplemental ELA at St. Peter’s School in San Francisco helped develop his passion for elevating the writing skills of his students. Upon graduating college, Matthew pursued his dream of playing music professionally, sharing the stage with artists such as Portugal. The Man, Glass Animals, & more. Currently, Matthew lives in San Francisco and works as a Senior Account Director at

Emily Huang

Emily grew up in Portland, Oregon, frequenting her local library and the famous Powell’s bookstore. She studied both Spanish Literature & Culture and Accounting at the University of Oregon and abroad at the Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro. Making her way up and down the West Coast, Emily has since worked in Seattle as a consultant at Deloitte Consulting, where she launched a mentorship program for underrepresented students, and now lives in San Francisco working in the mental health space. She loves trying new foods and performing improv in the Mission District. 

Gavin Jackson

Gavin is a native Texan who fell in love with the West Coast during a childhood trip to California. Years later, that fondness remained, and after completing an engineering degree at Purdue University, he moved to San Francisco to start his professional career – the Bay Area has been home ever since. An avid reader and lifelong learner, he is thrilled to serve on the Associate Board as a steward for 826 Valencia and students in the local community. Alongside volunteer work, Gavin finds joy in cooking, photography, and treks to the mountains to snowboard.

Arsalan Khan

Arsalan, a queer Afghan-American from Berkeley, California, holds a Linguistics Bachelor’s from UCLA and a Master’s in Education from USC. He taught 9th and 12th grade in Los Angeles, later serving as Director of Youth and Family Services at Mission Neighborhood Centers for 5 years. Arsalan’s early career involved impactful roles at Raphael House SF where he served on a tiny development team of 4. Now as director at Larkin Street Academy, returns to his service roots, eager to contribute his extensive experience. Outside work, Arsalan travels, writes a science-fiction novel, enjoys reality TV, and embraces a health goth lifestyle.

Ana Medrano Fernandez

Ana Medrano Fernandez migrated to the US from Guatemala at age 8 and spent most of her life in San Bernardino, CA. Programs like 826 made a huge difference in Ana’s life so being part of this board is a dream come true. Ana received a Bachelors in Economics from Wellesley College and after a short stint in consulting began a career in People Analytics. Now, Ana is a software engineer. Ana’s birthday is 8.26 – talk about signs!

Yanit Mehta

Yanit, according to the US Immigration offices, is: a non-permanent resident alien. He sees his life in America as a topsy-turvy James Joyce’s Ulysses-esque journey (the California version). He moved here as a doe-eyed eighteen-year-old studying Film, English, and Comparative Literature at UC Irvine. Then, made some life-long friends in Orange County but knew it wasn’t his perennial home. Consequently, he was pulled to the eerie fog and Monterey Cypress of San Francisco like a moth to a flame. Now you can find him training for marathons, sticking googly-eyes around the city, or tutoring the loveliest kids at 826 Valencia.

Paul Menson

A lifelong fan of fantasy and sci-fi, Paul spent his childhood in Vermont with his nose in a book and still practices storytelling to complement technical degrees from the University of Rochester and Duke University. Paul discovered 826 years before moving to SF and jumped at the chance to contribute after moving to SF. Aside from his day job in the renewable energy industry, Paul hopes his service on the VAB of 826 can help ensure the world we create benefits from boundless imagination and extraordinary stories.

Lex Rice

As a life-long volunteer and writer, Lex couldn’t think of a better place to funnel her energy than the 826 associate board. Originally from the D.C. area, Lex has been enjoying life in the Bay Area for the past decade. Currently, she works in edtech and her previous volunteer jobs have included working as a crisis counselor, after-school tutor, and hospital aide, among other roles. Her favorite part about 826 is the perfect balance of whimsy and practicality that it affords young writers.

Henry Roark

Henry was determined to develop his writing skills from his mom’s immigrant experience with English as a new language. He worked at his high school and college writing centers, and discovered 826 Valencia when he first moved to San Francisco 8 years ago. Since then, he has worn many hats with 826 including Tutor, Ambassador, Volunteer Engagement Support Team (VEST), and now Associate Board (VAB). He’s still very proud of his Volunteer of Month honor. Outside of 826, he enjoys reading at coffee shops, on the couch, and in the bath; playing board games; and attending film, art, and literature events around town.”

Owen Somerfeld

Owen connected to 826 Valencia after seeing a button on a stranger’s backpack, and has served ever since as a volunteer, and an Associate Board member – most recently as Vice Chair. In his five years on the Associate Board, Owen has focused on creating a meaningful and impactful experience for VAB members, and waxes continually about the importance of buttons.

Linnea Uyeno

An avid reader and writer, Linnea embarked on her writing journey at Real Change Newspaper, a paper that advocates for social justice. There she wrote bi-monthly back pages and helped to organize fundraisers. Now, she writes technical documents as a Product Manager by day, and by night, dabbles in poetry and puns. She loves volunteering at the 826 Tenderloin Center and taking part in the 826 Associate Board. When she is not hunching over her work from home setup, Linnea enjoys training for triathalons, dancing, skiing, and planning elaborate themed parties.

Alumni Board

Juan Avila

Juan grew up in the Mission District and currently works at a local nonprofit in the same neighborhood. Previously, he worked at the SF Department of the Environment…and even as an AmeriCorps service member at 826 Valencia! Outside of work, you can normally spot him grabbing a burrito in the Mission, hanging out at a nearby park, or browsing his local farmers’ market.

Josselyn Bonilla

Josselyn was born and raised in El Salvador. Her family gradually migrated to the Bay Area and brought her along at the age of 17. While at Mission High School, she found out about 826 Valencia’s work with children and youth and decided to seek their help. She became one of many scholarship recipients as she started her path towards UC Berkeley where she graduated with a BA in Political Science. One of her goals is to continue to give back to her community.

Bianca Catalan

Bianca is a San Francisco native, theater artist, musician and educator. Currently, She sits on the Board of Directors with 826 Valencia and with San Francisco Youth Theater. She’s also the lead singer of a Latin American music quartet called Araya. Check out their music on SoundCloud or Instragram @araya_sounds. Whenever Bianca needs a moment to reconnect with nature, her favorite thing to do is take in the San Francisco ocean breeze.

Daniela Catubig

Daniela is a SF native who recently graduated from Saint Mary’s College of CA with a B.S in Business Administration. This past August, she joined Salesforce’s Marketing team and hopes to one day create a business of her own. When she isn’t working, she enjoys playing basketball, going to the gym, and collecting blazers.

Daisy Guzman

A San Francisco native, Daisy Guzman has been a member of the 826 Valencia community for over 18 years. She has been involved with the organization in various capacities, first as a student and later as a volunteer, education program intern, and scholarship committee member. She holds a BS in Business Administration from UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business and is a practicing CPA at an accounting firm. During her free time Daisy enjoys hiking and traveling.

Osvaldo Márquez-Gómez

Osvaldo is a San Francisco native. While growing up in the Bayview District, Osvaldo came in for After-School Tutoring, later joined the 826 Youth Advisory Board, and is now on the 826 Alumni Board, and the 826 Valencia Board of Directors. He is currently working at Silicon Valley Bank, advising financial technology companies on how to optimize their treasury operations.

Mailyn Rosales

Mailyn was born and raised in Guatemala, and came to the US when she was 16. Ever since she came here, 826 Valencia opened a lot of doors in Mailyn’s life making her transition into this country a lot smoother which she is very grateful for. Mailyn graduated from Mission High School in 2018, and recently graduated from UC Davis in 2022. She is passionate about cultures therefore loves learning people’s backgrounds, traditions, etc. She recently got her residency and looks forward to traveling around the world.

Zora Rosenberg

Zora was born and raised in San Francisco, and attended 826 Valencia programs from the seventh to twelfth grade. Storytelling, teaching, and learning have been their  main passions from a young age, and these passions have brought Zora back to 826 Valencia as a part of the Alumni Board. They also enjoy baking, playing video games, and are trying to get back into roller skating.

Holly Wong

Holly is a proud native San Franciscan and a first-generation college student, hailing from a family of immigrants who instilled in her the values of hard work and perseverance. She attended 826 Valencia’s after-school tutoring from 2nd to 8th grade, where her love for storytelling and creativity was nurtured. Holly’s journey has brought her full circle as she currently works at a San Francisco foundation, dedicated to making a meaningful impact on our beloved city. When she’s not busy championing causes close to her heart, one of Holly’s greatest joys is embarking on culinary adventures to explore the diverse and delectable dining scene in the Bay Area.

Kristyne Cardenas-Sanchez

Bio coming soon!


Nínive Calegari
Nínive Calegari is a veteran public school teacher who served as the Executive Director of 826 Valencia until 2007 and the CEO of 826 National until 2010. Nínive received her undergraduate degrees from Middlebury College, a graduate degree in Teaching and Curriculum from Harvard University, and an Honorary Degree from the USF School of Education in 2019. Her 826 pedagogy has been replicated by 40 organizations internationally. She also founded and led The Teacher Salary Project, working to improve conditions for teachers, and is currently the CEO of Enterprise for Youth.
Dave Eggers
Dave Eggers is the author of many books, including The Circle, The Monk of Mokha, What is the What, A Hologram for the King, and The Lifters. His awards include the Muhammad Ali Humanitarian Award for Education, the Dayton Literary Peace Prize, and the TED Prize, and he has been a finalist for the National Book Award, the Pulitzer Prize, and the National Book Critics Circle Award. In addition to co-founding 826 Valencia and 826 National, he is the founder of McSweeney's, an independent publishing company, ScholarMatch, a nonprofit dedicated to college access, and The International Congress of Youth Voices, an annual gathering of 100 extraordinary young writers and activists.