SFUSD and 826 Valencia Closures

Dear 826 Valencia community,

The San Francisco Unified School District made the decision yesterday to close all schools for three weeks beginning Monday, March 16, with plans to re-open on April 6. You can read the full announcement here. Accordingly, all 826 Valencia programs will also be closed for the three-week duration.

Please stay tuned to our website, volunteer calendar, Facebook page, and newsletters for updates. And please do sign up for volunteer shifts after April 6! Our students will really need your support, and will surely be thrilled to see you. We will update you ASAP if plans change. 

SFUSD and 826 Valencia ClosuresIn this challenging time of uncertainty and caution, we are drawing strength from the incredible 826 Valencia community. This week we have witnessed the resilience, generosity, kindness, and commitment demonstrated by our volunteers, teachers, students, and families. We are truly all in this together, even when we need to stay physically distant in order to keep each other safe.

To buoy you through this choppy time, consider whipping up the below Recipe for Happiness written by Tenderloin student Angela E., age 13. Take care, and we can’t wait to see you again soon! 


With gratitude and social distance because we care about you, 

All of us at 826 Valencia 



Recipe for Happiness 

By Angela E., Age 13 


3 cups of best friends
2 tablespoons of love and laughter
1 gallon of strong friendship
½ cup of chocolates
2 gallons of bonding
1 tablespoon of jokes
1 cup of understanding
1 cup of coming for each other 



To find your true happiness, you need the above ingredients and to do the following steps:

First, layer 2 tablespoons of love and laughter in order to find your true happiness. In this way, your cake is ready to be cooked with a layer of 1 gallon of strong friendship. Next, whisk 1 gallon of friendship, 1 cup of understanding, and 1 cup of caring for each other together, so you can make it your first layer of coating for your cake to hold together. After you coat it with a thin layer of friendship, you pour your finishing coat, which is the 3 cups of best friends. That has 2 gallons of bonding, ½ cup of chocolates, and 1 tablespoon of jokes, because this is what makes the cake taste delicious.