Our team just grew (by a lot!)

As we continue to increase the number of students we serve and places we serve them, we’ve also grown the size of our team! Over the past few months, we’ve added some fun, talented, and super interesting people to our staff, including our largest-ever cohort of AmeriCorps members. While we know that our people all share a passion for serving our students, we decided to catalogue all the other little things this group has in common. Ready to get to know the new crew by following along on a journey of overlapping interests? Here we go!

Our team just grew (by a lot!)


AmeriCorps Programs Associate Diego is a fan of anime and manga, but when he isn’t in the worlds of fantasy and fiction, he dedicates himself to the art of teaching.


Our team just grew (by a lot!)



Who else is on their way to becoming a seasoned teacher? AmeriCorps Programs Associate Fiona! She just earned her Masters in Teaching and loves to bake in her free time.


Our team just grew (by a lot!)



Kanya (AmeriCorps Programs Associate) can also be found in front of the oven when she’s not at 826. She began her journey with us as a pirate store staffer before getting involved in programs. She is originally from Bali, Indonesia where she was born and raised.


Our team just grew (by a lot!)


Kanya isn’t the only newbie who has lived abroad — Sydney (AmeriCorps Programs Associate) has lived in Australia, Denmark and Switzerland. Before she went globetrotting, though, Sydney formed her home base in L.A.


Our team just grew (by a lot!)



Hannah (AmeriCorpsPrograms Associate) also hails from what she calls the “warm nights and oven days of L.A.” She found herself in the Bay via UC Santa Cruz, where she studied creative writing.


Our team just grew (by a lot!)



And Hannah isn’t the only Banana Slug on the team! Yareli (Programs Coordinator) also attended UC Santa Cruz, and has a love for hiking through the redwoods.

Our team just grew (by a lot!)



Yareli may like hiking through the foliage, but her colleague Nesley (Programs Coordinator) is more of a fan of taking care of it. When Nesley isn’t nurturing her plants, she can be found running long distances.


Our team just grew (by a lot!)



Nesley isn’t the only one who likes to get her heart rate up — Ryan (AmeriCorps Programs Coordinator) opts for a more indoor type of exercise, in the form of volleyball. She found her way to 826 all the way from Portland, Oregon!


Our team just grew (by a lot!)



The Pacific Northwest is well represented in this group, as Ryan is joined by Washingtonian Martin (AmeriCorps Programs Associate). He came down to California to help explore creative expression in himself and others.


Our team just grew (by a lot!)



Creative expression is a common theme for our new staff, as Monika (AmeriCorps Programs Associate) also explores creative expression in the form of writing and photography. She’s also passionate about mental and physical health!


Our team just grew (by a lot!)



Speaking of mental and physical health, before HR Manager Benita came to 826, she worked in public health, helping to develop plans and policies to prevent violence. She grew up in the Bay Area!


Our team just grew (by a lot!)




Natalie (AmeriCorps Programs Associate) is also a Bay Area native, but ventured up to Gonzaga University (in Washington!) for college, where she studied history.


Our team just grew (by a lot!)



Who else is a history buff? AmeriCorps Volunteer Engagement Associate Daniel! Daniel studied history at Cal Poly SLO, and can often be found jettisoning around the city on his trusted bike.


Our team just grew (by a lot!)



And if you’re looking for more two-wheeling aficionados, you don’t have to search too far. Peter (AmeriCorps Programs Associate) is also an avid biker, and can be found whizzing down the San Francisco hills in his free time. If he isn’t on his bike, you can probably find him jamming with friends!


Our team just grew (by a lot!)



Peter is joined in the musical sphere by Nick (Finance Director), who has an affinity for his bass guitar. In true California fashion, if he isn’t working he’s cruising the ocean waves on his surfboard.


Our team just grew (by a lot!)



While Nick likes to go to the ocean for his exercise, Sophie (AmeriCorps Communications Associate) prefers to stay on dry land — heading to the soccer field to work up a sweat. She originates from Chicago, and is a huge sports fan, especially of the Bulls and Cubs.


Our team just grew (by a lot!)



Another avid baseball fan? Kyle (AmeriCorps Programs Associate), who likes to call himself an “amateur baseball historian.” In addition to his love for America’s past time, Kyle is also a lover of cats.


Our team just grew (by a lot!)



Feline fondness seems to be a trend amongst this group, with Ginnie (Grants and Development Coordinator) also harboring a soft spot for these furry friends. Ginnie is also a huge fan of sharing hilarious stories with friends.


Our team just grew (by a lot!)



Hilarity is Alex’s (AmeriCorps Programs Associate) specialty. He loves making himself and others laugh, and hopes to help improve both his own and others’ writing during his time at 826.



…just like Diego! Got all those connections down? If not, you can now start at the very beginning, and read this post again and again. Or you could volunteer in our programs, where you’ll get to work side-by-side with these fine folks and get to know them in person. That’s probably easier. Welcome aboard to our 2019-2020 crew!