Hour 2: Broadcaster Lou Dobbs died yesterday at the age of 78.

Hour 1: Hulk Hogan gave an inspiration speech for Trump last night.

Kid Rock and his band rocked the RNC crowd. Mark interviewed Boston Radio Host Howie Carr: Trump’s speech was very inspirational. JD Vance will hold a rally Monday at his high school in Middletown Ohio. The tech power brokers are all now with Trump.

Mark Interviews Journalist Steve Cuozzo

Mark and Steve talked about the rumor that NYC is dying. Steve told mark about two new skyscrapers being built, one over 110 stories. They also hit on Cleary's Restaurant closing after over 50 years of feeding New Yorkers

Mark Takes Your Calls

Bob in Montvalle talked with Mark about Crowd Strike and the Microsoft outages. Chris in NYC talked with Mark about donor emails he gets from Biden-Harris

Mark 's 11:00 am Monologue

Will Biden still be the candidate on Monday? Obama is really running the country. Trump'sRNC speech was very inspirational.

Mark Interviews Boston Radio Host

Mark and Howie talked about Trump’s inspirational speech. JD Vance will hold a rally Monday at his high school in Middletown Ohio. The tech power brokers are all now with Trump.

Mark Takes Your Calls

Mark talked with Lisa in Florida about the death of Lou Dobbs. Kathy in NC talked with Mark about Scott Shannon.

Mark 's 10:00 am Monologue

MSNBC has been using a green screen to project the convention. Kid Rock played at the RNC convention. Hulk Hogan gave an RNC speech to pump up the crowd.

Hour 2: JD Vance is a self-made man. Not a White Nationalist.

If Biden has COVID-19, why wasn’t he wearing a mask while traveling to Delaware? Mark Interviews Pollster John McLaughlin: Mark and John talked about the feeling at the RNC being one of Unity. John’s been to several Republican conventions and he said it’s no longer the party of the elites, Trump has turned the Republican Party blue-collar.

Hour 1: Donald Trump will accept the Republican nomination tonight at the RNC.

Biden tested positive for COVID and will rest in his Delaware home. Mark interviewed Economist Steve Moore: Mark and Steve talked about the Republican National Convention having the feeling of Unity. Trump seems to be a different guy since he was shot. His attitude seems to have softened. Trump’s granddaughter talked about her grandpa's softer side.