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3D Printing Is Key to the New Energy Space

While it’s difficult to observe from the standpoint of a subjective individual, human society is currently undergoing a fundamental transformation. Driven primarily by resource depletion and lack of deeper economic…


AM & Trade Wars: China Imposes Export Controls on Aerospace and Defense Tech

At the end of May, China’s Commerce Ministry announced that, starting on July 1, the Chinese government will tighten export controls on certain hardware and technology vital to manufacturing in…

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3D Printing, China, and the Struggle to Produce Exactly Enough

Global supply chains have demonstrated an almost eerie resilience in the face of one ongoing crisis after another in the last half a decade. Still, one often gets the feeling…


Can Higher Power Density Engines Lead to Broader 3D Printing Use?

Traditionally, when it comes to sports cars, interest has centered around metrics such as horsepower per cubic inch and power-to-weight ratios. These metrics are calculated and interpreted differently by various…


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